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Vagina Whitening - What is it & How to Remove Blackness of Private Parts?

Vagina Whitening - What is it & How to Remove Blackness of Private Parts?

Society has always had unrealistic beauty standards for women like fairer skin and slim body. Now it has extended to the vaginas. Having a fair vagina is emerging as a new trend these days. Numerous women wonder- why is my private area dark? These standards can have a frightening effect on women's self-esteem and perception of their own body. It may also affect their relationships, confidence, physical and emotional health. Several brands feed on women's insecurities by selling them vagina whitening creams.

Why do women feel their vaginas need to look cute or nice?

Some of the reasons why women want to make their vagina more beautiful are:

  • Lack of knowledge makes many women anxious.
  • Demand or complaints from partners
  • Influencers posting content on 'how to lighten the vagina area?' or 'how to get a perfect vagina?'
  • The porn industry showcases models who only have fair pink vaginas, which creates a false illusion of how women's vulvar area is supposed to look.
  • Popular cosmetic treatments are offering "perfect vagina" with chemical/laser treatments.

Also read: How to remove vaginal odour

Vaginal Whitening Creams

All of these factors have given brands a chance to capitalise on women's vulnerabilities. Their advertisement promises to enhance the vulvar skin's (vaginal skin) colour through vaginal creams. These creams claim to give a flawless and spotless vagina by using bleaching agents.

However, gynaecologists do not recommend using these cream as they contain harmful chemicals like:

  • Hydroquinone: May cause ochronosis, a rare condition leading to dark and thick skin.
  • Steroids: Results in skin thinning which further causes a decrease in immunity.

Vaginal whitening creams can cause other harmful effects, such as:

  • Disbalance in pH levels of vaginal skin
  • Increase the probability of infections in private parts
  • Bad odour
  • Swelling
  • Loss of sensation

How to Bleach Your Private Area?

Vaginal bleaching is the process of whitening the external genitals. It can be done with the help of topical creams, laser treatments, chemical peels, ointments, and serums available in the market, especially for this purpose. Yet, there have been many speculations around their efficiency and effectiveness.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG) strictly opposes the use of any such vaginal beautifying procedures. A paper published by them on "vaginal rejuvenation and cosmetic vaginal procedures" states that these processes make the vagina prone to dyspareunia, infection, scarring, altered sensation, and adhesions.

The DON'TS: How to Remove Blackness of Private Parts?

Several blogs on the internet suggest DIY hacks and natural remedies on "how to lighten vaginal area?" and "how to tighten vagina home remedies". Some of the popular ones encourage the application of the following natural ingredients:

  • Yoghurt
  • Gram Flour or Besan
  • Aloe vera
  • Rosewater
  • Sandalwood
  • Potatoes

A journal published by NCBI on "Vaginal Douching: Evidence for Risks or Benefits to Women's Health" discusses that no scientific study reports any benefit from vaginal whitening processes so far. Many organisations, such as the American College of Nurse-Midwives, the American Medical Association, the American Medical Women's Association, and the American Public Health Association, have even discouraged its use because of the harmful effects.

Why Do Vaginas Have Darker Skin?

Vaginas of women vary in shape, size and colour. These differences are natural, and the best thing you can do is accept your private body parts as they are. You don't need societal standards to say you are perfect.

Scientifically, it is proven that having darker vulva skin than the rest of the body is perfectly normal. As per studies, this is because vaginal skin has high melanocytes, which causes pigmentation. Other typical reasons for a darker vulvar area could be:

  • Tight clothes resulting in a lack of ventilation
  • Hormonal changes due to PCOS/PCOD. You can try performing yoga for PCOD to treat this condition.
  • Pregnancy
  • Higher oestrogen level
  • Excess body weight increases friction. You can opt for the benefits of Jowar in weight loss.
  • Vitamin deficiency, ageing factor
  • Some skin diseases

Any unusual darkening of vagina can also be an indication of a skin disease or medical condition. Under such circumstances, consult a dermatologist or gynaecologist instead of using any whitening cream or DIY hacks available on the internet.

Vaginal Tightening: Another Unrealistic Vagina Expectation

Vaginal tightening refers to any process that tightens the vagina. Many women continue to believe in the myth that tighter vaginas are better, resulting in better sex life.

The only answer to queries like 'What can be used to tighten the vagina?', 'How to make vagina tight?' and 'How to tighten vaginal walls?' is that vagina is a stretchable organ, and vaginal loosening is a misconception. No vagina tightening cream or yoni tightening medicine could tighten your vagina because it doesn't get loose.

The vaginal wall has an elastic stretch to accommodate the penis and foetus. It goes back to the previous shape after mating or childbirth. Vagina changes its shape over time due to factors like age, hormones or childbirth.

Also read: 15 easy and effective home remedies for vaginal itch


Giussy Barbara, Federica Facchin, 2017. Vaginal rejuvenation: current perspectives. (International Journal of Women’s Health) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5560421/

Miranda A. Farage, 2019. Sensitive Skin in the Genital Area. (National Library of Medicine) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6529533/

Committee on Gynaecological Practice, 2007. ACOG Committee Opinion No. 378: Vaginal "rejuvenation" and cosmetic vaginal procedures. (National Library of Medicine) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17766626/