Scalp Psoriasis Vs Dandruff: Causes, Symptoms & Home Remedies

It is no secret that the definition of what's beautiful and attractive is ever-changing. It can be quite challenging for women to keep up if they wish to. Today, we will be discussing an important aspect of beauty which is hair care.

What if you have to perpetually look over your shoulder to make sure white flakes are not embarrassing you? You guessed it right. We're here to discuss dandruff. Dandruff can be easy to get rid of in its early stages. For example, many women have benefited from using curd and lemon for dandruff.  However, if you let it accumulate, it could have more harmful consequences. Psoriasis, or the more toxic version of dandruff, is natural among women. Let's dive right in and understand the differences between dandruff and Psoriasis.

Also read: 12 home remedies to fight dandruff

Difference Between Dandruff And Scalp Psoriasis

The difference between dandruff and scalp Psoriasis is not much. Most women are unaware of this fact. Dandruff can be categorized as a skin concern in which there are flaky, yellowish particles on your scalp. There is no doubt that these are embarrassing, saying the least.

Psoriasis, however, is a more severe and dire condition. It is much more than just a skin condition. Psoriasis results in dead skin that is patchy and red that is quite visible on the scalp.

Signs & Symptoms of Dandruff

The most fundamental symptom or signal of dandruff is, first and foremost, an itchy scalp. Indeed, dry skin can also lead to an itchy scalp resulting in dandruff.

Where can it appear? Anywhere from your scalp to your forehead, all the way to your eyebrows.

Signs and Symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis

The symptoms of Psoriasis are direr than that of dandruff. Here, red patches begin to formulate on the scalp. That's not all. The red patches can even spread towards a woman's neck, knees, and elbows!

It begins with dry skin that then cracks. As a result of the cracking, it begins to bleed and scale, which leads to further itching, soreness, and burning.

Causes of Dandruff

Once again, the primary cause of dandruff can be attributed to dry skin. Those flaky white patches can shift from your scalp down to your shoulders. What else could cause dandruff? Women overlooking hair care is a significant contributor. If you are using a shampoo that doesn't suit you, not shampooing your hair enough, or using one with too many chemicals- all these factors are likely to cause dandruff.

You should seriously consider switching to a mild shampoo for better hair quality. Apart from this, an imbalanced diet may also cause dandruff. If your schedule is busy and you often eat on the go, try supplementing your diet with these Ayurvedic herbs for hair.

Causes of Psoriasis

Psoriasis can be further categorized as an autoimmune disorder. Dandruff, on the other hand, is not one. So what happens in the biological process of Psoriasis? The white blood cells on your scalp overproduce. As your skin cells regenerate at a faster pace, the actual skin on your scalp cracks and bleeds. The repetition of this process causes red, itchy patches to appear.

Still, though. What are the reasons for this discomforting condition? Mostly, they have been narrowed down to humid climates and weather, stress, and other scalp infections.

Scalp Psoriasis Natural Treatment/ Home Remedies/ Natural Remedies

As we read that Psoriasis is an immunity issue that recurs in most cases, many wellness experts recommend natural and home remedies to treat Psoriasis. Curing Psoriasis at home is possible if treated the right way.

Here is some insight on the natural remedies for Psoriasis on the scalp:

  • Ayurvedic home remedies for Psoriasis such as using turmeric, neem, and guggul.
  • Taking dietary supplements such as fish oil, aloe vera, Oregon grape, and milk thistle can help ease symptoms of scalp psoriasis hair loss. Also, including Vitamin D in the diet will make a significant difference.
  • Preventing Dry Skin/Scalp at all costs. Using a moisturizer, the likes of Betnovate cream, can be beneficial in keeping away the possibility of dry skin. You can also use a ketoconazole shampoo to keep dry flakes in your scalp away.
  • Taking regular baths and keeping your body clean and moisturized.
  • Eating healthy food with omega-3 fatty acids is the best way to deal with this; such foods help in reducing inflammation.
  • Cutting down on stress, alcohol intake, and smoking will also go a long way in treating Psoriasis.

Scalp Psoriasis Shampoo

If you have Psoriasis, there is no doubt that you are going to require a special shampoo. This shampoo will be most effective when it targets your scalp, eradicating the root problem of your hair concerns.

So, what ingredients should you be looking out for? Namely, coal tar and salicylic acid.

So, how to get rid of big dandruff flakes? How do the specific ingredients mentioned above help get rid of this condition?

Coal tar is responsible for slowing down skin growth cells, making them suitable to treat Psoriasis. On the other hand, Salicylic acid sheds dead cells of your skin. Hence, both these ingredients, in tandem, single out redness, itchiness, and flaking, providing instant relief from pain.

Oil for Scalp Psoriasis

At least for Indian households, psoriasis cure at home is your go-to solution. have you ever wondered how to get rid of big dandruff flakes? In this regard, coconut and camphor oil for dandruff does the trick.

Coconut oil effectively retains moisture, acting as a hydrating conditioner for your scalp.

Camphor oil helps kill any lice, bacteria, or infection-causing fungi on your scalp, keeping it clean and nourished.

Also read: Camphor and Coconut Oil for Dandruff

Psoriasis Natural Treatment Essential Oils

When medication is not enough, you can turn to essential oils to relieve your symptoms. Herb-based essential oils are often prescribed in such cases.

Following are some of the essential oils which can be used for Psoriasis:

  • Lavender Oil (reduces inflammation)
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Geranium Oils
  • Castor Oil
  • Black Seed Oil
  • Argan Oil

Also read: How to use pepper for hair growth?

Medicines and Topical Solutions

All medicines for Psoriasis aim to arrest the regeneration of skin cells and their growth. These could include retinoids, methotrexate, steroids, or aloe vera-based creams.

Topical solutions include the use of Corticosteroids, Vitamin D Analogues, coal tar, Anthralin, and Calcineurin Inhibitors.

Note – Consult an expert before beginning any treatment.

Does Psoriasis Spread Through Contact?

Do not worry. Psoriasis cannot be passed on from person to person. That means it is not contagious. It cannot spread through touch, air, water, or any method.

Conclusion – When to See A Doctor?

If you try all the solutions, tips, and tricks mentioned above, and they still don't yield results- it is best to visit your doctor. Which type of doctor will be best equipped to handle your concerns? A dermatologist. They may prescribe a special shampoo for you with more core strength.

Hoping you have learned the difference between Psoriasis and dandruff. Dandruff may also cause hair loss, but it can be dealt with practically if managed in time. Psoriasis is a cause for much concern, so make sure you identify its symptoms early on, adhering to the course of action best suited to your personal needs.
