20 Amazing Benefits Of Facials That You Didn’t Know - Bodywise

Have you incorporated facials in your skincare routine? If not, do it today, as the benefits of facials are magical for the skin.

20 Amazing Benefits Of Facials That You Didn’t Know - Bodywise

What is the easiest way of receiving glowing and clear skin? Just one hour at a salon with an appointment for a facial. The feeling of touching your face and finding soft and smooth skin is incomparable.

Most of you might follow a basic skincare routine that helps maintain the skin, but the benefits of facials are unmatched. So, it is good to book a salon appointment once in a while. If you think that facials are just a senseless and elaborate way of spending your money, think again.

Benefits of Facials

Facials are a 360-degree step-by-step skincare routine that is packed with immense benefits.

1. Rejuvenation and  ease from psychological distress

This is not some benefit that is claimed out of thin air. A study published in the journal Biomedical Research suggests that facial massage can activate your sympathetic nervous system, reducing your anxiety and uplifting your mood.

There are a lot of pressure points on your face that are connected to various systems in your body. Your body responds to every pressure point differently. So, the benefits of facials are not only confined to glowing skin but organs as well.

It is a very good exercise for your face, and since it is impossible to know about all the pressure points on your face without being a professional, you need to visit a salon.

2. Removes dirt

The benefits of facials include removing every last trace of dirt, oil, and pollution from your face. These pollutants can make your complexion dreary and dull.

The first step of the facial only includes cleansing. Professionals do a thorough clean-up of your face and neck with the help of a cleansing lotion or foam. Some prefer to use oil-based cleansers. However, the product is decided based on your skin type.

This step helps wipe the deeply settled grime and excess oil off the face. The next step involves exfoliating, which cleans the pores. It is important to clean the pores as the dirt settled in them can lead to blackheads.

The benefits of facials are many, but the major one is that it keeps your skin clean and healthy. At the same time, they are a great way to wipe off the dirt of the month and get a clearer complexion.

3. Keeps the stress at bay

You might be stressed, but you will not look stressed with good and frequent facials. Today’s fast-paced lifestyle demands a lot from us, and it is vital to start protecting your skin after the age of 30 or all that stress will start showing on your face.

One of the most effective ways to keep stress at bay is booking regular appointments for facials. One of the benefits of facials is that it helps to accelerate the cell regeneration process. It also increases the collagen (the main structural protein found in various connective tissues) production under your skin.

You should choose facials that include organic and fruit-derived ingredients as they can nourish the skin. With frequent facials, it is easy to reduce the signs of stress. If stress is your major concern, then always opt for organic and natural facials.

You can even choose to pair your facials with a treatment like microdermabrasion. This treatment is a non-invasive process that accelerates the cleansing process by reducing dead skin cells. It further improves the cell regeneration process like facials.

You can opt for facials every month and take the microdermabrasion treatment once in three months. Combining both treatments will rejuvenate your skin and make it look healthy.

4. Tones the skin

Facials have a step of facial massage, which is the most fun part of this regime. It essentially clams the mind and soothes the skin.

Benefits of facials include blood stimulation and a healthy glow but the facial massage tones and tighten the facial skin. The skin on the face and neck is prone to become saggy and wrinkly, but massage with fingertips can strengthen the facial muscles and tone them too.

The professionals are trained to massage your skin upward, which will uplift your skin and leave it naturally contoured. Regular facials will help you to get toned and firm skin with time.

5. De-puffs the eyes

One of the added benefits of facials is that it also offers under-eye care. It not only offers you a bright and beautiful complexion but is extremely good for your tired and puffy eyes.

The facial massage step contributes to this by treating the sensitive area under your eyes and removing dark circles, puffiness, and eye bags. Facials include special under-eye creams which moisturise and nourish that area. Apart from that, cucumbers will be placed on the eyes when you have a face mask, and that will soothe and rejuvenate yours under the eye area.

