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10 Safe & Effective Exercises for Piles to Cure Permanently

What Are Piles?

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the anus and rectum that cause bleeding and pain. Usually, these inflamed tissues consist of muscle, elastic fibres, blood vessels(veins), etc. Furthermore, piles are common. Most people, around fifty per cent of the United States population, have acquired piles at least once in their lifetime, prior to the age of fifty. Moreover, the sizes of piles can be different, and they can be located inside or outside the anal canal. Piles occur as a result of increased pressure in the lower rectum. Piles can occur due to pregnancy, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhoea, etc. as well.

Here Are Ten Amazing Exercises For Piles or Hemorrhoids-

1. Practise Deep Breathing

One of the best exercises for piles is deep breathing. Stand tall and upright, place your hands above your waist as you inhale, breathe deeply through your abdomen, let your belly stretch and dilate fully, and then slowly release while bringing your navel towards your spine. Repeat this exercise for around four to five minutes.

2. Try the Pelvic Floor Contraction

This exercise helps build your pelvic muscles, thereby allowing free flow of stool without any tightness in the anal sphincter.

To perform this exercise, start by sitting or laying on your back, gain control of your anal muscles, contact and hold on for three to five seconds and let go. Repeat this five times. Next, repeat the same process with lesser control on your contractions and release quickly. The shifts and changes in the speed of squeezing the pelvic muscles will work on reducing the piles. It is recommended to do this exercise 2-4 times a day.

3. Consider Swimming and water-oriented exercises

For example- water aerobics effectively work on piles as these activities help strengthen pelvic muscles and your lower back.

Paddling builds a more substantial lower body and improves your anal sphincter control.

5. Cardiovascular (heart) Exercises

These exercises, such as walking, running, brisk walking, may encourage healthy bowel movements. Other aerobic exercises include jogging, burpees, and bear crawls.

6. Yoga Poses Like Balasana

This yoga pose, also known as the child’s pose, promotes circulation around your rectum and anus. Lay down on your knees, place your hands on the mat or floor, push your hips back and sit on your heels, move your hands forward and reach out as far as you can, stay in this position for 5 minutes.

Also Read: Yoga for PCOS: 6 Best Yoga Poses for PCOS

7. Bound Angle Pose or Baddha Konasana

Start by sitting upright on a folded blanket, cushion or mat, join the sole of your feet together and knees wideout, wrap your fingers around your toes and stretch your spine, maintain this posture for a min.

8. Do The ‘Legs on the Wall’ Pose (Viparti Karani)

This can improve circulation around the anus. To do this, lay on your back, face towards the sky, lift your legs, position them straightly on the wall, and place your hands naturally/ comfortably. Hold this position for up to 15 minutes.

9. Try The Pawanmuktasana Pose (Wind Relieving Pose)

This targets your lower abdomen, which reduces further discomfort. Instructions- Lie on your back. Bend one or both knees and draw them in toward your chest. Place your hands around your shins, clasping your hands or holding opposite elbows. Hold this position for up to 1 minute.

10. Kegels or Any Other Pelvic Targeted Exercises

These alleviate discomfort and aid in passing the stool out smoothly.

Also Read: Kegel Exercise for Pregnant Women: Benefits, Side Effects & Precautions

The Bottom Line: So Can These Exercises Cure Piles Permanently?

Yes, they can if you do these exercises religiously along with following the requisite routine recommended by your doctor.

To identify if you’ve piles, some common symptoms include itching around the anus, bleeding after the bowel has passed, experiencing pain during bowel movement, etc. Generally, these symptoms are not long-lasting. However, if the discomfort increases, it is advised to consult a doctor for examination if surgery is needed. Some other ways to treat haemorrhoids are: taking a bath with Epsom salt, cold compressing, using lukewarm water to cleanse the anal area. Lastly, here are a few exercises to avoid if you have piles: squats, cycling and weight lifting. Start practising the above activities to get lasting haemorrhoid relief!



