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Yoga for PCOD- 6 Best Yoga Poses for PCOD

Menstruation is an integral part of a woman’s life more than anything, and hormonal balance is vital for healthy menstruation. When there is an imbalance in hormones, PCOD takes over. In such a condition, females at their reproductive age often face discomforts of irregular menstrual cycles and other related symptoms.

Excessive levels of male hormones result in a chain of hormonal imbalances that eventually result in distress. As per a study, almost 39% of females suffering from PCOD have shown high-stress levels in their routine activities.

Along with medicinal treatments, women can also do yoga exercise for PCOD problem as a natural remedy. Women who practise yoga asanas for PCOD to reduce discomfort have shown a significant improvement.

Discussed below are some yoga exercises for PCOD that are helpful in terms of relief from the PCOD symptoms. Read on to know more about PCOD exercises and their benefits.

Baddha Konasana - The Butterfly Pose

Baddha Konasana is an easy exercise for PCOD problems. Practise this asana every morning or evening to relax pelvic muscle pain and back pain, reducing menstrual uneasiness.

This PCOD exercise pose resembles a butterfly. Sit with an erect spine with the soles of your feet touching each other, then flap your knees accompanied by deep breaths.

Continue this for one minute in a slow and controlled manner. Baddha Konasana is a recommended yoga asana for PCOS and PCOD.

Side Tip: At first, your thighs might not be able to touch the floor correctly, do not put extra pressure; it can cause cramps later.

Supta Baddha Konasana - The Reclining Butterfly Pose

As the name suggests, this exercise for the PCOD problem resembles the butterfly in its reclined state. Acclaimed more relaxing than the classic butterfly pose, this pose involves laying down with knees bent towards the sides, arms above the head, palms closed. The Supta Baddhakonasana is a PCOD exercise that relieves the shoulder’s upper body stresses. It also strengthens the groin and the inner thighs area.  It is the most effective PCOD yoga posture.

Side Tip: You can also practise this by placing a cushion at the beginning for better support to the hips.

Dhanurasana - The Bow Pose

The essential function of yoga is to coordinate the body’s muscles and organs. Dhanurasana is an exercise for PCOD problems that relax the chest, neck, and shoulders muscles.

The procedure involves lying flat on the stomach. Then, shaping the hands and feet in the bow-like position, acting as strings. Do this PCOD exercise for 30 seconds with deep breathing and finally exhale to return to the initial position.

Side Tip: An essential yoga for PCOD and PCOS, Dhanurasana helps you restore your body cycles’ regularity. It, however, needs careful guidance so that you do not strain any muscle or joint.

Viparita Shalabhasana - The Superman Pose

The most vital function of the Viparita Shalabhasana for females is to regulate the blood flow in the reproductive organs.

This exercise for PCOD problem improves the abdomen muscle strength,  helps tone the muscle flexibility, and has astounding benefits in the lower back muscles stimulation.

It is one of the best yoga poses for PCOD. You can practice it for 30 seconds in one round.

Sid Tip: It helps keep the breathing in rhythm with the blood flow. However, you must never overstretch or overwork your muscles in this pose.

Chakki Chalanasana - The Mill Churning Pose

It involves moving your upper body in a back and forth direction, giving the lower body and abdomen muscles a massaging effect. With this, you will feel the stretch in your legs, arms, and abdomen muscles.

In this exercise for PCOD problems, the uterus, hormonal gland, and liver are stretched and jiggled to reverse the effects of PCOD problems. You can also lose weight more efficiently if you are undergoing a workout regime.

Repeat this exercise for one minute. You may go on to extend it by as many as 20 rounds clockwise and 20 in the anti-clockwise direction.

Side Tip: Do not do this exercise if you have severe lower back pain issues.

Padmasana - The Lotus Pose

Padmasana, the lotus pose, is an all-curing yoga for PCOD problem. It helps regulate the hormone levels and eases the stress created in the pelvic points.

A correct posture of this yoga pose for PCOD regulates the blood pressure levels, stabilises the pregnancy distresses for the to-be and recently turned mothers.

Keep a straight spine and the head held straight, high, and steady. It helps maintain the correct posture of the body. This relaxes the mind and provides stimulation for hormonal release.

It is a useful and easy-to-do yoga asana to stabilise the menstrual cycles for females with PCOD.

Side Tip: There are multiple benefits of this exercise; you can also add several pranayama exercises to this for more impact.


These PCOD exercises have also been proven effective for sound mental health and physical rejuvenation. Yoga for PCOS and PCOD can regulate the balance of the hormones and result in a healthy body and mind.

This may also help achieve pain-free menses, and you can enjoy your monthlies with a healthy and stress-free. So say yes to PCOD ka ayurvedic ilaj and a healthy lifestyle!