6. Offers double dose of hydration

One of the major benefits of facials is the hydration boost it gives to your skin. This makes it a winner of the skincare treatments as hydration is very important for healthy skin.

One of the steps of the facial includes a super hydrating face mask, and a good amount of time is dedicated to it in the treatment. Also, the mask is followed by a light moisturiser that nourishes your skin. Facials can come to your rescue if you have dry skin, as they will not only moisturise your blah skin but also turn it into a plump, healthy-looking one.

7. Dead skin cells

The major benefit of facial is a bright and clear complexion. This is because your skin is given steam which opens your pores and treated with a mild scrub that exfoliates dead skin cells.

The scrub removes the tiniest of dull and dead skin, which leads to soft and smooth skin. Exfoliation also removes blackheads and whiteheads from the chin and nose with the excess sebum on your T-zone that leads to acne.

8. Reduces pigmentation

If you have pigmented skin or uneven skin tone with red, dark, and tan spots on your face and neck area, then regular facials can help you. Pigmentation can occur due to melanin production, sun exposure, internal disease, and a lot more.

The benefits of facials are that they regulate blood circulation and help in giving an even skin tone. It reduces hyperpigmentation and gives toned skin. If you have pigmentation, you should opt for specific facials that cater to this issue. Such facials use antioxidants and Vitamin C products, which lightens the dark patches and improves the overall complexion, products adding to the face’s natural radiance.

9. Skin detoxification

Your skin needs rejuvenation. If you don’t detoxify, it can become dry and flaky. After a while, you can suffer from acne. The problems are ample but can be catered to through facials.

One of the benefits of facials is detoxification of the skin. Almost all facials use skin products rich in antioxidants that can help detoxify the skin. The products also contain essential oils and herbal extracts, which help in the detoxification process.

10. Skin absorbs better

Benefits of facials include smooth and soft skin, which improves the boosting power of your skin’s absorption. After a facial, your skin’s surface is plump, which helps your skincare products absorb and penetrate the skin better.

The best part is that it will also help your makeup products to blend better and give you a flawless finish. A facial removes all the impurities and gives you porcelain smooth skin, which absorbs better.

11. Prevent ageing

You need to admit that you are not getting any younger. Thus, it is important to take care of only one face. So, opting for regular facials is necessary to keep your skin looking young and glamorous. The benefits of facials promote collagen development and massage cell regeneration, which prevents fine lines and wrinkles on your face, giving you younger-looking skin.

12. Treats acne and acne marks

If you get frequent, you know that you have the urge to squeeze the pimple. This can lead to scarring. Such acne marks are very stubborn, but frequent facials can help you treat them.

You can opt for special facials which use skincare products with salicylic acid to treat acne. A study shows that salicylic acid helps to reduce acne and prevents the scars that you get from them.

13. Blackheads and whiteheads

The facial process includes extraction, which is a very crucial part of the entire process. If you have done facials before, you might know that professionals use an extraction tool for the same.

Blackheads and whiteheads clog the pores and spoil the lustre of the skin. Also, it is difficult to remove these blackheads and whiteheads at home. Hence, if you feel that your skin is bumpy, then you should immediately book an appointment for a facial.

14. Soft and glowing skin

The benefits of facials masks are next level as it hydrates and moisturises the skin. Any facial includes a step with a mask. These face masks are prepared by professionals based on your skin type.

They refine the skin pores and enhance the complexion of the skin. Masks also contain ingredients that diminish hyperpigmentation and make your skin firm.

15. Reduces built-up tension

The benefits of facials include a super relaxing experience. If you are looking to decrease the tension around your face and neck, then you must opt for a Lymphatic facial. It even reduces puffiness on your face.

Opting for such a facial is beneficial as the salon professional will massage specific areas to relieve tension and blockage. Such facials can also help remove water retention and toxins from the body.

