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Monsoon Hair Fall: Is It Normal | Pro Tips, Home Remedies & More

With an increase in pollution and changing daily habits, hair fall is a common issue in most adults. This situation becomes worse in the rainy season. It is often observed that women experience an increased amount of hair fall in rainy seasons.

Continue reading the blog to find out if this is normal or not, pro tips, and home remedies that help control hair fall and contribute to healthy and strong hair.

Why Hair Fall Occurs in Monsoon: Is it Normal?

Apart from an astonishing increase of hair fall up to 30% in more than 90% of females, reports suggest that women also observe they lose up to 250 hairs a day during the monsoon. This is against the 50-60 hairs that are lost every day during the rest of the year.

Increased monsoon hair fall calls for changes in the hair care routine. However, it is very common and normal to experience hair fall in monsoons. Some of the main reasons why there is hair fall during monsoon season are:

1. Humidity

Hair fall in rainy season can mainly be because of the increase of humidity in the atmosphere before and after the rain. It also occurs due to the acidic nature of rainwater that causes dandruff and dry scalp, further increasing the monsoon hair fall.

2. Frizzy Hair

Moisture is present at high levels in the environment during this season, making the hair absorb hydrogen. This causes increased swelling and brittle and frizzy hair prone to fall easily due to weak roots.

3. Dry Scalp

The humidity during the monsoon also removes natural oils from the scalp, leading to a dry scalp and weak roots. This causes hair to fall easily.

4. Bacteria and Fungus

A dry scalp also encourages the growth of bacteria and fungus, further increasing hair fall problems.

Quick Hair Remedies To Stop Hair Fall in Monsoon

Now that you know why hair fall occurs in monsoon, let’s get into the different ways of tackling it. Here are some effective home remedies to control hair fall during monsoon:

1. Fenugreek

One of the most potent remedies for hair fall issues is fenugreek or methi. The reason for that is its nicotinic acid content that helps fight against hair thinning issues and baldness.

How to use

  • Add 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds to a glass of water.
  • Keep the mixture overnight
  • Make a paste of it the next morning and apply it to your scalp.
  • Let it rest for 30 minutes and wash.

2. Castor Oil

Another home remedy for monsoon hair fall is castor oil. This oil contains ricinoleic acid that is effective for hair growth. Its antifungal and antibacterial properties are known to provide protection against infections. Moreover, Vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids provide good nourishment for your hair.

How to use

  • Mix one part of coconut oil with two parts of castor oil.
  • Apply it to your scalp and hair ends.
  • Keep it overnight and wash your hair the following morning.

3. Onion

A powerful antioxidant with antibacterial properties, onion helps prevent dandruff and infection. It contains sulphur that prevents hair thinning and breakage.

To prevent hair fall during monsoon, you can apply onion paste to your strands.

How to use

  • Take 2 onions and blend them.
  • Sieve out the juice, and apply it to your hair and scalp.
  • Let it rest for half an hour.
  • Wash it off with a mild shampoo.
Use 1% Redensyl Hair Oil that helps stops hair fall by nourishing the scalp with protein and antioxidants to promote speed up hair growth.

4. Aloe Vera

A panacea for all hair issues, aloe vera is highly effective in battling hair fall in rainy season. It contains numerous enzymes that are useful in repairing scalp cell damage. Moreover, they stimulate dormant follicles to promote regrowth.  

How to use

  • Extract the gel from the leaves of an aloe vera plant
  • Apply the gel to your scalp and hair.
  • Let it rest for 2 hours.
  • Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

5. Henna

In addition to giving your hair a beautiful tone, henna also provides a protective layer. It contains hair strengthening properties that enable nutrients to reach the follicles easily. The result is enhanced hair growth and scalp health.

How to use

  • Take a cup of henna leaves.
  • Add them to 250 ml of boiling mustard oil.
  • Once the oil changes colour, let it cool.
  • Then sieve and apply it to your scalp.
  • Massage thoroughly and wash your hair after half an hour.
Reduce hair fall and strengthen your hair with India's best nutrients which can help improve your hair.

PRO Tips to Reduce Monsoon Hair Fall

Here are some pro tips on how to protect hair fall in monsoon:

1) Avoid Tying

You shouldn’t tie your hair when it is wet at any cost. It weakens the hair follicles and causes more breakage.

2) Trim Often

To avoid split ends and reduce hair fall, get your hair trimmed every 5-6 weeks.

3) Keep Your Hair Clean

To do so, you can use a mild shampoo regularly to wash out excess oil. Excess oil in your hair leads to weak roots and fungal infections. Wash your hair 2-3 times a week.

