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5 Benefits of Prunes | FAQs Around Prunes

Prunes are naturally sun-dried plums that do not undergo any fermentation process. Prunes are also known as alpakoda and aloo bukhara dry fruit in some regions of the world.

Prunes are a great source of nutrition for our body. Prunes are enriched with vitamins and fibre and minerals such as potassium, iron and retinol, to name a few. Prunes contain over 60% carbohydrates and have nearly 2% protein in it. Prunes are an optimum source of vitamin K, and also has vitamins B along with dietary minerals.

How healthy are prunes?

Antioxidation power of Prunes

While we have always been told that Blueberries are the largest antioxidant source, a study has recently proved it wrong. According to Tufts University in Boston, researchers, prunes, or dried plums are the number one source in terms of antioxidant capacity.

Prunes improve vision

Prunes also help in improving your capability to see. Prunes are full of Vitamin A, which is important for healthy vision. VitaminA deficiency can result in night blindness, dry eyes, and other eye-related problems; thus,alpakoda fruit benefits your capability to see better.

Decreases the risk of colon cancer

According to a study conducted by Texas A&M University and the University of North Carolina, it has been discovered that regular consumption of prunes or prune juice can significantly reduce your risk of catching colon cancer.

Prunes for Healthy heart

Prunes have high potassium in it, which is one of the important minerals needed for the heart’s proper functioning. According to experts and dieticians, regular potassium intake helps lower your blood pressure, and it keeps us away from significant heart problems.

Proves Improve digestion problems

Prunes are a natural remedy for avoiding digestion problems like constipation, among others. Prunes improve digestion and thus leading to a great relief in constipation.

Prunes help in hair growth

Prunes are a rich source of iron, a deficiency of which could lead to hair problems like hair loss, dryness and discolouration, among others. Prunes also have vitamin B, vitamin C in them, which are great for your hair’s growth.

Prunes for skin

Prunes are a bag of vitamins and minerals that help your slowdown ageing process and thus lead to fewer wrinkles on your face. The vitamins and minerals present in prunes help you maintain healthy skin.

Ways of Eating Prunes

There are several ways of eating prunes, and one can choose the way they like. These are some of the most common and most preferred ways of eating prunes.

  • Prunes can be eaten alone as a snack.
  • You can also add prunes as an extra ingredient to your breakfast oatmeal.
  • They can also be added to baked food like choco chips cookies and cakes.
  • You can blend prunes with yoghurt to make smoothies. Prune juice benefits your health and improves bowel movement.
  • You can turn prunes into puree by soaking them overnight. They can later be eaten as Prune jam with bread. Soaked prunes benefit your digestion and avoid constipation problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is prune juice bad for pregnancy?

Prune is not at all bad for pregnancy. Even doctors recommend prune juice to women who suffer from constipation during pregnancy, due to its laxative effect property. Doctors recommend a large intake of fluids during pregnancy, and prune juice can turn out to be multiplayer, which fulfils the requirement of water intake along with mineral and vitamins supply.

Is it ok to drink prune juice every day?

Although prune juice or prunes are healthy for our body, excessive intake of anything can dampen your goals. So is prune juice good for you? Health experts suggest that we should stick to only one serving per day and if we are eating it directly, then we should not intake more than six dried prunes.

Is prune juice good for diabetics?

Yes, the soluble fibre in prune juice helps you slow down the process of sugar entering your bloodstream. This results in preventing the insulin from spiking and keeping the blood sugar levels stable.

Does prune juice cause gas?

According to experts, prune juice may cause gastric related problems to certain people as it contains sorbitol and Fiber, which are responsible for causing problems like gas and bloating.

Prune concentrate vs prune juice - what is the difference?

Prune concentrate or concentrated prune juice are extracted portions of the softened prunes. It is naturally sweet due to its presence of rich sugar in it. Whereas, Prune juice is the juice made out of prunes or alpakoda fruit that is very good for a healthy body.

How do you make prune juice?

Prune juice is healthy and quick to make. These are the few simple steps to make prune juice.

  • Soak dried prunes ¼ cup of water for 20 mins.
  • Now add the soaked prunes to a blender along with a glass of water.
  • You can also add sugar or jaggery, based on your preference.
  • After blending add lemon juice to it and garnish with mint leaves

We hope this blog helps you understand the benefit of Prune. It is best advised to include in your diet for a healthy lifestyle.