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6 Amazing Positions to Relieve Gas While Pregnant

During pregnancy, the body undergoes several physical and hormonal changes. These changes may slow down your digestion and result in gas formation. Gas during pregnancy may cause stomach pain, bloating, burping, and farts.

There are several positions to relieve gas while pregnant. Some of these are:

1. Pose Of a Child

This pose enables the gas to move through the digestive tract and easily pass out. The steps involved are:

  • Start like a child walking on all four limbs.
  • Slowly move the hands forward and stretch, keeping the body backwards with the forehead close to the ground.
  • Hold yourself for one to five minutes in this position to relieve the trapped gas.

2. Twists Pose

This pose is of two types, the standing twist and the seated twist. The twisted pose involves twisting your body firmly to help relieve the trapped gas. The steps involved are:

  • For a standing twist: Stand with feet apart in a comfortable position and twist the torso to release the trapped gas.
  • For a seated twist: Sit straight with stretched legs and twist the torso gently to release the trapped gas.

3. Forward Fold

In this position, rest your stomach on your legs comfortably to release the trapped gas. The steps involved are:

  • Stretch your legs comfortably.
  • Try to bend forward as much as you can, touching the toes of the stretched legs.
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4. Squats

This position allows pressure to shift throughout the stomach and ease the gas release. The steps involved are:

  • Keep your feet apart as much as you are comfortable.
  • Keep your hands forward with straight shoulders or hold on to something for stability.
  • Squat down with ease. On discomfort, stop doing the squats.

5. Wind-Relieving Pose

Also referred to as the knee to chest pose. Be careful not to hold on to this position while pregnant. The steps involved are:

  • Lie down on your back.
  • Move your knees slowly towards the chest (do not force).

6. Happy Baby Pose

It is an excellent position to relieve the trapped gas. Make sure you do not hold on to this position for long as it involves lying on the back. The steps involved are:

  • Lie down comfortably on the back.
  • Bring up your knees as much as you are comfortable with towards the sides of the body.
  • Try to hold the knees if you can, and do not force.

Also Read: 10 Different List of Scans During Pregnancy Explained - Be Bodywise

Alternative Methods of Relieving Gas

To release the trapped gas, there are other alternatives to yoga poses. These include:

1. Medications

Certain medications prevent the gas formation or, if formed, help in the easy release of the trapped gas. However, you must consult your doctor before taking any medications during pregnancy as it may cause harm to the growing baby.

2. Foods and Drinks

Foods and drinks play a major role in gas formation. There are certain foods available that may ease stomach pain and bloat, such as ginger. Drinking a sufficient amount of water may also prevent bloating and gas formation.

3. Exercise

As per CDC, physical activity of at least 2.5 hours per week may help relieve the problem of gas formation.

What to Avoid

To avoid the formation of gas and its side effects, avoid the following:

  • Carbon dioxide in carbonated drinks results in the formation of gas that results in stomach pain and bloating.
  • Fried and oily foods cause the gas formation and harm your health.
  • Foods such as cabbage, beans, and dairy products are known to cause gas formation in the stomach.

When to Contact a Doctor

Gas during pregnancy may result in minor to serious symptoms. The doctor must be consulted immediately if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Severe stomach pain that does not go away
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Blood in the stools
  • Diarrhoea
  • Weakness
  • Chest pain
  • Headache

Summing up on Positions to Relieve Gas While Pregnant

Gas during pregnancy is an irritating symptom, but it is harmless. There are many ways to relieve the discomfort. Additionally, alternative methods, such as dietary adjustments or medications, may also help prevent or treat it.

Any exercise routine should be discussed with a healthcare provider in advance to ensure it is safe for them and their pregnancy.
