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19 Amazing Kapalbhati Benefits That Can Completely Change Your Life!

What Is Kapalbhati?

Kapalbhati is a pranayama technique that involves rapid breathing. Kapala means skull and Bhati means illuminating in Sanskrit. Therefore, kapalbhati means illuminating or enlightening the skull. Kapalbhati is also considered a body cleansing technique that releases negative thoughts, stress, and toxins from the body. It is a shatkarma technique in hatha yoga that helps purify the body.

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Kapalbhati Benefits

Kapalbhati is an advanced breathing exercise that helps to reduce the levels of carbon dioxide in our blood.  There are various scientific benefits of kapalbhati

1) The breathing technique helps increase the level of oxygen in our bodies.

2) Kapalbhati involves rounds of active exhalation followed by passive inhalation. Such a technique helps to correct low blood circulation in our bodies.

3) Kapalbhati yoga benefits include increasing our lung capacity and strengthening our respiratory system.

4) Kapalbhati is also known for removing toxins and various other waste materials from the body.

5) Kapalbhati pranayama benefits include increasing our pitta levels and hence improvement in our metabolic rates, which then supports weight loss.

6) Kapalbhati exercise activates our brain cells and thereby enhances memory and our concentration power.

7) The exercise also de-stresses our minds. It aids mental well-being, uplifts mood, and relieves tension and anxiety by boosting the production of endorphins.

8) Kapalbhati helps us in improving our skin health and giving us a radiant glow.

9) Breathing exercises like Kapalbhati help in curing asthma and sinusitis.

10) Kapalbhati aids in reducing digestive issues and in eliminating all gastric-related problems.

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11) Practising Kapalbhati regularly also helps in relieving gas, constipation, and heartburn.

12) Including Kapalbhati in your daily exercise routine can even cure Insomnia.

13) There are several Kapalbhati benefits for fibroids as well. Practising Kapalbhati regularly is helpful in improving blood circulation and regulating our hormones, the imbalance of which is one of the main causes of uterine fibroids in women.

14) Kapalbhati Benefits for Skin

There are several Kapalbhati benefits for skin.  It prevents and cures acne if practised regularly. The breathing exercise helps eliminate toxins from the body and is known to have anti-ageing effects on the skin. Further, the exercise is believed to be helpful in clearing clogged skin pores for a radiant glow.

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15) Kapalbhati for Belly Fat Loss

While practising Kapalbhati, the process of inhaling and exhaling works up the abdominal muscles, which tightens the course and reduces belly fat.

Adding to this, detoxification through Kapalbhati can aid in weight loss. Studies show that detoxification has been found directly related to the direct loss of belly-bloating.

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16) Kapalbhati Benefits for Teeth

It's a lesser-known fact that Practising Kapalbhati daily enhances the supply of blood to the facial muscles and our teeth, and even our gums. This can strengthen the teeth and maintain oral health.

17) Kapalbhati Benefits for Liver

This yoga technique helps stimulate the liver to help it regenerate and fight infections.

Studies show that Kapalbhati boosts liver health and helps maintain the change in albumin and globulin (natural proteins) levels due to conditions like jaundice, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis A, B  or C, and other liver-related ailments.

18) Kapalbhati Benefits for Brain

Kapalbhati stimulates brain nerves, which aids in the well being of the brain. The stimulation energises and helps declutter the mind to achieve calm and a sense of balance. Additionally, it is known to improve memory and concentration.

19) Kapalbhati for Weight Loss

Let us now understand the benefits of Kapalbhati for weight loss. This yoga is helpful for weight management for people with diabetes as it helps in lowering blood sugar levels by muscle stimulation of the pancreas, which helps in producing sufficient insulin and even reducing stress.

Less stress leads to lesser cortisol levels hence aiding in weight loss because stressed-induced cortisol leads to maximum weight gain.

Continuous abdominal movement in Kapalbhati aids in reducing abdominal fat, toning of abdominal muscles, and even increasing core abdominal strength,  hence, reducing overall obesity.

