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15 Amazing Aliv/Garden/Halim Seeds Benefits on Your Body

Halim seeds, also known as Aliv seeds, are garden cress seeds that are packed with many health benefits. These seeds fall into the category of 'functional foods' that contribute to overall health and well-being while keeping diseases at bay as well as providing nutrition. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Aliv seeds and how you can add them to your diet.

What are Halim Seeds

Halim or Aliv seeds are highly nutritious and have several health benefits. These seeds, also known as garden cress, are god’s gift since they have various advantages for our health. One should also know how to eat Halim seeds properly to get the maximum benefits.

Halim Seeds Benefits

Here’s a detailed list of various Halim seed uses and benefits:

1) Halim seeds for hair loss:

Halim seeds help manage hair loss. According to nutritionist Rujuta Divekar, mixing Halim seeds with milk, especially warm milk, and drinking the concoction will do wonders for your hair.

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2) Halim seeds benefits in pregnancy:

Halim seeds encourage the production of red blood cells and also help in improving the levels of haemoglobin in the body since just a tablespoon of Halim seeds contain around 12 mg of iron. This is especially significant since you need iron during your pregnancy. The abundance of calcium in aliv/Halim seeds helps strengthen the baby’s teeth and bones.

3) It is beneficial for weight loss:

It is advisable to consume Halim seeds for weight loss. They are rich in protein and hence can help you avoid hunger pangs or overeating, thereby assisting in weight management. These seeds also allow one to maintain the muscle mass of the body.

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4) Help regularise periods:

Consuming Halim seeds for periods is one of the ways to battle period-related issues. Halim seeds contain phytochemicals that tend to imitate estrogen, which helps in managing irregular periods. It is a natural way to normalise irregular menstrual cycles by regularising hormones.

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Also read: 16 Everyday Foods to Induce Periods

5) Helps increase height:

It would help if you took Halim seeds for height increase since they are known to promote the production of growth hormones..

6) Useful to take halim seeds for skin:

Halim makes our skin glow since it contains antioxidants and various vital nutrients for skin.

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7) Useful for lactating mothers:

Being rich in iron and protein, Halim seeds provide nutrition to lactating mothers. Halim is one of the most common kinds of galactagogues, which are foods used to induce, maintain and increase breast milk production.

8) Halim seeds help improve immunity:

Since Halim seeds are loaded with folic acid, flavonoids and vitamins C, A and E, they help improve immunity. Its antimicrobial properties help prevent cold, fever, and sore throat.

9) Improve bowel movements:

The high-fibre content of Halim seeds helps improve bowel movements and hence help manage bloating, constipation and gas.

10) Halim seeds reduce the risks of breast cancer

Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers in women. The anti-carcinogenic properties of Halim seeds reduce the risks of breast cancer.

11) Halim/Aliv seed prevents obesity

Obesity is a huge problem worldwide. Though Halim or garden cress seed is high energy and high-fat (it provides 454 Kcal and 24.5 gm fat per 100g seeds), they are still beneficial since

  • Halim seeds are an excellent source of fibre (7.6g  per 100g of seeds), so they take more time to be ingested and digested. This automatically reduces the food intake.
  • Halim seeds are loaded with antioxidants.
  • Optimum blood glucose level is maintained by consuming Halim seeds.

12) Halim seeds hypocholesterolemic activity

Aliv seeds are healthy for people suffering from high levels of cholesterol. A regular intake of these seeds ensures that you can cut down on LDL or bad cholesterol.

13) Halim seeds are a must for those suffering from cardiac problems

Dyslipidemia, hypercholesterolemia and associated cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are prevalent across the world. Daily consumption of Aliv seed is beneficial for patients who suffer from heart conditions.

14) Role of Aliv seeds in the diet of diabetes patients

Aliv seed has a potent anti-diabetic property since it can serve as an effective agent for reducing blood glucose levels.

15) Aliv seeds are very effective for the treatment of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common disease characterised by the deterioration of the bone joint cartilage, which causes the bones to rub together and create stiffness, impaired movement and pain.  Aliv seeds can relieve this condition since they are full of calcium.

How to eat Halim seeds:

For eating Halim seeds, it is recommended to soak one tablespoon of the seeds in water overnight and then consume them with a sprinkling of lemon juice the following day. You can also use them as a garnish in soups and stews.

You can also have Halim Seeds with milk.

Who Should Avoid Intake of Halim Seeds?

It is vital for people experiencing hypothyroidism, goitre, or pregnant women to avoid eating halim seeds. Moreover, these seeds should not be consumed with diuretic medicines.

Side effects of Halim seeds

Halim seeds are known to flush out potassium from the body, so avoid consuming it if your body is potassium deficient. Also, taking unmoderated amounts of Halim seeds can lower your blood pressure significantly.

Summing Up on Halim Seeds Benefits

Originally from the Vedic era, Aliv seeds are a well-known herbal plant. It has many health properties, which is why it has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. It helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. These seeds contain phytoestrogen which helps to regulate irregular periods.

They aid patients who suffer from obesity, diabetes mellitus, and cardiac problems. They enhance memory. They contain antioxidants and nutrients that have positive effects on the skin and hair. Additionally, those who suffer from hypothyroidism, goitre, or are pregnant should avoid eating halim seeds.


Can We Take Halim Seeds Daily?

Yes, you can take Halim seeds every day. You can take in 60 percent of your daily iron requirement by simply consuming one tablespoon of Halim seeds. Furthermore, adding Halim seeds to water and drinking this elixir at least 2 to 3 times a day daily for 60 days can help lessen the effects of anaemia and improve haemoglobin levels in your body.

Can Thyroid Patients Eat Halim Seeds?

Yes, thyroid patients can have Halim seeds. Soak Halim seeds in water, add grated coconut, ghee or butter, and jaggery, then mix it well until it forms a dough-like consistency and has the same texture. This mix can work wonders for your thyroid.

Can Halim Seeds Cause Abortion?

It is advised for pregnant women to avoid eating Alvi/Halim seeds as it may lead to an abortion. Halim seeds can stimulate uterine contractions and thereby lead to sudden abortion.