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Hard Water Softening Solution for Healthier Hair

Chelate Water Softener

₹349₹44922% off
MRP Inclusive of all Taxes
22K Units sold
68 Reviewed

Why is hard water bad for hair?
▶ Causes scalp buildup making it difficult for hair products to be completely efficient
▶ Makes hair dry, dull and more prone to hairfall

How Does the Chelate Water Softener Help?
▶ Turns hard water into soft water
▶Prevents scalp buildup
▶Reduces hairfall caused by hard water
▶Improves efficiency and absorption of hair products
▶Improves hair texture

You should start noticing changes in your hair health in 2 months.

500 ml | Lasts little less than a month

Add 25 ml of softener to one bucket (15-20 litre) of water.
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