There can be many types of breast sizes and shapes. Many factors, such as a woman’s genes, body fat, ageing, etc., influence the shape of their boobs. Over time breast size and shape goes under variations. Some of these changes are natural, whereas others are caused due to medical conditions which need to be treated.
Through this article, you will get to know what type of breasts you have, factors that affect their shape and sizes, and answers to other common breast-related questions.

Types of Breasts
Here are different types of breasts categorised based on shape and size:
1. Archetype Breast
This type of breast is round and full with a small point at the nipple. It is considered the “standard” and the most common type of breast. Many bra manufacturers design their bras based on archetype breasts.
2. Round Breast
These are fully circular and round. They are roughly full at the top and the bottom. Round boobs are also sometimes called fluffy boobs. A wireless bra is more suitable for women with round breasts.
3. Asymmetrical Breast
It is also a normal breast shape contrary to popular belief. In asymmetrical types, one boob is larger (or smaller) than the other, which means that both of the boobs are uneven in size. According to the research by Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, GA, the left breast is bigger than the right one in 62% of women. The degree of asymmetry varies from woman to woman. Slight variations in both of the breasts are natural and don’t necessarily mean a medical emergency. However, if you notice a sudden difference in the size of both the boobs, then you must consult a doctor.
During adolescence, girls may experience severe breast asymmetry due to breast tissue diseases, the post effects of certain medical treatments, and congenital factors. Doctors may conduct a routine mammogram test or breast cancer screening to find asymmetrical breast size or tissue density.
According to a 2015 study, Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research, there is a significant correlation between prominent differences in breast volume and the risk of breast cancer. So women must immediately consult a doctor if they notice any abnormal changes in their breast size. Women may use push-up bras with removable pads to make the boobs similar in appearance by removing or adding the pads. You may also consult a doctor to discuss any potential treatment options if you’re unhappy with your breast appearance.

4. Athletic Breasts
Athletic boobs are wider and have a muscular appearance with less breast tissue or volume up top. A wireless t-shirt bra is suitable for them.
5. Bell-shaped
Bell-shaped boobs resemble a bell. These have a thinner and narrow top and are rounded and fuller at the bottom. This shape generally occurs in women with larger breasts. Lifting a T-shirt bra or full coverage bra would work best for women having bell-shaped boobs.
6. Close-set Breast
In this type, both the boobs have no or very little separation in them. They rest closer to the centre of your chest. Women with close-set boobs have more distance between their shoulders and their breasts.
7. Teardrop Breast
These are circular in appearance and look similar to bell-shaped and round breasts. The only difference is that teardrops are rounder and slightly fuller on the bottom than on the top.
8. Conical
These are cone-like in appearance and shape. The tops of these breasts slope down toward the nipples, which are pointed outwards. This shape can be found in women having smaller breasts.
9. East-West Breast
These breasts are full on the top and bottom, and their nipples are pointed in outward opposite directions, i.e., away from the body’s centre. Women with east-west boobs find it difficult to achieve cleavage, so they may wear push-up bras, which will help bring your breasts together to the front of your chest.
10. Relaxed Breast
Women with looser breast tissue have relaxed breasts. The nipples may or may not point downwards. These boobs consist of looser or thin breast tissue, i.e., lax tissue, and generally have a relaxed or elongated shape. These are longer breasts that hang. The nipples of these breasts tend to sit lower typically. A t-shirt or push-up bra is best for women having relaxed breasts as the bra gives your boobs a good lift. You may also try a balconette style bra with a shorter cup as it gives you more fullness at the top.
12. Slender
These types of breasts are generally long and narrow. The nipples of these boobs are pointed downwards. Having this type of down boobs doesn’t mean that you have smaller boobs. It means that your boobs are thinner and don’t cover the entire chest area. A deep plunge bra is perfect as it helps you to gather your breast in front.

13. Side-set
These are fuller-shaped boobs but have wide space between them because they rest away from the centre of your chest. These are usually similar to East-West types of breasts. The nipples of these boobs face more forward. A front-close bra would be ideal for women having side-set breasts as it fastens your boobs in front.
What Determines Breast Shape?
Factors that determine breast shape are:
1. Genetics
Your genes are responsible for the density, tissue, size of your breasts.
2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Due to hormonal changes, such as high oestrogen levels, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, your breasts swell up and become fuller. The proportional division between the breast tissue and fat also changes. Generally, breasts return to their usual shape and size once breastfeeding stops.
3. Body fat
Breasts consist of glandular, connective, and fat tissue. Fat in your breasts surrounds the milk-producing mammary glands and gives them their shape.
4. Exercise
Women involved in exercises have more perky, and firm boobs as these exercises build up the muscles behind your breast tissue by strengthening your pecs. If you are involved in weight loss exercises, then the size and shape of your boobs change when you lose or gain weight.
5. Age
When you get old, your breast will naturally sag. Ageing causes skin elasticity, due to which your breasts may become small, more elongated and go downward. In a study by Dermato Endocrinology, it is mentioned that during menopause and due to ageing, your estrogen level decreases, resulting in smaller mammary glands and the loss of glandular tissue. Due to a lack of oestrogen, your skin becomes thinner with less collagen, which loosens the skin around your breasts.
6. Hormones
During a woman’s life, multiple hormonal changes take place. Hormonal changes usually occur during the menstruation cycle. Women may notice that their breasts swell up just before they get their period. This happens because of the increase in oestrogen levels. Oestrogen is a hormone that activates mammary glands’ growth and helps determine where the body stores fat.

