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13 Amazing Litchi Benefits That Will Leave You Wanting More!

5 min read
13 Amazing Litchi Benefits That Will Leave You Wanting More!

Litchis are tropical fruits that may have health benefits. This fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Additionally, it may have anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective properties.

Learn about the health benefits of litchi fruit, including its nutritional profile, in the following sections.

What Is Litchi

Lychees, also known as 'Litchi' or 'Lichi', are members of the soapberry family and can be found growing wild throughout Southeast Asia. Their ripe and edible fruits have been a favourite of the Cantonese people since ancient times. Freshly harvested Litchi's pulp is aromatic and musky. Dried Litchi's pulp is acidic and very sweet. The fruits are oval to round, of strawberry red colour, and 25 mm (1 inch) in diameter. The outer covering is brittle and contains a translucent white fleshy aril and a single large seed.

Litchi calories

Litchi fruit benefits are many since it is normally a very low-calorie fruit. One fruit contains only 66 calories, and one can consume it without any worries regarding weight gain.

Litchi Benefits:

1) Litchi benefits for skin

Litchis reduce the production of excessive skin oil (sebum), which gives rise to acne. Litchi is one of the biggest sources of Vitamin C known to reduce hyperpigmentation and various other skin nutrients.

2) Litchi fruit benefits for diabetes

Litchi mainly contains the natural sugar fructose, which does not require any insulin to aid its metabolism. People with diabetes can have it but in moderation. One should consult their doctor in case of queries.

3) Litchi fruit benefits in pregnancy

Litchi is great for pregnant women since it is high in polyphenols and powerful antioxidants that boost the body’s immune function and promote healthy cells. It helps to strengthen the immunity of the baby. However, one should consume it only in moderation.

4) Litchi for weight loss

Litchi is not a calorie-heavy food. It contains no cholesterol or saturated fats, which is good for people seeking to lose weight.

5) Litchi fruit benefits for the heart

The juice and pulp of litchis bring down high blood pressure and heart rate to normal levels, thereby, protecting against coronary heart diseases. Drinking one glass of litchi juice on a daily basis regulates one’s heart health. Litchi contains the second highest degree of polyphenols and many antioxidants, which improve immunity and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

6) Litchi benefits for cancer

Litchi has anti-carcinogenic properties. This pulp of the fruit contains flavonoids which help to fight fatal diseases like cancer. It also has quercetin and kaempferol, which are powerful compounds that put a lid on the proliferation of cancer cells. Litchi also has anti breast cancer properties.

7) Litchi benefits for healthy bones

Litchi is a great source of magnesium and phosphorus, which is important for building strong bones. It has minerals such as copper and manganese that strengthen brittle bones. It also boosts the effectiveness of Vitamin D.

8) Natural source of Vitamin C

Litchi has a high quantity of Vitamin C, which the body does not produce naturally. Consumption of foods rich in Vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against harmful pro-inflammatory free radicals. It benefits those suffering from fever, colds and sore throats.

9) Litchi benefits for digestion

Litchi helps with digestion, improves appetite and manages heartburn. It also helps to increase the energy levels in the body. The seed of litchi contains elements that assist in intestinal tract problems and remove worms from the intestine. Litchis contain soluble fibre that helps to control bowel problems.

10) Metabolisation of nutrients

Litchi is a great source of B complex vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamine, folates and niacin. These Vitamins help the body metabolise protein, carbohydrates, and fats. A high level of Beta carotene is found in it, which improves the function of the liver and other organs.

11) Oligonol in Litchi benefits

Oligonol is a low molecular weight polyphenol that is found abundantly in Litchi. Oligonol has several anti-influenza and antioxidant properties. Oligonol decreases deep fat, sublimates post-exercise exhaustion, raises stamina and reduces brown spots and facial lines. It also helps to improve blood circulation and protects the skin from harmful UV rays.

12) Protects from free radicals

Litchi has a very high content of phytonutrients flavonoid, antioxidant Vitamin C, and Vitamin B-complex. Antioxidants serve to protect the body from oxidative stress caused by UV radiation. Free radicals can corrupt our cells and turn them carcinogenic. Antioxidants neutralise these free radicals, thereby protecting you against cancer and inflammation.    

13) Litchi benefits for hair

A balanced diet is vital for long and lustrous locks as it provides oxygen and nutrients that nourish your hair’s follicles.  Since litchi is a great source of thiamin (or Vitamin B1), it is beneficial for your scalp and hair. It stimulates hair growth and prevents inflammation.

How to Eat Litchi

Litchi needs to be peeled and the husk and stone discarded. The seed is slightly poisonous, and only the white flesh is edible. Be gentle because it is a delicate fruit, and work over a bowl to capture any juice.

There's no need to wash litchi before or after peeling. The husk protects the part that's eaten, and it's easier to peel off when dry.

Method -

  • Pierce the outer skin of one fruit with your thumbnail while holding it in your fingers.
  • Peel the skin back like an orange. If the fruit is ripe, it will quickly come off in a few pieces.
  • The exposed white flesh of the fruit is edible. You should not eat the lychee if it is transparent, has spots or is yellow-brown in colour. Carefully score the flesh parallel to the stone to reveal it.
  • Open the halves of the stone-it will stick to one side, much like an avocado.
  • You can remove the stone by pinching and digging with your fingers and thumbs. It should easily slide out, but it is okay if the fruit tears slightly as it is removed.
  • In the white flesh, you'll find a soft, light brown membrane that was part of the pit. As this part is edible, removing it is nearly impossible; you'll lose juice and tear too much flesh, so you should leave it intact.
  • Place pitted litchi in a bowl to eat or use in a recipe.

Difference between litchi and strawberry

Litchi resembles strawberries, and both look similar, especially in color and shape. However, litchis have a rough skin with fleshy pulp inside, while strawberry has a very thin edible skin which is almost indistinguishable from the lightly colored flesh inside.

Litchi side effects

Although the benefits of litchi are many, over-consumption of the fruit can result in many side effects.

Hypoglycin A, an amino acid found in unripened litchis, can be dangerous and cause vomiting. Also, the MCPG (methylene-cyclo-propyl-glycine) found in litchis can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar, resulting in unconsciousness and a lethargic state. People with diabetes should consult their doctor on the amount of Litchis they can have in one go.

Summing Up on Litchi Benefits

Fresh litchi counts towards the two cups per day of fruit experts recommend. The fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C and other nutrients and vitamins.

Litchi's antioxidant properties make it beneficial for health.

As litchi foods contain added sugars, people should avoid eating too many processed litchi foods.  It is also essential for people taking medications to consult their doctors before consuming moderate or large amounts of Litchi.


1) How Many Lychees Should I Eat a Day?

Moderation is the key. If you exercise and eat well, 10-12 litchis every day shouldn't harm your body.

2) Does Litchi Increase Weight?

No, on the contrary, litchi contains dietary fibre and is excellent for losing weight. It is an ideal fruit for weight loss with a high water content and low-calorie count.

3) Can We Have Litchi With Milk?

Yes, litchi goes well with milk. All you need is some litchis, milk, sugar, vanilla ice cream and ice cubes, and you are good to go. Alternatively, you may use honey instead of sugar. Vanilla ice cream is completely optional, but if you top your shake with it, it will look more appealing and taste much better.

4) Is Litchi Good for the Liver?

Litchi is rich in polyphenols, antioxidants used in traditional medicine to protect and strengthen the liver and pancreas.


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