Honey For Eyes | Benefits & How to Use

Not a fan of wearing lenses or glasses? Honey may help. Honey has a range of benefits particularly for your eyes. Read this to learn more.

Honey For Eyes | Benefits & How to Use

We all love to smear some honey on our bread or mix it in with our green tea. This Winnie the Pooh's favorite food- Honey also finds its use as an ingredient for face masks, hair masks, and a range of other skincare products typically designed to enhance and do wonders to our skin.

Use our 2% Bio Retinol Under Eye Cream can help you fade dark circles and diminish fine lines & wrinkles and is specially made for delicate skin.

But did you know this sweet and tasty goodness can actually do wonders to your eyes?

Yes, commonly, it is used as a replacement for sugar and is a natural sweetener. But, it is so much more than that.

With its healing, antimicrobial, and soothing properties, it comes with a host of benefits that can do good for your skin and eyes.

So, what is honey made up of? Let’s have a look.

  • Carbohydrates
  • Amino Acids
  • Proteins
  • Vitamins and Minerals
  • Antioxidants

Ayurveda has been making use of honey to treat eye concerns for centuries now. When applied topically, honey can reduce eye irritation and inflammation and kill the bacteria, causing the problem. In fact, there are some who make use of honey to change the colour of their eyes! Of course, there is no scientific evidence that it can do that. But there are a plethora of benefits that have actually been proven. What are they? Take a look.

Use our 2% Bio Retinol Under Eye Cream can help you fade dark circles and diminish fine lines & wrinkles and is specially made for delicate skin.

Honey for Eye Ailments

Blepharitis is an eye condition, which causes swelling and burning sensation of the inner eyelash line. It is seen that using Manuka honey can help cure the disease. Although human trials are still ongoing, it is believed that it can cure the condition.

Honey Refreshes and Energizes Tired Eyes

When your eyes feel tired after staring at a screen for too long, honey can come to the rescue. It is believed that applying some honey on closed eyes while you sit back and relax can relieve strained eyes. Once you are done, just wash it off with clean, cold water.

Honey Cures Dry Eyes

When the eye is not able to generate the necessary amounts of tears to keep itself hydrated, it can cause itching, pain, and even redness of the eyes. Here, you can make an eyewash where you use honey with equal parts of water to wash your eyes. You must follow this remedy before going to bed for a couple of days.

Honey helps Prevent Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye condition where, due to the build-up of fluid, there is an increase in the pressure in the eye, which can strain the optic nerves causing permanent vision loss. However, according to studies, it is seen that by using honey as an eye drop can help prevent this condition.

Honey keeps Your Vision Intact

Honey is exceptional when it comes to protecting your sight. Why? Because it is rich in antioxidants and contains the necessary minerals and needed vitamins. So, using honey regularly as eye drops can help do the deed.

Prevents Wrinkles Under the Eye

Ageing is inevitable, and wrinkles are a part of it. However, honey is not only exceptional in managing eye issues, but it can also help tackle ageing. How? Apply honey wherever you notice wrinkles and fine lines. You can let it stay for 15 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water.

Use our 2% Bio Retinol Under Eye Cream can help you fade dark circles and diminish fine lines & wrinkles and is specially made for delicate skin.

Honey Helps treat sore eyes

Sore or puffy eyes are due to sleep deprivation or sitting in front of a computer for longer. It can be cured quickly by ingesting some honey. Yes, it is that simple.
Heals Eye Infection. Due to its wound healing properties, honey can cure an eye infection quickly and acts as a wonderful remedy. How to use it? Mix equal parts of honey with boiling water. Let the mixture cool and apply it on the eye using a cotton pad.

Honey Works as an Optic Nerve Tonic

Honey is known to boost the production of a component called nitric oxide. This element is necessary for blood circulation to the optic nerve. Therefore, using honey for eyes can help maintain your vision.

Honey Improves Protein Oxidation in the Eye Lens

Using honey either in food or even as an eyewash can help enhance eye lens oxidation, meaning your vision remains stronger for longer.

Honey helps in Lightening of Eye Colour

There is no real evidence that people can change the colour of their eye with honey, but there is an internet myth around using honey to do so. It is said that if you use pure honey mixed with water as an eye drop, you can notice a change in your eye colour. However, this is not verifiable by any scientific source, so we do not recommend trying this.

Honey for Dark Circles

Honey is often used as a cure for dark circles. It is natural and you notice effects immediately. For dark circles, most beauty experts recommend applying honey under your eye and letting it rest for 30 minutes before washing it off.

Use our 2% Bio Retinol Under Eye Cream can help you fade dark circles and diminish fine lines & wrinkles and is specially made for delicate skin.

Here’s a quick honey eye mask recipe for dark circles:

  • 1 tsp of honey
  • 1 tsp of olive oil.
  • Mix it thoroughly and apply it for 20 minutes.

    Now that you know all the incredible benefits of honey, you might want to keep a jar at home!

However, it is important to note that most of the honey you can buy in the supermarket these days contain impurities. Honey can be contaminated by the environment, the soil and even the water surrounding the hive. The addition of pesticides, antibiotics and added sugars also constitute the malpractices of honeybee extraction on a large scale. Therefore, it is imperative to find where your honey comes from and support local harvesters to get the best products. Also, consult a doctor to ensure honey suits your eyes.