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10 Best Homeopathic Medicine for PCOS - Be Bodywise

Did you know? That is PCOS is left untreated and ignored for a long amount of time that it can lead to female infertility? The point is not to be intimidated by PCOS. The point is early detection and timely treatment. This treatment may not involve expensive allopathic medicine. Homeopathy is also efficient in treating PCOS. Read on to discover homeopathic treatments for PCOS that actually work.

PCOS Causes

There are numerous factors that can give rise to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and disrupt your life. Although there are various treatments for the condition (including homoeopathic medicines for PCOS), it is very challenging to live with it.

Some of the most common causes are listed below:

1. Increased Insulin Levels

One of the biggest reasons for PCOS is an increased level of insulin. The pancreas produces insulin, which is a hormone that allows the cellular units of the body to utilize sugar as the primary energy source of the human body. However, if the cells become resistant to any actions performed by insulin, it causes the body to produce an increased volume of insulin, which automatically results in higher blood sugar levels, giving rise to a hormonal imbalance. It also has the probability of increasing the production of androgen, which might mess up the usual ovulation cycle, causing PCOS.

2. Hereditary and Genetic Reasons

PCOS can also be genetic. If you have family members with PCOS, you are also at high risk of having it since heredity and genetics have a huge role to play here. You should seek immediate treatment if this is the case, including PCOS homeopathy treatment.

3. Low-grade Inflammation

According to research, women with PCOS have a low-grade inflammation (less production of an infection-fighting substance by white blood corpuscles), which helps stimulate the polycystic ovaries and, therefore, the creation of androgens. This can also lead to heart and blood vessel-related issues.

4. Excess Androgen

If the ovaries tend to produce excess androgen, the chances of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome are increased, causing acne and hirsutism.

PCOS Symptoms

The symptoms of PCOS might vary a lot from person to person, and two women with PCOS may have different symptoms. You can be diagnosed with PCOS if you have at least two of the following symptoms:

1. When You Experience Irregular Periods

If your menstrual periods are few and far between, or if they’re hugely irregular, you might have PCOS. This is also equally true if you have a period that lasts for a longer time than a period is supposed to last. If you have less than nine periods a year, you need to take that as a big red flag and a warning. Even when you’re getting periods, you may want to book a session with your OB/GYN when your periods are 35 days apart. You may also face difficulties conceiving if you are afflicted with this condition.

2. Increase in Facial Hair and Other Body Hair

You can experience hirsutism, which is an increase in the levels of body hair and especially facial hair. This is because of the hormonal imbalances caused by PCOS, especially an increase in testosterone and androgen.

3. Polycystic Ovaries

In this condition, your ovaries will get bigger than their usual size and numerous follicles containing immature eggs will develop around the edge of the ovary. As a result, the ovaries will not function as they should.

How do I know I have PCOS?

If you find that you’re experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, it’s time to consult a doctor. Hormonal changes that occur during PCOS can also cause you to have a spurt in the growth of facial hair, so that should be another primary symptom of the condition.

Particularly if you find that your periods are becoming more and more irregular and fewer, it’s unwise to delay getting a check-up.

Can Homeopathy Cure PCOS Permanently?

Allopathic medications are focused on managing the symptoms of PCOS and not treating the condition itself. However, homeopathy for PCOS works on managing the overall health of a woman. It helps women in managing the health of their uterus and regularises their ovulation cycle.

According to research, Homeopathic medicines restore hormonal imbalance without tipping the scales too much. The ultimate goal of homeopathy is to treat the root cause of the condition itself and not just suppress the symptoms. That is why homeopathic remedies for PCOD can work great as an adjunct to traditional medications. They ensure a safe and healthy treatment option that does not drastically change your body.

Also read: How to get periods immediately in PCOS?

Homeopathy for PCOS: PCOS Treatment in Homeopathy

We have listed a few effective homeopathic medications below that can help you manage PCOS in the long term.

1. Sepia

According to research, one of the most popular and effective homeopathic remedies for PCOS is Sepia. This medication is effective in managing periods that are scanty and or late in nature. Most commonly, women also experience bearing-down pains along with this. Sepia efficiently regulates the menstrual cycle and can also help in treating infertility.

