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10 Breast Tightening Exercises: With and Without Equipment

Breasts of all shapes and sizes are perfect. It is difficult to change their shape, but you can make them look firmer and perkier by enhancing their appearance.

If you want to improve the shape and size of your breast, you can go under the knife or invest in good push-up bras. Nevertheless, if you'd like some inexpensive and long-term options, then try incorporating these ten breast tightening exercises we'll discuss in this article.

Breast Tightening Exercises

Here are 10 breast tightening exercises that can develop the pectoral muscles underneath your breasts and help them appear fuller and perkier.

1. ​Cobra Pose

Cobra pose is an easy exercise for tight breasts at home. This pose strengthens the muscles of your front body, starting from the chest, lungs to the abdomen.


  • Lie on a mat facing downward and keeping your hands by your chest line, shoulder-width apart.
  • Inhale and slowly lift your upper body off the ground. Your elbows should be straightened, placed close to the sides.
  • Ensure to tighten your core and glute muscles.
  • Now gently lower back down to the floor and repeat.

2. Bow Pose

Another yoga pose that can prevent breasts from sagging is the bow pose. This stretch opens up the chest muscles and helps in toning them.  


  • Lie face down on a mat with your toes pressing down.
  • Bend your knees upwards and gently bring your heel towards your butt.
  • Now hold the ankles of both legs with your hands.
  • Inhale, lift your chest and legs up, looking straight. Your body should look like a bow.
  • Pause for a few seconds, exhale and then come back to the first position.  

3. Push-Ups

The next at-home breast tightening exercise is push-ups. This workout is extremely effective to work the connective tissues under the breast, eventually giving your breast a fuller appearance.  


  • Come to all fours on a mat or the floor. Your arms should be slightly wider than the shoulder width.
  • Now slowly straighten your legs. Your spine should be neutral; balance your entire body with both hands and toes.
  • Next, bend your elbows and start to lower yourself down. Your chest should come as close to the floor without dropping your hips.
  • If you are a beginner, keep your knees on the ground and try the same moment.
  • Now extend your arms to come to the first position. Repeat.  

4. Plank

Plank exercise not only helps in strengthening the chest muscle but is also beneficial for the abdomen, arms and lower back.


  • Lie on your belly with your toes on the ground.
  • Put your forearms on the mat. Your elbows should be directly underneath your shoulder.
  • Now bring the length of your body and head into a straight line.
  • Hold this plank position for 30 seconds. Repeat.  

5. Chest Dip

Chest dips are another compound, body-weight exercise to tighten boobs. It directly works your chest, shoulders, back, and arm muscles.


  • Start by holding the two parallel bars of a dip machine.
  • Now start bending your elbows so that they point outward. Fold your knees.
  • Lean your body forward while bending your elbows and lowering the chest toward your hands.
  • Pause, then press back to the start position. Repeat.

6. Dumbbell Bench Press

As per a study published in the Journal of Human Kinetics, bench presses focus on both anterior and posterior deltoid muscle. This toning and strengthening of pectoral muscles can give saggy breasts a fuller appearance.


  • Lie straight on a bench with a dumbbell (or water bottle) in each hand.
  • Now bring the dumbbells to chest height. Your palms should be facing forward.
  • Now extend your arms and push the dumbbells up. Ensure dumbbells don’t touch.
  • Pause for a second at the top and bring your hands back to the starting position.

7. Dumbbell Chest Fly

Dumbbell chest fly works pectoralis major and minor, deltoids, biceps, and lats. That helps in keeping the breast lifted and firm.


  • Lie flat on your back on a bench with two light dumbbells in your hand.
  • Lift your arms above your chest while looking at the ceiling.
  • Inhale and bring your arms back in a controlled manner. Your arms should go lower than your shoulder level.

8. Pullover

Pullovers are another great exercise to tighten the breast as it directly works pectoralis major, lats, serratus anterior, and deltoids.


  • Lie down on a bench with your feet resting on the floor, slightly wider than the bench. You can even do this on the floor with your feet tucking toward the body.
  • Now take one dumbbell and straighten your arms (elbows slightly bent) toward the ceiling.
  • Drop your weight back over your head in a controlled manner. Don’t drop your arms below your head.
  • Exhale and return to the starting position.

9. Cable Crossover

Cable crossover ensures that each part of your chest is getting worked for a well-rounded look.


  • Set the handles of the cable machine on both sides to the highest levels.
  • Stand in the centre of the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart and wrist clutching the ends of the cable.
  • Inhale and bring your arms toward each other. You should feel a nice stretch in your chest muscles.
  • Exhale and come back to the starting position.

10. Any Aerobic Exercise

Cardio, such as walking, running, swimming, can help decrease overall body fat. Since the breasts contain a portion of fat, adding aerobic exercises to your day can be effective in tightening the breast.

Also Read: 15 Amazing Health Benefits of Breast Massage & How To Do It?

Things to Consider

Try to do three or four of these exercises two or three times per week to start noticing results and rotate between them. The key is to focus on muscle-mind connection - this will make sure you're recruiting your chest muscles properly.

To reap the full benefits of adding chest exercises, keep your body fat within a healthy range by following a well-balanced diet.

Summing Up on Breast Tightening Exercises

If you stick with your routine, you'll notice improved strength and a perkier chest within a few months.


1) Can Sagging Breast Be Firm Again?

Yes, sagging breasts can indeed be firm again, but breast tissue cannot return to its original shape without surgery. Various surgeries, such as the Breast lift, are very effective in restoring breast firmness. However, some exercises, such as push-ups, swimming, and bench presses, can tone up the muscles behind the breasts, improving their overall appearance.

2) How Can I Fix My Saggy Breast With a Bra?

A no-sag bra can assist with sagging breasts while making your breasts look somewhat lifted and in shape too. Those facing this issue should choose the right type of bra for sagging breasts. The key to finding the best bra for sagging breasts is finding your correct bra size. A properly fitted bra makes your breasts look lifted, perky, and upright, no matter your age. They can consider -

  • T-Shirt Bra
  • Push-up Bra
  • Balconette Bra
  • Full-cup Bra
  • Underwired Bra