Yoga for Hormonal Imbalance: 10 Yoga Poses That Works!

An imbalance of hormones in your body can manifest as various health problems. You can try to fix it by practising this 10 yoga for hormonal imbalance!

Yoga for Hormonal Imbalance: 10 Yoga Poses That Works!

Medicine is not the end solution to all problems. In fact, hormone imbalances can be eased by yoga.

Yoga has been practised for centuries. Almost every health problem can be addressed by yoga, including hormonal imbalances. Yoga can help regulate your menstrual cycle and boost your metabolism. It can also help tackle stress, anxiety, and depression.

Yoga for Hormonal Imbalance

Here are some effective yoga for hormonal imbalance in females:

1. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

This asana helps to stimulate ovary function.

How to do it:

  • On a yoga mat, lie on your stomach.
  • Place your palms under your shoulders.
  • Keep your legs together.
  • Pushing your palms into the ground, straighten your arms and lift your torso up.
  • Relax your shoulders. Your elbows should be close to your body.
  • Breathe here for a few seconds before slowly lowering yourself down.

Also Read: 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

2. Shalabhasana or Locust Pose

This asana under yoga for hormonal imbalance helps women with uterine and ovary issues by strengthening lower back muscles, toning abdominal muscles, and stimulating organs.

How to do it:

  • Lie on your stomach and keep your hands by your side.
  • Keep your forehead on the floor.
  • Exhaling, lift your head, shoulders, arms, torso, and legs off the floor.
  • Balance on your belly, pelvis, and lower chest.
  • You can keep your arms parallel to the floor and look forward.
  • Hold for 10 seconds and come back down slowly.

3. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose

This asana in yoga for hormonal balance helps by improving thyroid function.

How to do it:

  • Lie down on your back. Keep your feet hip-distance apart.
  • Bend your knees and keep your feet a fist distance away from your buttocks.
  • Inhale, press your feet into the floor and push your pelvis to the ceiling.
  • Hold for 10 seconds and slowly lower yourself to the mat.

Also Read: 12 Major Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) Benefits That You Should Know!

4. Ustrasana or Camel Pose

This yoga asana is popularly used to regulate hormonal imbalances and irregular menstrual cycles.

How to do it:

  • Kneel on your mat. Keep your knees a fist distance apart.
  • The soles of your feet should face upward.
  • Inhale and align your tailbone with your pubis.
  • Lift your chest to the ceiling and gradually push your pelvis forward.
  • Once your back is arched, hold onto your ankles for support.
  • Breathe in and out a few times before lifting yourself back up.

5. Prasarita Padottanasana or Wide Stance Forward Bend

This asana under yoga for PCOS and hormonal imbalance helps by increasing blood flow in the ovaries and relieving stress from the hips and lower back.

How to do it:

  • Stand on your mat and open your legs up to a wide stance.
  • Put your hands on your hips, inhale and lengthen your torso.
  • Keep your back lengthened, exhale and bend forward from the waist.
  • Try to bring your head to the ground.
  • You can place your hands on the floor if you require support.
  • Hold for a few seconds before coming back up.

6. Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon Pose

This asana helps to strengthen the abdomen and relieve back pain. This is helpful for ovary issues.

How to do it:

  • Stand in a wide leg stance. Your right foot should face the side, and your left foot should face the front.
  • Bend over your right side, lifting your left leg parallel to the floor.
  • Your right hand should be placed in front of your right foot.
  • Your left hand should reach the ceiling.
  • Your entire torso should be facing forward.

7. Baddha Konasana or Cobbler Pose

This asana under yoga for PCOS and hormonal imbalance can help prevent PCOS. It also helps to relieve the pelvic muscles.

How to do it:

  • Sit down on your mat. Fold your legs and put the soles of your feet together.
  • Hold your toes and bring the heels close to the pelvis.
  • Inhale and relax everything.
  • Exhale and bend forward, trying to keep your knees on the floor.
  • Breathe for a few seconds before coming back up.

8. Supta Badha Konasana or Reclined Cobbler Pose

Similar to baddha konasana, this asana is more relaxing and helps with PCOS.

How to do it:

  • Lie down on your mat with your feet extended.
  • Bring your feet in towards your pelvis. Put the soles of your feet together.
  • Your knees should be on the ground.
  • Keep your hands on your belly.
  • Hold this for 5 breaths.

9. Supta Padangusthasana 2 or Reclined Hand to Big Toe Pose

This asana under yoga for hormonal imbalance helps by aligning your pelvis and relieving lower back pain.

How to do it:

  • Lie down on your mat.
  • Keep your legs stretched out and your arms by your side.
  • Bend one leg into your chest and hold onto your big toe.
  • Slowly stretch your leg overhead, keeping your knee straight.
  • Hold this for a few seconds before coming back down.
  • Repeat on the other side.

10. Samakonasana or Straight Angle Pose

This asana helps by strengthening and stretching the pelvic floor muscles.

How to do it:

  • Sit down on your mat.
  • Keep your back lengthened and breathe deeply.
  • Move your legs to each side as far as you can.
  • Hold this pose for a few breaths.