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Different Kinds of Kapalbhati

During kapalbhati, we inhale actively and exhale passively as an automatic or voluntary action. However, it can be practised in various ways. Let us see the three different types of kapalbhati pranayama:

  • Vatakrama:- In this technique, we inhale passively, whereas exhalation is active.
  • Vyutkrama:- This kapalbhati technique is similar to jal neti, in which we have to sniff water through our nostrils and allow it to go to our mouth. We can then spit the water.
  • Sheetkrama:- Sheetkrama kapalbhati is the exact opposite of vyutkrama technique. In this, we have to take water through our mouth and let it out through our nose.

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Kapalbhati Steps - How to Practice Kapalbhati?

Here is your step-by-step guide to performing kapalbhati.

  • Sit in a cross-legged or kneeling position with your back straight and palms on your knees.
  • Inhale deeply through your nostrils till the lungs are filled with air.
  • Then slowly exhale through your nostrils. Use your muscles to contract the abdominal wall and pull it towards the spine.
  • After one set is complete, relax and close your eyes.
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4 Pro Tips to Make Your Kapalbhati Practise Effective

If you practise kapalbhati steps properly, considering all the kapalbhati precautions, you can definitely make your practice more effective.

Some tips to make your Kapalbhati practise more effective:

1) Make sure that exhalation while Practising Kapalbhati is forceful and active. So, with all your force, throw out your breath after inhaling.

2) Don't worry too much about the inhalation part. Right at the moment when you relax your abdominal muscles, naturally, the inhalation will happen, ease you out, and replenish your energy for a forceful exhalation.

3) Try and feel fully aware while breathing out.

4) Practise this technique, empty stomach early morning for best results.

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How Many Times Should I Do Kapalbhati?

Practising Kapalbhati twice a day, for five minutes, preferably once in the morning and then in the evening, can give desired results in a week.

However, for beginners, one round that lasts for two minutes or so can be a good start. You can gradually increase your count of vigorous breathing and do it for a longer duration.

Kapalbhati Precautions

Even though kapalbhati pranayama has several health benefits, rapid breathing can put unnecessary pressure on our bodies. As a beginner, you should stick to doing only one exhalation stroke per second in kapalbhati. Excessive kapalbhati pranayama can harm the body. While practising kapalbhati, make sure to follow the below-given precautions.

  • Heart Patients:- People suffering from cardiac ailments or hernia should not perform kapalbhati. If seated in an improper posture, kapalbhati can cause jerks in the body which might not be good if you have a heart condition.
  • Hypertension:- Kapalbhati pranayama can lead to forced hyperventilation. It may disrupt the blood flow and result in the pH level of the blood. Therefore, kapalbhati is detrimental for people with hypertension.
  • Pregnancy:- Since kapalbhati puts pressure on the abdominal region, both pregnant and menstruating women should avoid practising it.
  • Slipped Disk Problem:- During kapalbhati pranayama, we need to sit for at least 15-20 with our backs straight. Therefore, kapalbhati pranayama can put pressure on our spine that might aggravate slipped disk problems. If you have a spine injury or slipped disk, you must avoid doing kapalbhati.

It is best to consult your doctor before starting kapalbhati pranayama if you have recently undergone surgery or have epilepsy.

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Summing Up on Kapalbhati Benefits:

In these pandemic hit times, yoga techniques and breathing exercises, especially Kapalbhati, have gained special significance. As discussed above, this yoga style helps increase immunity and has many other health benefits. If you master the technique with the help of an expert practitioner, you will soon see wondrous results on the well-being of your mind, body, and soul in less than a week!


Which Diseases Can be Cured by Kapalbhati?

Kapalbhati helps manage the effects of several liver-related ailments like cirrhosis and jaundice. It also cures gastric diseases and improves our gut health. It can be further helpful in the recovery process of these conditions.

How Many Times Should I Do Kapalbhati?

Practising Kapalbhati twice a day, for five minutes in each round, preferably once in the morning and then in the evening, can give desired results in a week.

However, for beginners, one round that lasts for two minutes or so can be a good start. You can gradually increase your count of vigorous breathing and do it for a longer duration.

Can I Drink Water Before Kapalbhati?

No, you should not drink water before kapalbhati. Yoga practitioners and experts advise that Kapalbhati is best done on an empty stomach as it vigorously works up our lungs, diaphragm, and abdominal muscles. Any amount of water and food may disrupt the effectiveness of this yoga technique.
