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Is It Healthy to Eat Sperm? Read the FAQs to Know More

Semen is released when males ejaculate but is that all there is to it? Numerous sexual encounters may cause women to ingest sperm at some point. Is it healthy to eat sperm?

Semen is a viscous and creamy fluid containing spermatozoa, fructose, and some enzymes that preserve sperm, facilitating fertilization. There are two constituents to semen: the first being the fluid, also called seminal plasma, and the second being sperm.

You may not believe it, but swallowing semen is a common practice. A randomized 740 person ejaculation experiment revealed that women are most likely to give and receive climax. One found that men preferred climaxing on their partner's face 3.3 times more than women enjoyed receiving it. 4 in 10 women in the sample had never given or received a facial climax, while 1 in 4 indulged 'sometimes or often.'

Read on for frequently asked questions by women on whether it is healthy to eat sperm. Remember, this space is safe and unbiased, and all questions are welcome.

Is It Healthy To Eat Sperm?

Yes, eating sperm is perfectly healthy as it is a bodily fluid. As semen is part of the body, it develops in the male reproductive system. Just like regular food, the constituents of sperm make it safe to ingest and digest. When women eat sperm, it is absorbed by your body and further broken down.

But why is eating sperm considered healthy?

  • Semen is considered an antidepressant derived from nature.
  • It enhances both energy and memory.
  • The nutrients in sperm make it healthy to ingest. What are these? Protein, calcium, lactic acid, potassium, and magnesium. These also ensure glowing skin. Another way to ensure healthy skin is to follow a hydration guide.
  • Eating sperm can provide a comfort level and intimacy to your relationship. In the end, however, it is the personal choice of women.

Also read: How to confirm whether sperm went inside?

What is a Sperm Count?

Sperm is a reproductive cell produced by the male reproductive system. It is responsible for fertilizing the female reproductive egg. The sperm count of a man generally links to his fertility levels. How can you find out if your man is fertile? You can use a fundamental analysis called the seminogram, which evaluates sperm count and its characteristics.

But what sperm count is normal? The normal sperm count fluctuates between 15 million to 200 million per millilitre of semen. Your partner may have a lower sperm count than the average. This condition is called Oligospermia and may cause problems in your conceiving.

What is Eating Sperm?

You may eat sperm if your partner ejaculates in your mouth. This symbolizes a gesture of acceptance and warmth towards their partner for numerous women. Eating sperm is not the same as swallowing. Some women tend to swallow it, while others keep it in their mouth to spit it out afterwards.

Should any precautions be taken before eating sperm?

Yes, ensuring you don't contract an STI or sexually transmitted infection by ingesting sperm is paramount. A simple STI and STD test for you and your partner before deciding to consume sperm is the wise thing to do.

Some women may also be allergic to semen. A rare condition that research recognizes as Seminal Plasma Hypersensitivity or HSP.

Is eating sperm good for health or not?

Eating sperm is not bad for health. However, women with HSP will encounter health issues like redness, burning sensations, swellings, and pain.

Can eating sperm cause pregnancy?

No, eating sperm does not cause pregnancy. One cannot get pregnant through oral sex- whether you are giving or receiving the same. If you swallow semen, it only lives in the reproductive tract for about 3-5 days, which cannot make you pregnant.

Does Semen Have Nutrition? Or is It Protein-rich?

Semen has protein. That doesn't mean it is a protein-rich fluid and can be replaced with other energy drinks, either.

A study on sperm nutrition found that 100 ml of semen contains 5040 mg of protein.

What Are The Constituents Of Semen?

Besides protein, semen contains magnesium, potassium, lactic acid, sodium, zinc, fractional amounts of sugar, nitrate, chloride, calcium, and urea.

What Does Sperm Or Semen Taste Like?

The taste of semen varies from woman to woman. What a male eats impacts directly how their semen tastes. When one asked women what sperm tastes like for them, there were varied responses. Some responses were salty, sweet, bitter, sharp, sour, and even metallic. Strange, but true!

Are There Any Disadvantages of Swallowing Human Sperm?

Yes, the side effects of ingesting sperm can be an allergic reaction. For some women, the disadvantage of swallowing sperm is its taste itself. Not all women are fond of it.

In some cases, swallowing sperm can be more of a disadvantage than advantage if the man has an STI. STIs and STDs can be transmitted in this manner.

Engaging in oral sex and swallowing the sperm of men with Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes, HIV, and Trichomoniasis can transfer their disease to you.

What are the Benefits of Drinking Sperm?

Contrary to popular belief, the quantity of ingredients available in semen is too low to show health benefits. A study conducted in 2002 states the beneficial antidepressant properties reflected in semen. How is this possible? Due to the natural antidepressants like endorphins, estrone, and oxytocin present in semen.

Is It Healthy to Eat Female Sperm?

Yes, it is healthy to eat female sperm. A female produces sperm when there is female orgasm. As it is a fluid made inside a woman's body, it is safe to consume.

Research suggests that female sperm or vaginal secretions are a rich form of probiotics and contain water, electrolytes, and proteins. Moreover, it contains lactobacillus bacteria that has proven beneficial for gut health.

Read on for a few tips before you eat female sperm:

  • Make sure it is not thick and white. This is reflective of a yeast infection which may also cause itching in the vagina.
  • Female sperm is acidic. Hence, overeating female sperm can lead to an upset stomach.
  • Both your partner and you - get tested for STIs and STDs before eating female sperm. Oral sex without a dental dam or a female condom can cause gonorrhoea or the HPV virus.

Also Read: How to Remove Vaginal Odour

Can Sperm Cause Throat Cancer?

Yes, sperm can cause throat cancer, but its incidence is linked to human papillomavirus (HPV) is present in semen.


As long as your partner does not have an STI or STD and you don't suffer from seminal plasma hypersensitivity, eating semen is safe. Having oral sex can be rewarding and a great mood booster. However, ensure that you and your partner are comfortable about everything you both want to try.


Jonathan A Bernstein, January 2011; Human seminal plasma hypersensitivity: an under-recognized women's health issue - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21293092/

Advances in the Study of Behavior; Vaginal Secretion - https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/vaginal-secretion#:~:text=Vaginal secretions are continuously released,%2C sugars%2C and refined foods.

Rebecca L. Burch, Gordon G. Jr. Gallup, Steven M Platek; Does Semen Have Antidepressant Properties? - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11324581_Does_Semen_Have_Antidepressant_Properties

Derek H. Owen, David F. Katz, January 2013; A Review of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Human Semen and the Formulation of a Semen Simulant - https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.2164/jandrol.04104

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