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How to Use Prega News Home Pregnancy Test? - Bodywise

The Prega News Home Pregnancy test is one of the widely used, quick, and easy methods to find out if you are pregnant or not. This test is perfect for women who are trying to conceive and are looking to confirm their pregnancy status from the comfort of their homes.

What Is a Home Pregnancy Test?

Home pregnancy tests are used to determine whether a woman is pregnant or not if a period is missed by checking the amount of hCG. Home pregnancy tests are generally relatively simple to use and can be somewhat accurate if used correctly.

The most common methods are urinating on a stick or into a cup and pouring a few drops of urine in the proper slot. After a few minutes, one can check the result flashing or the number of lines showing on the display area to see the result.

How Do Home Pregnancy Tests Work?

The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone identified in the urine by these tests. Your body only produces this hormone when you are pregnant. When the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, hCG is released.

After missing a period, most women are encouraged to take a pregnancy test. For accurate results, the test must also be performed using the first urine of the day, i.e., shortly after you wake up. Any tests performed after this point may result in a false-positive or false-negative effect.

The test's accuracy is also influenced by the strip's quality and expiration date. Therefore, always double-check the pack's expiration date before purchasing or using it.

Types of Homemade Pregnancy Tests

Many people recommend using homemade pregnancy tests in addition to the over-the-counter testing available at any pharmacy. These could include a wide range of items such as sugar, bleach, baking soda, vinegar, etc.

One way to tell if you're pregnant is to add salt or sugar to your pee. It's thought that while you're pregnant, the reaction with the urine causes the chemicals in salt and sugar to clump together rather than dissolve. Mixing urine with baking soda should also yield the same outcome.

These are, however, unofficial tests that have not been recommended or approved by any authority. Therefore, it's always safer to use a medically authorized pregnancy test kit at home that's readily available and simple to use for the best results.

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How to Use Prega News?

When it comes to detecting pregnancy, the Prega News test strip is simple to use. A testing strip, silica granules, and a dropper to insert urine on the strip are included in the Prega News packaging.

With the help of Prega news, you can perform a pregnancy test in a few simple steps:

  1. Open the packet and set the test strip in a dry, secure location near where you wish to conduct the test.
  2. To begin, collect the urine in a dry and clean container first thing in the morning.
  3. Then, using the provided dropper, place three droplets of collected pee on the test strip's designated area.
  4. Make sure there isn't any spillage. If there is any spillage, wipe it up with silica granules.
  5. Then you wait 3-5 minutes for the Prega News pregnancy test results to appear.
  6. It is positive (Pregnant) if you see two pink lines on the strip; it is negative (Not Pregnant) if you see one pink line on the strip; and if you see nothing on the strip, it is an invalid test, and you should repeat it. However, Prega News is generally accurate.

Benefits of Using Prega News

1. Accuracy

One of the main reasons the Prega News Home Pregnancy Test Kit is so popular and widely known is because it has an accuracy rate of 99%, which means the test is correct except in rare cases. Most of the 1% cases when the test can go wrong is during the early months of pregnancy when HCG levels are so low that we can’t determine if one is pregnant.

2. Time

The Prega News Home Pregnancy Test Kit can tell you if you are pregnant or not in literally less than 5 minutes. Hence, this is the fastest way that yields an accurate result for you.

3. Requirements

To confirm if you are pregnant or not using a Prega news home pregnancy test, all you need is the simple Prega news home pregnancy kit available in the market and 3-5 drops of your urine.

4. Easy to Perform

Taking a pregnancy test using Prega news is really convenient. Here's a quick tutorial on how to use the Prega news kit and how to check pregnancy with Prega news:

  • Collect the first urine in the morning in a clean container.
  • Use a dropper to add about 3-5 drops of urine into the sample well given in the test kit.
  • Wait for about 5 mins to view the test results.
  • If the results show one pink line, it confirms that the woman is not pregnant.
  • If the results show two pink lines, this confirms Prega news positive results are confirmed.
  • If the results show one dark and one pink line, it confirms that there are not enough HCG levels in the body to detect if you are pregnant or not. Hence, take the test after a few days.

Is Prega News Accurate?

Prega News Home Pregnancy Test Kit is rarely wrong, and it has an accuracy of 99%. Hence, if the test comes positive, you are pregnant; otherwise, you are not.

However, if the test is done very early in your pregnancy, you can get a negative result even though you are pregnant. This can happen because of the insufficient amount of HCG present in the urine as the pregnancy is very early. In this case, once your test result is negative, but you strongly feel that you conceived, take the test after a few days, and you will get a prega news positive result if your feeling proves right.

When Is the Right Time to Take a Pregnancy Test?

  • A pregnancy test must be taken at least a week after you missed your period to get the most accurate result.
  • If you do not wish to wait that long, you can take the test at least one or two weeks after sex, as it takes time for a body to produce detectable levels of HCG.

Some of the signs that make it the right time to take a pregnancy test are:

1. Missed Period

This is one of the most reliable signs when you suspect that you are pregnant. Women generally have a 28-day menstrual cycle and if you didn't get your period in more than a month, consider taking the test. However, periods can sometimes delay because for various reasons.

2. Cramps

The implantation of an egg can produce cramps similar to menstrual cramps. You may feel this discomfort and think that this is because of your periods. But, if you don't get your periods, consider taking a pregnancy test.

3. Sore Breasts

During pregnancy, breasts appear to be bigger and more tender because of the increased blood flow in that area. Your nipples might hurt, which can also be a sign of periods. So, if you don't get periods even days after your due date, take the pregnancy test.

4. Physical Discomfort

Along with discomfort in the breasts and cramps, many other symptoms indicate that you may be pregnant. The physical discomfort signs of early pregnancy can be:

  • Nausea
  • Food aversions
  • Exhaustion
  • Frequent urination

Prega News Price

The price of one Prega news home test kit starts at 55 INR.

Summing Up on How to Use Prega News

The Prega news home pregnancy kit is the best way to determine your pregnancy. This can be because of several points we discussed, be it the easy procedure, a wide range of availability, accuracy, affordability, fast results, and fewer requirements. All of these add weight to the fact that you can choose Prega news to determine your results without second thoughts.


When Should I Take Prega News, in the Morning or Anytime?

You can take the Prega news test in the morning or anytime. However, the results are more accurate in the morning when compared to the night. This is because, after a long night of not drinking water or peeing, your HCG levels can be concentrated, yielding more accurate results after the first urine in the morning.

What Are the Maximum Days to Confirm Pregnancy?

Your pregnancy can be confirmed at least seven days after you missed your period. A pregnancy test can also be confirmed at least seven to twelve days after sex.

Can You Tell if You're Pregnant After 4 Days?

4 DPO or 4 days past ovulation is the time period when an egg is released. If the egg released around this period is fertilised during ovulation, then a woman can get pregnant. Some women see pregnancy symptoms around this time, but it is too early to tell if you are actually pregnant.