2. Pulsatilla

It is a natural medication that helps manage periods that are extremely irregular and sparse. Women with suppressed periods often suffer painful ones. Pulsatilla can help with a regular flow of periods and reestablishing a menstrual cycle.

3. Calcarea Carb

This homeopathic treatment for PCOS helps women who suffer profuse bleeding during their periods. Calcarea Carb is suitable for women who have longer periods than usual. It can also help women in tackling excessive weight gain.

4. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is a PCOS treatment in homeopathy that is extremely effective in helping women with PCOS who have irregular menstrual cycles, according to studies. It helps by regularising periods and can also help women who have difficulty in conception due to PCOS.

5. Thuja

This medication is beneficial for women who have a delayed menstrual flow due to PCOS. It is also effective for women with multiple cysts on their ovaries. Thuja works by dissolving abnormal tissue growth and treating excessive body hair due to hormonal imbalance.

6. Kali Carb

Kali Carb is another polycystic ovary homeopathic treatment for women who do not get their periods for several months due to PCOS. It helps with a regular menstrual flow.

7. Senecio

Senecio can help women who experience the symptoms of periods even when their menstrual cycle is suppressed. It is beneficial for women with PCOS who experience heaviness or pain in their pelvic region even during the absence of periods.

8. Euphrasia

This medication can help women who suffer from a shorter menstrual cycle than usual due to PCOS. Euphrasia can manage periods that only last for one or two days.

9. Oleum Jecoris Aselli

Women who experience abnormal body hair in unusual places are advised to take this natural medication. It especially targets abnormal hair growth on the chin. This medication can be taken along with Sepia and Thuja, which also treat hirsutism.

10. Silicea

Women with PCOS often experience painful acne related to the disease. Silicea and sulphur are effective homeopathic treatments, according to research that can clear out painful and pus-filled acne.

Homeopathic Medicine for PCOS

1. Apis mellifica

It’s a great homeopathic medicine for periods pain in women who deal with:

  • Pain in ovaries
  • Tender uterine and abdomen area
  • Swelling

2. Lachesis

It is recommended for women who:

  • Have short periods
  • Have abdominal pain that lasts till they get their periods
  • Have shorter attention spans during conversations

3. Sepia officinalis

It is recommended for women:

  • With facial hair
  • Irregular or scanty periods
  • With inflamed ovaries that have fluid-filled cysts
  • Irritability and indifference

Other medicines for PCOS homeopathy treatment include:

Natrium muriaticum, Calcarea carbonica, Lycopodium clavatum, etc.

Homeopathic Medicine for PCOD

1. Pulsatilla

You should take Pulsatilla if you have the following symptoms:

  • Menses are suppressed, scanty, short, or arrive late
  • Dark, black, pale, clotted menstrual blood
  • A tendency to have crying spells and timidity
  • Not feeling thirsty and lacking the need for open air

2. Sepia

You should take Sepia if you have the following symptoms:

  • Presence of facial hair, especially on the upper lip and chin area
  • Irregular, scanty periods or suppressed menses
  • Irregularity in periods comes with intense cramps in the pelvic region
  • Indifference to social connections and those around
  • Getting irritated, demotivated, or tendency to weep

3. Thuja

You should take Thuja if you:

  • Have hair growth on your face and body
  • Have periods are scanty in nature
  • Have cysts in the ovary that begin to hurt during periods

Other homeopathic medicines for PCOD include:

Lachesis, Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Medorrhinum, Apis, Phosphorus, Calcarea Phos, and Kali Carbonicum.

Homeopathic Medicine for Periods Pain

Homeopathic medicine for irregular periods can be really helpful for period pain as well. Some of them are:

  • Belladonna
  • Chamomilla
  • Cimicifuga

How Effective Are Homeopathic Medicines and Treatments for Polycystic Ovary

Homeopathy addresses the root cause of the issue by correcting any hormonal fluctuations and making ovulation and periods regular. Homeopathic treatment is known to be very effective as it is known to alleviate the signs and symptoms of PCOS and PCOD and is also free of any side effects that are usually associated with allopathy and other treatment methods.

