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Is Rum Good for Health ~ Research-Backed Benefits & Side Effects

Rum enthusiasts believe that Rum is the finest alcoholic beverage during cold winter days because of its decadent texture, sweet aroma, and unique flavour. Additionally, this drink is believed to be helpful when you are sick with a cold or cough. However, the question still stands - how much rum is good for health? Let’s find out.

Is Rum Good for Health?

Moderate consumption of alcohol does provide health benefits, but it's uncertain if rum provides these benefits in particular. However, you might find that it soothes a sore throat, adds some colourful flavour to your life, and certainly adds some zest. Be realistic, however, and focus on eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle instead of relying on rum to solve all of your health issues.

When compared to other alcohols, rum has a fairly low-calorie count - about 97 calories per shot. As far as rum is concerned, it contains no carbs but is typically combined with mixers such as soda and fruit juice that may contain significant amounts of sugar and carbs. You might gain weight and be more likely to develop diabetes if you consume too much sugar. Therefore, if you're trying to stick to a low-carb diet, there are low-sugar alternatives to consider, or you can always take a shot of rum if you're feeling brave. So, in a nutshell, yes, moderate quantity of rum is good for health.

Rum Benefits

Moderate consumption of rum not only provides you with a more enjoyable experience but can also benefit you in terms of your health. Here are some reasons why drinking rum benefits are potentially healthy for you.

1. Provides Warmth

Your body stays warm when you drink liquor. Rum can raise the body temperature when it is freezing outside, thus giving you the feeling of being warm from the inside.

2. Combats Colds

Colds are not seasonal and can strike at any time. When you are suffering from the common cold or flu, a small amount of rum can soothe your throat and help you feel better. The powerful antibacterial properties of rum help it to speed up the healing process of colds. Though rum is effective in fighting colds, you should not consume it regularly, and it should never be given to anyone under the age of 21, as children cannot consume alcohol.

3. Relaxes Muscles

When you accidentally twist or stretch a lot, your muscles experience intermittent claudication, which is very painful. Rum is an effective remedy for muscle pain, as it numbs the muscles and reduces pain. However, it should only be taken in moderate amounts.

4. Promotes Heart Health

A strong and healthy heart can be achieved through the regular yet moderate consumption of rum. In addition to preventing the formation of arterial blockages in the body, it has proved useful in the treatment of peripheral vascular disease. Furthermore, as per studies, some researchers believe that consuming alcohol can help reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

5. Prevents Diabetes

The consumption of rum is often recommended for lowering cholesterol levels and managing diabetes. As per studies, in addition to having medicinal characteristics, it maintains low blood sugar levels in the body, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes.

6. Possesses Antiseptic Properties

The antiseptic properties of rum are effective for cleansing wounds and preventing the growth of bacteria. Also, pain can be eased by applying it topically (or when it is consumed).

7. Provides De-Stress

Relaxing after a long, stressful day at work with a cocktail is a time-tested remedy. The depressive properties of rum work as a sedative by calming the activity of the central nervous system.

8. Prevents Mental Illness

As per studies, a person who consumes rum is less likely to become anxious or depressed and is less likely to develop dementia or Alzheimer's in the long run.

9. Prevents Cancer

As per studies, rum is believed to reduce the risk of kidney, thyroid, and lymphoma cancer, and moderate drinkers are at lower risk for these types of cancer than nondrinkers.

10. Improves Libido

As per studies, it is believed that moderate consumption of rum protects against erectile dysfunction. It can reduce erectile dysfunction by 25-30%. However, the research into this is still ongoing, and it is not recommended to drink rum with blind faith for this problem just yet.

11. Enhances Longevity & Nutrition

Rum contains 230 calories for every 100 grams consumed. Therefore, it contains no carbohydrates or fats, and as per studies, it is believed that moderate consumption of rum increases your lifespan by about 3-5 years on average (if you have no pre-existing medical condition). As per studies, having rum reduces anxiety and stress. It ultimately makes you less likely to develop dementia, among other terminal diseases, which can increase your life expectancy.

12. Prevents Gallstones

As per studies, the moderate consumption of rum reduces the risk of the formation of gallstones significantly.

Short & Long-term Effects of Rum

It's important to maintain moderation. Drinking large quantities of rum daily won't magically make you super healthy. When consumed in excess, rum can have the following short & long term effects on you.

1. Short-term Effects of Rum

  • Flustered speech
  • Tiredness
  • Feeling nauseated
  • Diarrhoea
  • Gastrointestinal distress
  • Migraines
  • Breathing problems
  • Vision and hearing impairment
  • Mental impairment
  • Reduced coordination and perception
  • An unconscious state
  • Anaemia (low red blood cell count)
  • Coma
  • Memory lapses (when an impaired drinker is unable to recall events while under the influence)

2. Long-term Effects of Rum

  • Accidental injuries such as car accidents, burns, and drownings
  • Intentional injuries such as gun accidents, abuse, and sexual assault
  • Increased injury rates and decreased productivity
  • Breakups of families and relationships
  • Poisoning by alcohol
  • Hypertension, stroke, and other heart conditions
  • Inflammation of the liver
  • Neurological damage
  • Sexual problems
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Deficit of vitamin B1, leading to amnesia, apathy, and disorientation
  • Ulcers
  • Stomach inflammation (gastroenteritis)
  • Acute malnutrition
  • Oropharyngeal cancer

How Much Quantity of Rum Is Good for Health?

Drinking too much alcohol can be dangerous to your health, including your brain. You should, therefore, consume Rum very cautiously and can drink up to 1.5 ounces per day. Anything more than can be detrimental for your health.