4) Dry Your Hair Right

Using a microfiber towel can be excessively beneficial to reduce monsoon hair fall. By absorbing the wetness quickly, such towels minimise unnecessary friction.  

5) Do Regular Oil Massage

Regular oil massage with a potent oil will help you enhance the strength of your roots. In turn, this will increase the quality of your strands and keep your hair safe from humidity. You can opt for almond or castor oil.

How Nutrition Can Help Reducing Hair Fall in Rainy Season

The humidity that comes with the monsoon season makes your scalp oily. As a result, you end up taking a head bath more than usual. This excessive washing can rob your hair of its natural moisture. The result is hair fall, dullness, and dandruff.

These issues can be avoided by following a nutritious diet. You must include fenugreek seeds, nutmeg, curd, turmeric, and ghee in your meals.

Best Hair Care Products for Monsoon

The increased rate of monsoon hair fall can be controlled by focusing on a good hair care routine, and for this, numerous best hair care products are available on the market. Some of them are:

1. Ketoconazole Shampoo and Anti-dandruff Lotion

These products from Be Bodywise can be used from time to time in monsoon to fight dandruff. Being sulphate free, they cause no side effects to the hair.

2. Anti Hair Fall Shampoo

The increased hair fall can perhaps be controlled directly by using an anti-hair fall shampoo. Bodywise Keratin Hair Fall Control Paraben and Sulphate Free Shampoo for Women that strengthens the hair from the inside, restore volume and promotes thick hair growth might be perfect for you.

3. Hair Mask

A hair mask or pack is one of the best ways to deeply nourish and control frizzy hair that is often prone to monsoon humidity.

4. Hair Serum

A hair serum also controls frizzy hair, and Bodywise 1% Darkenyl Hair Serum that is completely plant-based with no side effects is perfect for your monsoon hair care.

5. Hair Growth Oil

Hair oils such as Bodywise hair growth oil help maintain a balanced pH of the hair disturbed by monsoons. Being free from minerals, petroleum, sulphates, parabens, etc., this oil helps strengthen the hair at the scalp.

6. Hair Conditioner

It is important to use a deep conditioner shampoo free of sulphates, mineral oil, parabens, etc. Bodywise deep moisturising conditioner may be the best one out there that reduces frizzy hair by making it smooth, silky, and strong from the roots.

How Much Hair Fall is Normal in Monsoon

Monsoons are characterised by hot and humid weather. So, you’re likely to experience 150% more hair fall during this season. For instance, usually, women lose 50 strands of hair daily. In monsoon, however, they might lose 150-200 hair strands.

Summing Up...How to Protect Hair Fall in Monsoon

To protect the hair from excessive fall in monsoon, people tend to use different kinds of hair products and chemical treatments that can often increase hair fall. It is important not to get stressed over a normal increase in hair fall. Instead, follow some natural and simple tips on how to protect hair fall in monsoon:

  • It is widely known that rainwater contains a lot of pollutants that weaken the hair from the roots, causing hair to fall. Hence, the first and the most basic step would be to cover your hair when you are exposed to it with a cap, scarf, or cloth.
  • Have you planned to get hair treatments like colouring, curling, or other chemical treatments? It is best to postpone them until after the rainy season, as they easily make the hair greasy, increasing hair fall.
  • If your hair is exposed to rainwater, make sure to wash your hair at the earliest to get rid of all the chemicals that come with rainwater.
  • Try to dry your hair as far as possible using a cloth that absorbs the water and helps the hair to dry quickly. Using a hair dryer can further weaken hair.
  • Eat well and drink water regularly to maintain healthy hair. Cut down caffeine dehydrating the scalp and include foods rich in vitamin E, iron, etc., such as sprouts, leafy vegetables and almonds that keep the hair healthy. Drink 8-12 glasses of water every day.


Q1. In Which Season is Hair Fall More?

Ans. Autumn or the Indian monsoon is the season when hair fall happens the most.

Q2. Which Hair Oil is Best in Monsoon Season?

Ans. Onion oil is the best to use in the monsoon season. The Bodywise onion hair growth oil helps rejuvenate the scalp and nourishes hair follicles. As a result, it helps in reducing hair fall.

Q3. Is Losing 150 Hairs a Day Normal?

Ans. At any given time, around 80-90% of your hair is growing. The other 10-15% are in the resting phase. It is a phase where the hair doesn’t fall out or grow. Every 2-3 months, these resting hairs are shed. In this phase, you could lose 150-200 hair per day. Hair shedding is totally normal, temporary, and stops on its own.

Q4. Should We Apply Oil in Monsoon?

Yes, it is important to oil the hair at least twice a week for a minimum of 2-3 hours during monsoons. This step nourishes the hair from the scalp, increases blood circulation, and keeps the hair healthy and shiny.