27 Best Ways on How to Remove Facial Hair at Home Naturally

27 Best Ways on How to Remove Facial Hair at Home Naturally

Having facial hair is completely natural; however, some women often feel embarrassed about it. For those who cannot afford expensive hair removal treatments, you can use simple home remedies to restrict facial hair growth. This article will teach you how to remove facial hair naturally.

Causes of Thick Facial Hair in Women

Most women have facial hair. For some, it is noticeable, and for some, it is not. There are quite a few reasons why women may have thick hair on their faces. The reasons include:

  • Hormonal issues could cause facial hair in women.
  • Underlying health issues such as PCOS may cause hirsutism.
  • Cushing syndrome may also cause hirsutism.
  • Women may experience virilisation, a condition that prompts women to develop secondary male sexual characteristics.
  • Women suffering from congenital adrenal hyperplasia may have more facial hair as the body produces less androgen and more cortisol hormones.

However, we have outlined ways in which you will learn how to remove hair from the face permanently naturally at home.

How to Remove Facial Hair Naturally at Home

No matter what the cause, facial hair can be annoying. It is perfectly fine to be accepting of it. However, if you feel uncomfortable with facial hair, there are ways how to remove facial hair naturally. We understand that professional methods can get a little pricey. You can use the following home remedies to get rid of that peach fuzz on your face.

This is how to remove facial hair at home:

1. Lemon Juice and Sugar

Mix these two ingredients with a splash of water. It should become a sticky granular paste. When you take it off, the hair gets pulled off too. The lemon juice helps to bleach the rest of the hair. You can apply this on alternate days. Do not keep it on for longer than 15-20 minutes if you have dry skin.

2. Banana and Oatmeal

Make a paste with powdered oatmeal and a ripe banana. Massage it in a circular motion on your face, going against the direction of hair growth. Wash it off with cold water. The oatmeal removes the hair and dead skin cells, and the banana moisturises your skin. Use this pack once a week.

3. Lemon and Honey

This is how to remove facial hair permanently with honey. Make a smooth paste with lemon juice, sugar, and honey. If needed, add little water and heat it for 2-3 minutes in the microwave. Sprinkle a little maida where you find hair and apply the paste in the direction of hair growth. Put a cloth strip over this and pull it in the opposite direction. You can use this 2-3 times a week.

4. Oatmeal, Honey, and Lemon Juice

Blend ground oatmeal, honey, and lemon juice to make a paste. Massage your face in a circular motion against the direction of hair growth. Rinse your face with cold water. The oats will remove the hair, the honey will moisturise your skin, and the lemon juice will bleach the remaining hair. You can use this on alternate days.

5. Turmeric and Milk

Mix rice flour with turmeric powder and milk. Apply the mixture over the hair and let it dry. Rinse it off with warm water. You can use this every day. The rice flour helps to remove hair, the milk moisturises your skin, and the turmeric is an antiseptic.

6. Potato, Lentil, and Lemon Juice

Grate a potato to extract its juice and grind soaked lentils into a fine paste. Add lemon juice and honey to these two ingredients. Apply the pack and let it dry. Then massage it in a circular motion to remove it. The lentils will pull out the hair, and the rest of the ingredients will lighten your skin and hair. Use this a couple of times a week. Avoid this pack if you have sensitive skin.

7. Egg Whites

Beat together with an egg white, corn starch, and sugar. Apply it evenly and let it dry. Then peel it off and rinse your face with cold water. You can apply this mask two times a week. The sticky egg white, cornstarch, and sugar help to pull your hair out once the mask dries. Do not use this on sensitive or acne-prone skin.

8. Rose Water and Alum

Make a solution with alum and rosewater. Use a cotton ball to apply this mixture to the hairy areas. After it dries, apply one more layer. Do this 5-6 times before washing it off. Massage your face with olive oil. This helps to curb hair growth and soothes the skin. You can do this 1-2 times a week. It works for all skin types. However, alum may irritate, so do a patch test first.

9. Papaya and Turmeric

Make a paste of papaya and add turmeric to it. Apply the paste to the unwanted hair area. Wash it off after massaging it in a circular motion for 15-20 minutes. The papain enzyme present in papayas encourages the hair follicles to open and makes the hair fall off. You can use it 2-3 times a week. Ensure you use very little turmeric powder.

10. Papaya and Aloe Vera

Create a thick paste by mixing aloe vera pulp with papaya paste, gram flour, and mustard oil. Let the paste dry on your face. Then wash it off and massage your skin with some olive oil. This should be done at least 3-4 times a week for 3 months. The papain enzyme will cause the hair to come out, and the aloe vera will soothe your skin. Ensure you do not use soap after this mask. Mustard oil could cause skin irritation, so do a patch test before applying it to your face.