Conditions That Affect Breast Shape
The breast shapes determined by age, pregnancy and breastfeeding, exercise, and other such factors are normal. However, certain health conditions affect your breast shape and size and require medical treatment. Such conditions are given below:
1. Mastitis
It is an infection that causes inflammation or swelling in the breast.
- This infection may happen due to a clogged milk duct that doesn’t allow milk to fully drain from the breast or cut in the breast and nipple skin.
- It is most common in women who are breastfeeding. It may also happen to other women.
- Nipple leakage during pregnancy is common. However, women having mastitis may experience pain, swelling, and redness on the breast. Other symptoms such as fever and a headache may also occur.
- It can be treated with antibiotics. Doctors may also empty blocked milk ducts. If a breast abscess (a collection of pus) forms in the breast, then the medical experts surgically remove it.
2. Adenosis
It is a non-cancerous or breast condition in which the milk-producing glands called lobules to get enlarged.
- In this condition, breasts look swollen or lumpy.
- It has various names, such as aggregate adenosis, tumoral adenosis, or adenosis tumour.
- There is a category of adenosis named sclerosing adenosis, in which women generally experience pain.
- To diagnose this condition, a breast biopsy is needed.
- No treatment is required for adenosis, and it will resolve automatically. However, if you are experiencing bothersome symptoms, you may consult a doctor.
3. Juvenile Hypertrophy
It is a non-cancerous and rare condition in which the breast’s frequent, continuous, and excessive growth occurs during puberty.
a) The exact reason or cause of this condition isn’t known, but according to a current theory, Juvenile Breast Hypertrophy, hormonal irregularities, and genetics may be the causes of juvenile hypertrophy.
b) In this condition, extreme breast enlargement occurs during the first 6 months, and this enlargement continues for a longer period at a slower but regular pace.
c) This can be treated with breast reduction surgery with the free nipple graft technique. Doctors may also recommend hormonal birth control and oestrogen receptor-modulating medication to relieve its symptoms.
d) It also causes:
- Breasts and back pain
- Skin thickening
- Redness and swelling on the breast
- The appearance of veins on the skin

Does Your Breast Size Change With Time?
Yes, your breast size changes with time. Your breast size is determined by genetics, but ageing, pregnancy and lactation, intensive workouts, and sudden weight fluctuations also affect the breast size. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, your breast size generally increases temporarily. You may also notice breast swelling after taking certain medications or birth control pills.
Can Exercise Change Your Breasts?
Yes, Exercise can change your breasts in terms of size and structure. Breasts are not muscular organs and contain fats. Breast size and shape are determined by fat distribution in it, which can be affected by the exercise. Push-ups and weight exercises, such as chest presses, work the pectoral muscles, thereby strengthening breasts and making them rise and look fuller.
Pull-ups, squats, and planks make the back and shoulders strong, improving posture and bringing the breasts forward. Fat-burning exercises such as running, swimming, etc., reduce breast size as these exercises burn overall body fat.
What Happens to Breasts After Weight Loss?
Following a calorie-deficit diet and doing regular exercises makes your breasts smaller because your body starts using its fat reserves proportionally. The breast consists of connective and fatty tissues. So when the body starts burning fat reserves, your breast also gets affected.
Summing Up on Types of Breast
Boobs are of various shapes, but it’s crucial to understand that every breast type is unique and beautiful in itself. However, if you experience any sudden enlargement of breasts, redness, swelling, or lumps, then immediately contact a doctor as it may indicate medical conditions.
- Ragıp Kayar, Özgül V. Çilengiroğlu, December 2010; Breast Volume Asymmetry Value, Ratio, and Cancer Risk -
- Albert MDFishman, December 2005; An Objective Evaluation of Breast Symmetry and Shape Differences Using 3-Dimensional Images -
- M. Julie Thornton, April 2013; Estrogens and ageing skin -