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UTI After Sex: Can You Get Urinary Tract Infection Due to Intercourse?

When your urinary system goes through any bacterial infection, it is known as urinary tract infection or UTI. There are multiple reasons for getting affected by UTI, including sex.

Read this article to find the answers to all your questions like how can sex cause UTI or can a UTI be transmitted sexually, its remedies, preventions, and more.

Symptoms of UTI

  • Frequent urination is a symptom of UTI
  • Painful urination is a symptom of UTI
  • Burning sensation while urinating is a symptom of UTI
  • Blood in urine is a symptom of UTI
  • Foul-smelling urine is a symptom of UTI
  • Strong urge to urinate yet low volume urine is a symptom of UTI
  • Pressure on the lower abdomen is a symptom of UTI

In some cases with pain, you might also have to face problems such as:

  • Fever as a symptom of UTI
  • Chills as symptoms of UTI
  • Nausea as a symptom of UTI
  • Vomiting as a symptom of UTI

How Can One Get A UTI From Sex?

You might have heard about getting affected by STIs after having sex, but that's not the only infection you might get. There also is a risk of getting affected by UTI.

Dr. Lakeisha Richardson from Delta Medical Group says that urinary infection after sex may happen as thrusting can introduce bacteria up the urethra and into the bladder, increasing the UTI risk.

The UTI bacteria enter the body from the bladder. The chances of a woman getting a UTI are higher than men since the urethral tube is smaller in a woman, which makes it easy for bacteria to enter the bladder.

Can Sex Cause UTI?

Yes, you can get UTI because of sex. Again, you don't need to get a UTI every time you have sex. However, it doesn't spread from person to person like sexually transmitted diseases.

As we said earlier, the bacteria get transferred from the urethra. This spreads while touching the genitalia while having sex, especially without cleaning the hands before that.

UTI during sex can also spread from sex toys if one doesn't clean them regularly.

If you have a concern that can unprotected sex cause UTI, well, the answer is yes. Unprotected sex can be harmful. It can affect your body in multiple ways, be it STIs or UTIs. It is advisable to use protection so that there is no direct contact of genitalia with bacteria's.

Other Causes of UTI

  • Facing issues emptying the bladder when urinating is caused by UTI
  • Any block in the kidney like a kidney stone is a cause of UTI
  • UTI leads to excessive use of antibiotics
  • UTI causes use of urinary catheters

Who Has A Higher Risk Of Getting UTI?

  • People who indulge in unhygienic intercourse have a higher risk of getting UTI
  • Menopausal women with dry tissues have a higher risk of getting UTI
  • Obese people have a higher risk of getting UTI
  • Women with multiple pregnancies history have a higher risk of getting UTI
  • Diabetic patients have a higher risk of getting UTI
  • When having sex with a new partner has a higher risk of getting UTI
  • People with a weak immune system have a higher risk of getting UTI
  • Genital abnormalities have a higher risk of getting UTI

For people who have gone through this, frequent UTI after sex can be experienced; and even for anyone whose mother or sister has UTI, the chances are higher.

Can Urination Prevent UTI After Sex?

This has been a debatable topic, but major health authorities like CDC support this and believe that urination after sex can prevent UTI. This might remove the bacteria from the urethra.

Can UTI Be Transmitted From Woman To Man?

As mentioned above, this is a bacterial issue that spreads from person to person. In any case, either of the partners cannot transmit it to their significant other.

It is not a contagious disease. Urinary Tract Infection is caused due to sex which is done unhygienically. UTI during sex increases irritability and might also come with uneasy side effects. So, it is advisable not to have sex with UTI. Consult your doctor to get the right medication in case of significant issues.

How To Avoid UTI During Sex?

To avoid UTI during sex, consider the following points:

  • Use lubricants to avoid any urethral friction during sex
  • Avoid using a spermicide or diaphragm to prevent pregnancies. These might be an add-on to your issue
  • Drink loads of water. Avoid drinks that irritate your bladder
  • Use protections like condoms during intercourse
  • Avoid douching, using powders or sprays
  • Clean sex toys before using them

How To Prevent Urinary Tract Infection from Intercourse?

Here's everything that you need to know to prevent UTI infection from sexual intercourse:

  1. Urinate after sex to eliminate bacteria from the urethra
  2. Urinate before sex
  3. Wash your genitalia with warm water before having sex
  4. Have your antibiotics ready (consult your doctor beforehand)
  5. Clean your anus
  6. Avoid using tampons, use pads

UTI Treatment:

In the case of a UTI, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will prescribe antibiotics that will work effectively to eliminate the root cause of the infection.