Doxycycline and Dairy: Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects
Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic drug prescribed usually for the treatment of bacterial infection. It stops the growth of bacteria by blocking protein synthesis.

Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic drug prescribed usually for the treatment of bacterial infection. It stops the growth of bacteria by blocking protein synthesis. Doxycycline can be consumed orally or via injections.
Doxycycline Uses
Doxycycline is effective against many types of bacterial infections. Some of them are listed below:
- Acne and other types of skin infections.
- Infection in lungs, nose, throat, eyes, and teeth.
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).
- Infection in the urinary tract and intestine.
- Sinus and arthritis treatment.
However, regular usage of doxycycline may also prevent the growth of good bacteria in your intestine. Lactic acid helps restore this good bacteria. Hence, doxycycline and lactic acid bacillus capsules are sometimes used together for the treatment of bacterial infection.
Doctors also prescribe doxycycline for women with malaria. This is because their immune system is weak and more susceptible to bacterial infection. In such cases, one should try the benefits of Kahwa tea for immunity.
Doxycycline Dosage
Doxycycline dosage depends upon several factors such as:
- Form of the medicine: tablet, syrup, or injections.
- Age of the patient.
- Disease to be treated and its severity.
- Any other medical condition of the patient that may affect the impact of doxycycline.
- The patient's reaction to the first dose.
Generally, doctors recommend taking 100 mg of doxycycline every 12 hours on the first day to treat generic bacterial infections in adult women.
How Long Should I Take Doxycycline?
One recommends an adult woman to take doxycycline for the first two to three days of treating a generic bacterial infection. However, one should always consult their doctor first regarding the dosage and its duration for effective results.
Can You Have Doxycycline and Dairy Together?
- No, it would help if you did not consume doxycycline with milk or any other dairy product like yogurt, cheese, etc. A 1987 study found that its absorption rate in the human body decreases by approximately 30% when taken within 2 hours of drinking milk.
- This is because dairy products reduce the body cell's absorption capacity of doxycycline through a process called chelation. It involves the formation of chelates (chemical compounds) when tricyclene compounds react with calcium ions.
- Doxycycline is a tetracycline drug, and milk products are rich in calcium ions. Hence, they form chelate in the body that reduces overall absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and thus, in turn, nullifies the impact of doxycycline.
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Can We Take Antibiotics With Milk?
Antibiotics, especially those belonging to the tetracycline class, do not absorb well in the gut when taken with dairy products like milk. Hence, you should not consume any dairy product at least within 3 hours of taking an antibiotic.
What Else Affects Doxycycline?
Antacids and calcium supplements, rich in calcium ions, should also not be consumed along with doxycycline.
Doxycycline interactions with iron and magnesium form chelate. Thus, you should avoid taking food supplements rich in these minerals within 2 hours of consuming doxycycline.
Here are some other compounds that do not work well with doxycycline for the same reasons mentioned above:
- Barbiturates.
- Antimetabolites.
- Diuretics.
- Anticonvulsants
- Laxatives.
- Proton pump inhibitors.
- Retinoids.
- Vitamin A.
- Lithium.
Who Should Not Have Doxycycline?
If you belong to any of the following groups of people, you should consult your doctor before taking doxycycline:
- Women sensitive to tetracycline drugs: Some people are more prone to side effects of tetracycline drugs because of prior health conditions. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergies, anemia, iron deficiency, etc.
- Children below eight years of age: This is the age when teeth develop. They require a high amount of calcium ions. However, doxycycline reacts with calcium to form chelate. Thus, children may suffer from tooth discolouration, making them appear yellow-grey-brown instead of white.
- Pregnant women: Tooth formation occurs in a fetus in the second trimester of pregnancy. If a pregnant woman takes a regular dosage of doxycycline, her unborn baby may also have tooth discoloration for similar reasons. One should avoid certain Indian foods during pregnancy as well.
- Breastfeeding mothers: Doxycycline may also enter an infant's body through breast milk and cause tooth discoloration. Women can also try lactogenic foods for their breastfeeding phase to pass smoothly.
- Women taking anticoagulants: Doxycycline drug interactions reduce blood clotting and cause bleeding. Anticoagulants serve a similar purpose. Taking a high dosage of both of these drugs may cause excessive bleeding.
Doxycycline Side-effects
Women with the following doxycycline contraindications should avoid its usage:
- Nausea and diarrhea.
- Swelling of the tongue.
- Inflammation in the digestive tract and pancreas.
- Lesions in the anus and genital organs.
- Swelling in the heart lining.
- Irregularities in the count of immune cells.
- Auto-immune responses such as fluid buildup, hives, anaphylactic shock, and pericarditis.
- Reduction in white blood cells and platelet count.
- Allergic reactions to the skin causing rashes and sun severity.
- Anemia.
- Increased blood pressure.
- The deposition of toxins in the kidney.
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- Reema S. Patel and Mayur Parmar, December 2020; Doxycycline Hyclate -
- F P Meyer, H Specht, B Quednow, and H Walther; Influence of milk on the bioavailability of doxycycline--new aspects -
- Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, December 2013; Using medication: Using antibiotics correctly and avoiding resistance -
- Heidi Pöyhönen, Mirka Nurmi, Ville Peltola, Satu Alaluusua, Olli Ruuskanen, and Tuire Lähdesmäki; Dental staining after doxycycline use in children -
- U. S. Food and Drug Administration; Doxycycline Use by Pregnant and Lactating Women -