How Long Does Homeopathy Take to Cure PCOS?

Homeopathic medicine works by treating your body as a whole and requires patience. With the regular usage of medication as directed by your health specialist, the normal PCOS treatment duration in homeopathy lasts around three to six months. This may vary according to a woman’s individual symptoms and the severity of the condition.

Also Read: 20 Easy PCOS Yoga Poses, Benefits With Tips on PCOS Pregnancy

Side Effects and Risks of Homeopathic Treatment and Remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

There have been no recorded side effects of homeopathic treatment to date. It is usually known to be a safe treatment path.

Other Things you Can do to Cure PCOS

Women might often require lifestyle changes, along with homeopathy for PCOS. We have listed a few other ways by which you can manage PCOS:

Weight loss

A crucial part of controlling your PCOS symptoms is maintaining a healthy weight. Studies suggest that losing 5% of body weight can help you manage your PCOS-related symptoms.

Diet Modifications

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is a vital part of controlling PCOS. Women with PCOS can have higher levels of insulin, which puts them at risk of developing diabetes. You can focus on minimising intake of food with carbohydrates and sugar, which will help you maintain a healthy blood sugar level.


Regular exercise will help you prevent the adverse effects of PCOS on your heart and blood sugar levels. It also helps in improving mood and regulating sleep cycles.


Omega-3 fish oil, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B complex are some nutritional supplements that can effectively manage PCOS according to research.

In a Nutshell... Can Homeopathy Cure PCOS Permanently?

The homeopathic discipline focuses on managing the symptoms of PCOS rather than treating the condition itself, managing the root cause of this condition. This is precisely why they require patience. Homeopathic PCOS treatment usually last about 3-6 months depending upon the severity of your condition. If you follow the advice of your homeopathy specialist and practice consistency in your treatment, your PCOS can definitely be managed.

Also read: PCOS tablets, pills and medications that actually work


Is Thuja Good for PCOS?

Yes, it is considered to be great homeopathic medicine for PCOS and helps in treating retarted periods in women due to ovarian cysts.

Which Exercise Is Best for PCOD?

Many workouts are best for PCOD, like Cardio, Strength training, Core strength, High-Intensity Interval Training, amongst many more.

Is Pregnancy Possible in PCOD?

Yes, pregnancy is possible even if you have PCOD. You may struggle a little and may have to invest some time in self-care, workouts, PCOD treatment, and weight management.

Can Homeopathy Cure PCOS Permanently?

Homeopathy has shown to be extremely successful in many women. Permanent cures may vary from woman to woman.

How Long Does Homeopathy Take to Cure PCOS?

It usually takes 4-12 months but can vary depending on the individual body and case.


Susan Arentz, Caroline A. Smith (2017) Nutritional supplements and herbal medicines for women with polycystic ovary syndrome; a systematic review and meta-analysis (BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5702141/

Priti Ashok.Malvekar, Sameer S.Nadgauda (2020) A Clinical Study to See the Effect of Homoeopathic Medicines in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome of Reproductive Age Group between 12-45 Years (International Journal of Health Sciences and Research) https://www.ijhsr.org/IJHSR_Vol.10_Issue.3_March2020/7.pdf

Suraia Parveen, Subhrasankha Das (2021) Homeopathic Treatment in Patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Case Series (National Library of Medicine) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33979843/

Chetna Deep Lamba, Praveen Oberai (2018) Evaluation of homoeopathic treatment in polycystic ovary syndrome: A single-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled pilot study (Indian Journal of Research In Homeopathy) https://www.ijrh.org/article.asp?issn=0974-7168;year=2018;volume=12;issue=1;spage=35;epage=45;aulast=Lamba

Padmalaya Rath (2020) A case of infertility with to PCOS treated successfully with homoeopathy (Homeopathy In Infertility Due To PCOS) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342452061_A_case_of_infertility_with_to_PCOS_treated_successfully_with_homoeopathy