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Can We Eat Curd During Periods? Science-Backed Facts & Myths

There are a lot of myths surrounding what and what not to do during periods. One of the most popular myths is that drinking milk or having dairy products like curd or cheese are not good during periods as they can increase discomfort or disturb the menstrual cycle.

However, this is not true. This blog answers the question to can we eat curd during periods and tells you the various health benefits of having curd.

Can We Eat Curd During Periods?

YES, it is safe to eat curd during periods. Eating curd reduces period pain, provides comfort and makes you feel better. Apart from curd, here are a few other things you can try: nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables etc.

What Happens If We Eat Curd During Periods?

Ideally, eating curd makes you feel better. It eases muscle pain, provides your body with necessary nutrients and overall, makes you feel refreshed.

Why Should Curd Not Be Eaten At Night or Evening?

It is advised to not eat curd at night, especially if you are prone to cough and cold. Ayurveda explains that curd consumption at night is not good as it leads to mucus development in the nasal passage due to its sweet and sour properties. Consider having curd before or with your breakfast or lunch to reap its benefits without impacting your health.

Benefits of Curd

Curd is a rich source of calcium, protein, phosphorus and vitamin B12. In addition to relieving menstrual cramps, here are some other significant benefits of curd:

1. Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Curd has anticarcinogenic properties that reduce the risk of lung cancer. According to research, having curd daily can also reduce the risk of breast cancer because the lactose fermenting bacteria in curd are also present in breast milk. This increases the number of good bacteria in the body. Curd is also a good food for cancer treatment as the bacteria in curd help inhibit the growth of tumor cells.

2. Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

According to research, curd contains probiotics that help regulate the body's glucose levels and reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes in adults.

3. Helps Treat Insomnia

Research suggests that curd is a rich source of tryptophan, an amino acid in the body responsible for producing serotonin and melatonin hormones. These hormones act as neurotransmitters and relax the body, helping you sleep. Also, calcium and magnesium in curd help reduce anxiety and nervousness, inducing sleep.

4. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Curd provides antioxidants and probiotics to the body that helps reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks.

5. Boosts Immunity

The micronutrients present in curd like vitamins B, C, and E, protein, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and folic acid, enhance the immune system of the body and help manage symptoms of autoimmune diseases like HIV.

Eating curd during Periods: Is it a good choice?

YES, you should consider curd in periods as it helps to ease period pain, cramps, and even helps reduce PMS symptoms such as bloating and mood swings. However, you can also drink buttermilk, smoothies, lassi, or eat nuts for better results!

How to Include Curd in Your Diet During Your Period?

There is no specific way to include curd in your diet during periods. You can have one bowl of curd along with your meal or after during your periods as you do on other days. You can also drink one glass of buttermilk (chaas) or lassi with your lunch if you are dehydrated or low on energy.

What Foods Are Good for Period Pain?

Dysmenorrhea or extremely painful menstrual cramps is a common problem for menstruating women. According to research, one of the major reasons for period pain is vitamin D and calcium deficiencies in the body. Less calcium in the body can cause muscle spasms and uterine contractions.

Therefore, increasing the consumption of dietary products or other food items rich in calcium and vitamin D can help reduce the intensity of menstrual cramps. Also, foods that help reduce inflammation in the body are good for period pain. Here are a few food items that you can have during periods to relieve pain:

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory food item that relaxes the nerves and reduces muscle spasms. An animal study suggests that cinnamon helps reduce uterine contractions and can alleviate menstrual pain.

2. Fruits

Research suggests that fiber-rich foods help manage estrogen levels in the body, which is beneficial in reducing period pain. As fruits are a rich source of fiber, they can help reduce menstrual pain. Another research also suggests that high consumption of fruits and vegetables helps manage menstrual cramps.

3. Nuts and Seeds

According to research, having foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids reduces menstrual pain intensity. As nuts and seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, you can have them during periods. In fact, omega-3 fatty acids are more effective in reducing severe period pain than painkillers like ibuprofen.

4. Whole Grain Foods

As whole grain foods like legumes, brown bread, pasta, rice, corn and oats are also rich sources of dietary fiber, these foods can help alleviate menstrual pain. Research also suggests that eating whole grains is beneficial for managing premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms like mood swings, nausea, constipation and menstrual cramps.

Summing Up on Can We Eat Curd During Periods

Curd contains calcium, which acts as a pain-reliever. It controls how muscle cells respond to nerve stimulation and thus reduces menstrual cramps. Curd also has anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and diabetic properties and boosts overall immunity.

Therefore, having curd during periods can be beneficial for your health. You can have one bowl of curd or a glass of lassi or buttermilk during periods. Other foods like cinnamon, strawberries, fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, pasta, oatmeal, and corn are also good for reducing period pain.