11. Turmeric and Nettle

Grind the nettle leaves to a paste and add a little turmeric to it. Leave the paste over the hairy areas for a few hours. You can then wash it off. You can use this pack every day for 5-6 weeks. The juice of the nettle leaves helps to penetrate the hair follicles and aids in hair removal. Turmeric is meant to be an antiseptic. This one requires a patch test before use. Ensure you don’t use your bare hands while touching the nettle leaves. It could cause skin irritation.

12. Lavender and Tea Tree Oil

Mix both the oils together and use a cotton ball to apply it to the hairy areas. They both have anti-androgenic properties which inhibit hair growth. Use this 2-3 times a day for 3 months. Avoid this if you have acne-prone skin. Those with combination, normal or dry skin can use this remedy.

13. Kusuma Oil and Thanaka Powder

Mix the Kusuma oil with thanaka powder to make a smooth paste. Remove any excess hair by waxing or threading it. Then wash the area and apply this mix. Massage it against the direction of hair growth. Keep it on overnight. This mix helps to thin the hair and eventually remove it. You can use this once a week. It is ideal for all skin types. However, do a patch test first.

14. Basil and Onion

Make a paste with basil leaves and onion. Then apply it over the hairy area. After it dries, wash it off. You can repeat this 3-4 times a week for a few months. Although onion is known to increase hair growth, it inhibits hair growth when you use it with basil. You can use it on all skin types, but do a patch test as both ingredients may cause skin irritation.

15. Fenugreek and Green Gram

Make a smooth paste with water, fenugreek seeds, and green gram. After applying it, gently scrub it off after it dries. Wash it off with cold water. You can employ this method thrice a week. The paste will stick to your hair and come off when you rub the skin. Do not use this on sensitive skin, as fenugreek may cause allergic reactions.

16. Barley and Milk

Blend milk, barley, and lemon juice to form a fine paste. Apply it on your face and rub it off when it dries. You can use this remedy 3-4 times a week. The paste will stick to your hair and remove it when you scrub your skin. Do not use this if you have sensitive skin.

17. Wheat Bran and Milk

Mix wheat bran with milk to form a paste. Massage it into your skin till it dries up. You can then wash it off. You can use this between 3-7 times a week. The paste sticks to your hair, falling off when rubbed. You can use this on all skin types. This remedy has no side effects.

18. Gelatin and Milk

Combine gelatin powder with milk and lemon juice. Microwave the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Clean your face before applying the mask. Once dry, peel it off. Use this only when you feel the need to. As it is incredibly sticky, it will pull off all the hair along with any blackheads and dead cells. You can use this on all skin types except sensitive skin. Make sure to cool the pack before you apply it to your face.

19. Papaya, Mustard Oil, Aloe Vera, Besan and Haldi

Mash the ripe papaya and squeeze the aloe vera pulp. Mix both of them with mustard oil, besan, and haldi. Let it dry after you apply it to your face. Rub the hair against the direction of growth with a dry cloth. Then wash your face with cold water and dry it off. In the beginning, use it thrice a week. After you start seeing results, reduce it to once every 7-10 days.

Papaya contains papain enzyme, which exfoliates dead skin. It also opens the hair follicles, making it easy to remove hair. You can use this on all skin types. After you use this pack, use cold water on the area from which you removed the hair to avoid redness and inflammation from scrubbing. Those with sensitive skin must avoid mustard oil as it may cause skin irritation.

20. Chickpea Flour and Haldi

Grind the Haldi root. Add the chickpea flour and water to it. Make it a smooth paste. Let it semi-dry on your face after application. Then wipe off the entire pack with a wet towel. Wipe it off with a wet towel. When you begin, you can use this pack every other day. Once you start seeing results, you can switch to once every 7-10 days. Chickpea is great for hair removal, and haldi inhibits future growth. This works best on oily skin. Do not use this on acne-prone or sensitive skin.

21. Apricot and Honey

Mix apricot powder and honey to make a smooth paste. After it dries on your face, massage it in circular motions. Use lukewarm water to wash it off. Do this face pack thrice a week. The paste will stick to your hair and pull it off when you rub it. Do not use this on oily skin as it may result in an acne breakout.

22. Sugar and Molasses

Put the sugar and molasses in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Then add lemon juice to the mixture. While it is still warm, apply it to the hairy area. Put a strip of cotton cloth on it and then pull it in the opposite direction of your hair growth. You can use this method whenever you feel like it. As it is very sticky, this mixture acts like wax to strip off hair. Do not use this on sensitive skin. Ensure the mixture is not too hot as it might burn your skin.

