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Incredible Benefits of Lauki Juice for a Healthy Lifestyle

You cannot deny the fact that green vegetables are packed with nutrients and vitamins. However, the best way to extract their nutrients is by drinking the juice. Lauki is one such remarkable green vegetable, drinking the juice of which can drastically alter and improve your health within a period of 3 months. Drinking the juice has many health benefits, including cooling the body, lowering your blood pressure, and more. Did you know? The juice can even reduce wrinkles and grey hair!

Let's explore the benefits of drinking Lauki Juice in more detail.

Lauki Juice Nutrition

Lauki, as a vegetable, promotes a highly healthy heart. It does so by lowering harmful cholesterol levels (LDLS) and boosting the good cholesterol levels or high-density lipoproteins (HDLS).

Bottle gourd has several nutritional values such as:

  • Having a deficient quantity of saturated fats and bad cholesterol
  • Being water-rich
  • Nutrients are required to ais the fat loss process in bodies
  • As a vegetable, it contains all essential nutrients such as Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Iron, Magnesium, Folate, and even Potassium
  • Additionally, Lauki has very high fibre content, making it calorie friendly as it has a low-calorie density per gram
  • This aspect helps to keep full for a more extended period
  • This characteristic makes lauki all the more ideal for weight loss plans because meals with lower energy density are especially helpful while losing and maintaining weight

Lauki juice Benefits:

It will be justified if we call Lauki juice a magical health tonic. This vegetable is abundant in water and fibre, but it also has loads of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that have multiple health benefits.

In addition to weight loss, this magic potion is a go-to remedy for treating issues, ulcers, indigestion, and even constipation. It also helps in managing sugar levels for people who are pre-diabetic or diabetic.

Additionally, bottle gourd juice benefits hair growth, adds lustre to hair, and promotes stronger hair roots and follicles. It is a magical supplement for healthy skin and is recommended by most nutritionists as a natural collagen and biotin supplement.

Some important benefits are as follows:

1) Promotes Heart Health

You can lower your cholesterol level by drinking lauki juice on an empty stomach for 90 days. The vegetable has higher soluble dietary fibre, which helps to keep your blood pressure in balance.

2) Helps in weight loss

Lauki juice is low in calories and lipids, making it an excellent weight-loss beverage. Furthermore, it is high in fibre, which keeps you fuller for longer and prevents hunger pangs.

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3) Relieves depression

Bottle gourd is high in choline, a neurotransmitter that aids in the healthy functioning of brain cells and so helps to avoid mental illnesses.

4) Controls stomach issues

Lauki juice can help with constipation and can also be used to treat diarrhoea. It cleanses your digestive tract and helps for simple bowel movements thanks to its 98 per cent water and fibre content.

5) Helps in improving hair and skin

Not only may it help with health issues, but it can also help with cosmetic issues. Lauki juice is a natural cleanser that helps to remove toxins from the body. Baldness and premature greying of hair can be prevented by applying lauki juice to the scalp.

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6) Reduces stress levels

Lauki juice is high in choline. This helps in reducing stress levels and preventing anxiety issues.

7) Helps in digestion and gastrointestinal issues

The vegetable aids digestion and acidity treatment thanks to its high fibre and alkali content.

8) Helps in improving sleeping disorder

Sleep disorders are extremely common. In addition to its numerous advantages, lauki aids in the treatment of sleep disturbances. Drink lauki juice to get a good night's sleep.

9) Improves overall health and blood circulation

Drinking lauki juice every day will help to improve blood circulation and enhance overall health.

10) Ayurvedic Benefits of Lauki:

  • It is easy to digest and has madhur rasa, laghu to, manda, madhur vipaka, snigdha, and mridu properties.
  • It also has cold potency or sheet virya.
  • It aids in balancing vata & pitta doshas in our bodies.

Lauki Juice for Weight Loss:

There is consistent research out there that has proven how lauki helps in burning those extra fat cells faster. In addition to being accessible and light to digest, lauki has miraculous effects for quicker fat loss.

The total calorie content of the bottle guard is only 15 Kcal per hundred grams of vegetable. Additionally, it has only 1 gram or a lesser quantity of fat. Lauki is also very low in saturated fats and bad cholesterol. This vegetable, as mentioned above, has high water, fibre, vitamin, and mineral content, which in turn aid in the "feeling full" quotient for a longer duration.