16. Reduces blemishes

Facials promote blood circulation and remove dirt from the pores. Massages also give an even tone to the skin, reducing blemishes and giving a fairer complexion. Frequent facial appointments can reduce all these skin problems and give you healthy, younger-looking skin.

17. Get expert care

Facials come with expert advice. Before facials, the professional will ask you various questions about your skin type, skin issues, and what problems you want to address. They examine your skin closely and, based on that, offer a solution.

They offer products and treatments that are beneficial for your skin. You can even ask them to suggest skincare products in your daily routine.

18. Tightens the skin

Your skin loses elasticity with age as the production of collagen decreases. However, the benefits of facials include tightening the skin by promoting collagen growth. This is done with the help of skincare products like face packs, lotions, masks, chemical peels, and creams filled with botanical extracts that tighten the skin.

19. Easy skincare routine

The facial is one of the easiest skincare routines. Every salon offers this service, and all you need to do is book an appointment. It solves almost all the general and basic skin problems.

Facials are the best option for people who are very lazy about taking care of their skin at home. People who do have elaborate skincare routines at home should still opt for facials as you need professional care once in a while.

20. Available in a lot of varieties

Facials are available in a lot of different varieties. You can opt for a specialised facial based on your skin type and problem. There are a lot of different facials to choose from, like Microcurrent Facial, Lymphatic Massage Facial, Galvanic Facial, High-Frequency Facial, and Microdermabrasion.

You should discuss this in length with your beautician as she can suggest you the best option. You can even experiment with different facials to help you nourish your skin in every aspect. The benefits of facials are varied, and thus, it is a good idea to get one regularly.

How often do you need facials?

You can get a facial every month, but the exact number depends on a lot of factors like:

  • Skin type- Every individual’s skin type is different, and thus, what suits your best friend might not suit you. For example, if you are someone who has oily skin and your skin is prone to acne and breakouts, you will need a facial once every two weeks until the issues have been resolved. Also, if you have dry, normal, or combination skin, getting a facial once a month is fine.
  • Skin Care Goals- If you have been looking for beautiful and younger-looking skin for a long time, then you should start early. You should follow a strict facial routine as suggested by your beautician. If the appearance of skin matters to you, then you must take facial routines seriously.
  • Condition of your skin- Do you have any basic skin problems like blackheads or whiteheads? Do you have dull skin, acne, or hyperpigmentation? The frequency of the facials will depend on this as well.
  • Budget- Your budget will affect your facial routine as a lot of these treatments are quite expensive. Thus, if your budget is tight, try getting a facial done once every two months.

It is always a good idea to consult a professional before deciding the frequency and type of the facial as they will be able to suggest the right one to you.

Precautions to follow before having a facial

There are a few things that you need to remember before taking a facial, and they are:

  • Always do a patch test when using products for the first time. It will give you an idea of whether the products are compatible with your skin or not. People with sensitive skin should particularly do this step.
  • Inform your beautician if you have a product allergy before starting the treatment so that she can change the products accordingly. Also, if you are taking any skin medication or applying a medicated ointment, consult your doctor before applying any other product.
  • Do not visit a random salon. Go to a trusted salon with a professional staff with the knowledge to suggest the best facial treatment based on your skin type.
  • Talk to your beautician if you are pregnant and have any restrictions on ingredients.
  • Do not use soap on your face for 2-3 days after the facial treatment.
  • Avoid going out in the sun for a week after the facial. It will nullify all the benefits of facials instantly. If you have to go, wear sunscreen or a hat or carry an umbrella.
  • Do not go for a facial treatment if you have bruises or burns on your face. Let the marks simmer down, and then opt for it.

Summing Up

Facials are not just random skincare procedures. They offer much more as the benefits of facials are a lot. They not only moisturise and rejuvenate your skin but relax you from your busy life. They are an hour of pure bliss. So, if you have been ignoring going for a facial up till now, check the benefits and book an appointment today.
