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Shikakai Soap Benefits For Women

What Is Shikakai Soap?

Shikakai is an ancient Ayurvedic herb with a history of utilization for centuries. That's all alright- but why must women opt for a soap made of it? Firstly, it is natural and hence, free from all chemicals that could damage your skin.  Secondly, it includes not only Shikakai but also other beneficial ingredients like Bhringraj and Amla extracts.

Why Should Women Use Shikakai Soap?

Interesting fact. Shikakai was used for centuries as a panacea for skin and hair but has only recently entered the soap and shampoo world! Ask yourself- if it was trusted by so many since time immemorial, there must be something great about it, right? Endowed with Vitamin D and Vitamin C, Shikakai is exceedingly ideal for the skin.

Shikakai Soap Benefits

If your grandmother is around, she has probably mentioned Shikakai, and if she isn't, she has definitely used it in her lifetime! The pH levels of Shikakai are agreeable, non-irritable, and calming for your skin and hair. No wonder this ancient beauty secret has gained momentum all over again! Read on to delve deeper into Shikakai sabun benefits!

Also read: Loofahs or bath exfoliators for smooth skin

Shikakai For Skin

Shikakai's antibacterial properties help treat scabies- an unruly skin infection women may face. Moreover, this herb's anti-aging properties fight wrinkles and fine lines, giving you that youthful glow!

Shikakai Soap Benefits For Hair

Is Shikakai good for hair? Yes!

Imparts Shine and Softness to Your Hair

Shikakai's natural ingredients have the advantage of making your hair shinier and frizz-free.

Combat Dandruff

Shikakai makes sure your scalp is never dry or itchy due to its anti-fungal properties. It also helps cure dandruff that could cause hair fall among women.

Gives You Stronger, Thicker Hair

Shikakai sabun strengthens hair roots, giving health, volume and a more robust look to your hair. It also lessens hair fall considerably.

Prevents Dry Scalp

A dry, flaky scalp will be the least of your worries with Shikakai soap by your side. Acting as a natural cleanser, it wipes out all impurities and gunk from your scalp without stripping away its natural moisture and essential oils.

Slow Down the Growth of Grey Hair

Shikakai can slow down the natural process of hair greying, revitalizing your hair and making it appear young again. It's not only Shikakai- other Ayurvedic treatments to prevent white hair from spreading also exist.

Gently Detangles Your Hair

Shikakai soap is ideal for women with curly hair, too- who often face great difficulties in narrowing down a specific shampoo. Shikakai's naturally detangling properties leave them with soft, smooth curls that used to be knotty earlier and now don't break away easily.

Cures Infections

Shikakai has a soothing effect on your scalp. It's almost like being massaged with love and care. Shikakai soap minimizes the pain you feel from scalp infections and provides a cooling sensation.

How do you apply it?

Make a slight, air-roasted paste of Shikakai powder, neem leaves, and turmeric on wounds so that you can get relief from inflammation.

Also read: Charcoal soap benefits for women

Brands That Sell Shikakai Soap

Godrej Shikakai Soap

Godrej sells a Shikakai soap, which is an amalgamation of Shikakai, Amla, and Bhringraj.

Price: Rs. 120 for 75 gm containing 6 bars of soap.

Swastik Shikakai Soap

Swastik sells an original Shikakai soap with beneficial ingredients like methi and aretha. These add volume and bounce.

Price: Rs. 198 for 80 gm containing 3 bars of soap.

Disadvantages of Shikakai

Make sure you maintain a balance. The same goes for the miraculous herb Shikakai. If not used in moderation, it can have some disadvantages. Let's have a look at some of them:

  • Excessive use of Shikakai soap can cause dryness to the skin.
  • Overuse of Shikakai soap for hair wash can also cause an oily scalp.

Overconsumption of Shikakai can even cause respiratory problems such as asthma.