If we consume it daily on an empty stomach, for a minimum of 4 days per week, it will help shed out a lot of that unwanted belly fat and that too quickly. However, we must remember that bottle gourd juice alone will not do the task of losing weight. It's essential to have a good workout regime apart from other weight loss gimmicks as a part of your plan. If combined with regular exercise and a good diet, lauki juice can do wonders to our gut and aid in fat loss.

Lauki Juice for Hair:

The presence of Vitamin B in lauki juice prevents premature greying of hair. Apart from consuming lauki juice for hair health, one can also massage it on the scalp. This can prevent discolouration of hair as well as control hair fall. Vitamin B provides a cooling effect on the scalp, too, hence controlling frizziness and high porosity of hair.

Also Read: 15 ABC Juice Benefits | The Ultimate Detox Drink According to Nutritionist

Use 1% Redensyl Hair Oil that helps stop hair fall by nourishing the scalp with protein and antioxidants to speed up hair growth.

Lauki Juice for Skin:

Lauki juice benefits for the skin are mentioned below:

1) Delaying premature skin ageing and reducing wrinkles:

Loaded with vitamin C and zinc, lauki juice is an excellent natural remedy for wrinkle-free skin.

2) Adds to the natural glow of skin:

It has highly concentrated minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that aid in adding a dewy glow to the face.

3) Reduce Acne and Pimples:

Lauki juice has an immense amount of cleansing properties. This tonic detoxifies our skin and internal system that keeps dirt, toxic elements, and dust at bay. Moreover, it regulates sebum production, which reduces breakouts.

4) Gives Smooth skin:

Since lauki purifies our blood, it clears our skin, too, making it supple and soft. Internal cleansing aids in warding off several skin-related problems.

Lauki Juice for Liver:

Lauki juice is highly beneficial for boosting our digestive systems. It treats flatulence and acidity that further reduce the inflammation of our livers.

Additionally, lauki juice also helps regenerate the liver tissues and improves overall liver function. This helps in the proper discharge of bile juices. Due to its alkalizing action, consuming Lauki juice is also helpful for curing bile stones or obstructive jaundice.

How to Make Lauki Juice

Here's a simple and easy way to make lauki juice at home -

  • To begin, wash, peel, and discard the lauki. Cut it into cubes.
  • Try a small piece of lauki to make sure it's not bitter. If it tastes bitter, do not juice it.
  • Add the lauki and ginger to the blender.
  • Stir in the mint and coriander leaves.
  • Freshly squeeze the lemon juice.
  • Also, add black salt, regular salt and black pepper powder.
  • Add approximately half a cup of water. Blend it into a smooth paste or puree.
  • Add the rest of the water. Stir well to incorporate.
  • Strain the juice to remove any solids.
  • Using a spoon or spatula, mash the mixture into the strainer and get the most juice out of it.
  • Pour this juice into an individual serving glass and serve

Lauki Juice Side Effects:

In recent times, researches and reports on Lauki juice have shown that there is some amount of suspected toxicity in bottle gourd juice that leads to severe GI (upper gastrointestinal) bleeding, diarrhoea, vomiting, and stomach ulcers.

Lauki has some toxic compounds such as tetracyclic triterpenoids called cucurbitacins. Therefore, doctors recommend that one taste the bottle guard before consuming it. Bitter ones are often more toxic and lead to severe toxicity syndromes that lead to hospitalisation.

Summing Up on Lauki Juice Benefits

The juice of lauki is extremely nutritious and associated with a host of health benefits, such as better skin health and a healthier blood sugar level.

Although it may have many side effects, it provides key nutrients and may help optimize your health when consumed in moderation.


1) What Happens if We Drink Bottle Gourd Juice every day?

Taking lauki juice on a daily basis can help reduce stress. Among the benefits of bottle gourd is its cooling effect. Additionally, this vegetable keeps one's heart-healthy.

2) Is Lauki Juice Good for Kidneys?

Yes, Lauki juice is good for kidneys as it helps reduce inflammations in kidneys and reduces the high acid that produces painful kidney stones. Also, Its low fat and high dietary fibre content make it a good option for the kidneys as it is easy to digest.

3) Can We Drink Lauki Juice Daily?

Yes, you can drink Lauki juice daily. Also, it is recommended that consuming lauki juice twice or thrice a week will maintain a healthy heart and regulate blood pressure. Drinking the juice of lauki is believed to help you lose weight. Bottle gourd is rich in iron, vitamins, and potassium.