Benefits & How to Use Green Tea for Hair - A Complete Guide

Benefits & How to Use Green Tea for Hair - A Complete Guide

Do you know which beverage is the most popular and the healthiest in the world? It is green tea, mainly because this beverage possesses several medicinal properties.

Scientifically speaking, regular consumption of green tea is found to have beneficial effects on your hair. This article is written specifically to explain the potential benefits you can gain by consuming green tea for hair.

What is Green Tea?

‘Camellia sinensis’ is the scientific name of the plant from which green tea originates. It is extracted from fresh leaves that undergo the process of drying and sunlight exposure.

Green tea is a beverage that helps promote mental alertness, relieves digestive symptoms, aids in weight loss, and relieves headaches. In addition, components of green tea, like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), have been known to have protective effects against cancer and heart disease.

Is Green Tea Good for Hair?

Yes, green tea is one popular beverage that helps in maintaining healthy hair. The different nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants in green tea contribute to the health of our hair. So those who are aware of green tea benefits for hair substitute it for their morning tea. This writeup will help in knowing green tea uses for hair and scalp issues.

Benefits of Green Tea for Hair

Among the many effective products for hair care available in the market, green tea is one of the most beneficial products.

According to a small study, researchers have found that consumption of green tea helps in stimulating hair growth. The presence of the EGCG extract in the beverage causes hair follicles to grow, helping prevent damage to the skin and hair cells.

It must be noted that there is no definite answer to whether or not green tea for hair growth is indeed a solution for hair loss. Especially for individuals who are not suffering from hormone-associated hair loss, green tea may not be the right choice for hair fall.

Green tea for hair growth is beneficial because of its elements like carotenoids, zinc, ascorbic acid, tocopherols, and selenium. In addition, it contains natural vitamin C that protects your hair and scalp from sun damage.

Let us discuss why green tea is good for hair.

1. Prevents Hair Loss

Many men and women all around the world are affected by hair loss. The leading causes are stress, diet, autoimmune diseases, and hormonal changes.

In terms of the natural hair growth cycle, there are three phases. These include hair growth (Androgen), transitional phase (Catagen), and loss of hair (Telogen). During the hair growth phase, there are two hormones capable of inhibiting development, thereby stimulating hair loss. These hormones are testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

A few research studies also show that EGCG can reduce the impact of these hormones on the hair. This enables the slowing down of the hair loss process—the main reason green tea benefits for hair outweigh the cons.

2. Enhances Nutrient Delivery

Hair is a part of the Integumentary System within the human body. This also includes skin, nails, and other accessory structures. The hair, in fact, grows directly from the skin. It receives blood and nutrients from the skin.

A small group study was done involving about 15 participants. Researchers discovered that consumption of green tea extract for 12 weeks did increase the skin blood flow and delivery of nutrients by 29%.

In another study, 30 participants drank about 4 cups of green tea for twelve weeks leading to drastic improvements in skin hydration. This proved that green tea for hair regrowth is truly a beneficial form of therapy in the long term.

3. Green Tea for Hair Growth

Are you still wondering is green tea good for hair or not? Here is more information that could clear your doubt.

Green tea appears to boost hair growth by activating hair follicles and reducing hair follicle damage. Adequate hydration, oxygen supply, and nutrients to the skin have a significant role in hair growth.

Green tea can help your hair growth by increasing the supply of these nutrients to the scalp. Green tea’s epigallocatechin gallate may prevent hair loss by decreasing hormonal activity that causes hair loss. It is effective in stimulating hair follicles and boosting hair regrowth. Thus, it’s worth trying green tea for hair regrowth due to its beneficial attributes.

4. Green Tea for Hair Fall

Green tea is known to prevent hair loss. It contains catechins, which aid in reducing dihydrotestosterone, the hormone that causes hair loss.

Another reason to use green tea for hair fall is its properties that target stress levels, thereby reducing hair loss due to stress. So, it is beneficial to try drinking green tea for hair fall.

5. Green Tea for Dandruff

Applying a hair pack of green tea for dandruff helps get rid of itchy, flaky, and oily scalp issues. Green tea also aids in fighting scalp dryness and dandruff induced by the use of chemicals. Green tea benefits hair and scalp due to its high antioxidant content. Therefore, it’s an excellent solution for a healthy scalp free of dandruff.

Also Read: How to Use Curd & Lemon for Dandruff? Benefits, Recipes & More!

How to Use Green Tea for Hair?

There are various ways to use green tea for hair growth. Some tried and tested thoughts on how to use green tea for hair are listed below.


People looking to use green tea for hair growth can simply substitute their regular hair wash product with green tea extract shampoo.

Green tea oil

Oil is one of the greatest ways to get the benefits of green tea. Using green tea oil for hair massages weekly can enhance hair quality and strength.

Green tea hair pack

If your concern is how to use green tea for dandruff, this hair pack might be beneficial.

Prepare a hair mask using green tea, warm water, and little coconut oil. This hair pack is the most effective way to use green tea for dandruff.


A homemade hair pack or conditioner with green tea extract can be used regularly after shampooing to maintain healthy hair.

What Forms Does Green Tea Come in & What’s Best for Your Hair?

In shampoos, conditioners, and hair rinses, you can see green tea infusions. These shampoos and conditioners contain green tea ingredients that help reduce hair loss.

It also must be noted that there is no direct evidence linking the use of green tea with the effective prevention of weight loss. However, this beverage can ensure that your hair remains strong and healthy.

Apart from using green tea for dandruff, other ingredients such as caffeine, saw, palmetto, and biotin can be used to prevent hair loss. One of the proven treatments apart from using green tea oil for hair is using the chemical compounds finasteride and minoxidil.

Where Can I Buy Green Tea?

To experience effective hair growth, it is crucial that you not only know how to use green tea for hair but also understand what and where to buy it from.

So, if you intend on getting the best results, it is advisable that green tea that is the least processed be applied. For example, Pure Ceylon Green Tea from the Nuwara Eliya belt in Sri Lanka is a perfect choice.

This is mainly because this high grown tea possesses a combination of strong flavour and offers an amazing taste to remember. There is also the Mythical Green Tea plucked from the renowned Nanu Oya region in Sri Lanka. This blend boasts of a wonderful roasted flavour that is also beneficial for overall health.

Summing Up on Green Tea Benefits for Hair

Do you still wonder if green tea is good for hair? The answer is a resounding ‘yes’, as the presence of catechins inhibits the hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DTH), both key players in preventing hair loss.

Green tea is good for hair in the following ways:

  • Reduces hair loss
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Reduces the dryness of your scalp and aids in managing dandruff
  • Boosts hair strength and hair health
  • Improves the blood circulation to the scalp


Can You Leave Green Tea in Your Hair?

Yes, it is beneficial to leave green tea in your hair. This is mainly because reducing dryness and dandruff is one of the benefits derived from green tea uses for hair. Additionally, the presence of polyphenols in this type of tea helps promote hair regrowth.

Can I Apply Green Tea on Hair Daily?

Yes, green tea is the perfect ingredient if you intend to rinse your hair to keep it healthy and strong. By using water mixed with green tea to wash your hair, you will only strengthen the roots of your hair and give it a nice texture and shine.

How Many Cups of Green Tea Should You Drink a Day?

Green tea is filled with nutrients and, when used, provides a wide range of benefits. Studies, however, show conflicting evidence suggesting the minimum intake of green tea in a day. Therefore, it is advised that you take at least five cups of this beverage daily.