23. Garlic

Crush garlic into a semi-fine paste and rub it on the hairy areas. After half an hour, wash it off. You can use this remedy once a day. There is no scientific backing to this method yet; however, many women have found it to be effective in hair removal. It is not ideal for sensitive skin. Conduct a patch test before using this method to avoid allergic reactions.

24. Spearmint Tea

Boil water over low heat and add spearmint leaves. Once it is well infused, switch off the stove and strain the tea. You can drink this twice a day. Spearmint tea helps to lower androgen production, a male hormone that causes excessive hair growth in women. It is suitable for all people, but do confirm it with your doctor before trying.

25. Yoghurt, Gram, Flour, and Turmeric

Make a smooth paste with gram flour, turmeric, and yoghurt. Apply it on your face and allow it to dry halfway. Then, massage the hairy area in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Finally, rinse it off with water. You can do this every day. The stickiness of the packs allowed for hair to get stuck in it and pulled off when you rub it. You can use this on all skin types. There are no side effects.

26. Orange Peel and Oatmeal

Make a paste by mixing orange peel powder, oatmeal powder, and water. Apply the paste on the hairy areas. After it partially dries, massages it in circular motions. Finally, wash it off. You can do this 2-3 times a week. The orange peel acts as a natural bleach. The oats will exfoliate your skin and remove the excess hair. This works on all skin types. However, orange peel could potentially cause skin irritation.

27. Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is a flowering plant from the buttercup family. Take a dried root of black cohosh and boil it in water on a low flame for half an hour. When the water reduces to 1/3rd of the original volume, switch off the stove and strain the concoction. Add honey to this. You can drink three cups in a day. Black cohosh contains anti-androgen properties which address hirsutism. Those suffering from liver disease, blood clotting, or anyone taking hormonal medication should avoid doing this.

How to Remove Hair from Face Permanently Naturally at Home

Here are some DIY home remedies to remove hair from face naturally at home -

1. Honey and Sugar

Adding sugar to your skin exfoliates dead skin cells and removes facial hair, whereas honey heals and nourishes your skin, making it one of the best home remedies that remove facial hair. Prepare the paste by mixing a tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of water in a small bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds until the sugar dissolves. Apply to areas where you have unwanted facial hair. Put a strip of cotton cloth over the paste, let it cool, and pull it off in one motion in the opposite direction of the hair growth.

2. Gram Flour and Rose Water

The exfoliating properties of gram flour, when combined with the goodness of rose water, inhibit hair growth. Combine two tablespoons of gram flour, two tablespoons of rose water, and one tablespoon of lemon juice in a bowl. Apply the paste to your face, let it dry completely, then rub it off with your fingers to remove facial hair. Repeat this three to four times a week for best results.

3. Egg and Cornstarch

Egg whites are an excellent home remedy for facial hair, but adding cornstarch makes this remedy more effective for eliminating dead skin cells and facial hair. Prepare this paste by mixing the white of one egg with a half tablespoon of cornstarch and a teaspoon of sugar. Apply it to your skin evenly and allow it to dry completely. Afterwards, peel off the mask in the opposite direction of the hair growth to get rid of facial hair.

4. Papaya and Turmeric

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which helps remove facial hair, while turmeric improves the skin's glow, making this a glow-boosting home remedy. Take a slice of papaya and mash it into a paste. Add half a teaspoon of turmeric to it and mix well. Then apply the paste over the areas where unwanted hair grows. Massage for a few minutes and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and repeat this home remedy twice a week for best results.

5. Sugar and Lemon

Traditionally, sugar and lemon have been used together for centuries as an effective home remedy to remove unwanted facial hair. The sugar sticks to the hair and removes it effectively, while the lemon leaves the skin looking radiant. You can prepare this by stirring sugar with lemon juice and very little water into a granular paste. It can either be used cold, or it can be warmed slightly to form a sticky paste. Apply a thin layer over your unwanted facial hair, massage for a few minutes, then let it remain for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.

How to Remove Hair from Your Upper Lip Naturally

Many practitioners of natural remedies often advise on how to remove facial hair naturally from the upper lip. You can learn how to remove facial hair at home if you wish to. These practitioners are sure that these remedies remove the hair and restrict further growth as well. They have advocated for these methods in permanent hair removal. This is how to remove hair from the face permanently naturally at home:

1. Turmeric and Milk

In a small bowl, mix together 1 tablespoon of turmeric and milk. Then, using your fingers, apply this mixture to your upper lip. Wait for about 20 minutes for it to dry. Then, gently scrub it off with wet fingers in the opposite direction of hair growth. Keep doing this till all the dried paste comes off. Rinse your upper lip with cold water.

2. Gelatin

Use a microwave-safe bowl to mix 1 tablespoon of unflavoured gelatin with 1 and a half teaspoons of milk and three drops of lavender essential oil. Pop this into the microwave and put it on high heat for 12 seconds. Allow it to become lukewarm before you use a popsicle stick to apply it to your upper lip. Wait for it to dry before you peel it off against the direction of your hair growth. Rinse your upper lip with cold water.

3. Spearmint Tea

As per this 2007 study, people have come to recommend spearmint tea for hair removal. This is because drinking spearmint tea twice a day has proven to reduce facial hair growth.

Essential Tips and Precautions to Consider

You need not always depend on medication or surgical procedures for hair removal. It is very much possible to remove facial hair through natural Ayurvedic home remedies. As you can see above, there are plenty of ways how to remove facial hair permanently with Ayurveda. While natural remedies are much better for our bodies, we must follow certain precautions while using them:

  • You must have patience while trying home remedies, as they often take months to come into effect. With consistent effort, you will see great results.
  • Be careful with your skin. Do not attempt to do various kinds of remedies together. For example, using a sugar and molasses pack will require time for healing. Also, you must be careful not to burn your skin. Be aware of the side effects before you start a remedy.
  • If you have sensitive skin, you need to be very careful about the remedies you try. Do not use ingredients such as turmeric, orange peel, or lemon juice as it may cause allergic reactions.
  • It is advisable to take a warm bath before applying any pack to your face, as it will open up your pores and make the pack work more effectively.
  • After you finish, it is important to use ice or cold water to close the pores.

Other Ways to Treat Facial Hair

There are plenty of natural remedies on how to remove upper lip hair naturally. These are some other methods that do not involve ingredients from your kitchen:

1. Shaving

This is probably the fastest and easiest way to get rid of body hair. You can just shave while you are having a bath, and you are good to go! Whether you decide on a disposable shaver or an electric one, ensure that it has a built-in blade that can lift and cut the hair at the skin’s surface.

2. Tweezing

This is yet another effective, quick, and inexpensive method of removing facial hair. While shaving cuts the hair off at the skin surface, tweezing will pull the hair out from the root.

3. Epilation

Epilation is a lesser-known method of hair removal. It works similarly to tweezing out the hair. It is a little time-consuming; however, you won’t see hair growth for the next 3-4 weeks. This is a great alternative for those with busy schedules. This is a great option if you don’t like tweezing and shaving every week.

4. At-Home Waxing

Waxing is a quick and effective way to remove hair in a particular area. You will find two types of waxing kits for home:

  • Wax strips that need to be warmed by your hands before application
  • Melted wax that needs to be warmed when you apply it on.

5. At-Home Laser Removal

Most hair removal methods offer temporary solutions. Your hair generally grows back within days or weeks. However, for a more long-lasting solution, it might be best to consider laser hair removal.

6. Depilatory creams

A great option for facial hair removal is the use of depilatory creams. Usually, your hair takes longer to grow back compared to shaving. They are also cheaper than waxing.

7. Threading

Threading is a commonly used method for removing hair from the upper lip and shaping the eyebrows. It can also be used to remove hair from the chin, forehead, and side of the face. A beautician will use a thread to pull and twist unwanted hair from your hair follicles. This, too, ensures that hair takes longer to grow back. Unlike other hair removal methods, this will not cause ingrown hairs.

Summing Up On How To Remove Facial Hair Naturally

There is no need to fret if you are worried about excessive facial hair. Know that it is completely natural to have hair on your face and body. However, for those who are not ready to embrace it and wish to do away with it, these remedies are perfect for removing facial hair naturally. Before you know it, you will have clean and flawless skin. You can easily use home remedies and everyday ingredients to address the issue of facial hair.


Is It Okay to Remove Facial Hair?

Yes, it is completely fine. At the end of the day, it is your body and choice. It is not true that the hair will grow back thicker or faster.

Can Excessive Facial Hair Growth Indicate PCOS?

Yes, excessive fair hair growth can indicate PCOS. One of the more common symptoms of PCOS is hirsutism. If you feel you have excessive hair growth, you can get yourself checked for PCOS. If you treat the root cause of this syndrome, you can control hair growth.

Can Electrolysis Help in Getting Rid of Facial Permanently?

Yes, electrolysis may help in getting rid of facial hair permanently. Electrolysis treatments are growing in popularity as a hair removal treatment. During the process, an epilator device will be inserted into your skin. Shortwave radio frequencies are used to damage your hair follicles. This prevents the growth of new hair. However, if you undergo electrolysis, one session is not enough. You will require several follow-ups before there are any tangible results. However, if you have the patience and the money, you can definitely opt for electrolysis as a hair removal method. It also happens to be a low-maintenance procedure.
