Hair Rebonding Benefits, Side Effects, Price, PRO Tips - Bodywise

When you want to change your look, changing your hairstyle is the most effective place to start. A time comes in everyone's life when they want to change their look, and it is at this point they begin exploring various hair treatments like hair rebonding, smoothing, hair colour, hair cut, and others.
Among the popular methods for straightening hair is hair rebonding. Several hair salons offer this service. However, before booking an appointment, you may want to learn as much as you can about rebonding hair side effects or is rebonding good for your hair to make an educated decision.
What Is Hair Rebonding?
In hair rebonding, your hair's original structure is altered to give your hair a smoother and straighter appearance. It involves breaking the bonds in your hair shaft using heat and chemicals, resulting in more refined and sleeker hair. Alternatively, hair rebonding treatment is also often called a hair straightening treatment.
This hair treatment can restructure any hair type and give you poker-straight hair, regardless of how curly or wavy your hair is. Rather than smoothening or treating with keratin, this process uses hair relaxants to change your hair's structure and strengthen your hair bonds.
Additionally, this process lasts significantly longer than keratinizing and smoothening. Girls who want their curly hair to become straighter are sure to benefit from this product, as it makes their frizzy hair after rebonding straight, unruly hair smooth and silky. You can also have your rebonded hair be curled.
How Does Hair Rebonding Work?
In hair rebonding, the natural bonds in your hair are rearranged chemically to form new bonds, rather than temporarily straightening them with a styling iron.
What Are the Tools/Ingredients Used in Hair Rebonding?
- A hair rebonding kit
- A flat iron with adjustable temperature settings
- A blow dryer
- A mild shampoo
What Is Rebonding Procedure?
Chemicals and heat are both used in the rebonding process. We've compiled a list of everything you need to know if you consider getting it done.
- Depending on the length of the hair, it will take between 3 and 8 hours to get hair rebonding.
- First, your hair is washed with a mild shampoo without conditioner.
- They then let your hair dry naturally or blow-dry it.
- A stylist divides the hair into sections based on its texture and volume. The stylist analyzes the hair before the relaxant is applied to learn what type of relaxant to use.
- Then your hairstylist lays the hair straight using thin plastic boards while applying a relaxant from the hair bonding kit. The stylist ensures that every strand of hair is coated with the relaxant.
- Depending on the texture of your hair, the relaxant will be applied for 30 to 45 minutes and monitored carefully during this time.
- Steaming takes between 10 and 40 minutes, depending on the hair's condition, volume, texture, etc.
- After deep-conditioning and washing the hair, the stylist dries it.
- Using a flat ceramic iron at 180°C, hair is straightened by applying a keratin lotion.
- The bonds are secured by applying a neutralizer and leaving it on for 30 minutes.
- Cold water is then used to rinse it out.
- The hair is straightened and blow-dried, and the serum is applied once more.
How It Will Look?
Hair that has undergone rebonding will be smooth, glossy, and straight. A rebonding treatment will reduce the frizz in curly hair. Rebonding is perfect if you have curly or wavy hair and use flat irons every time. There is nothing easier to handle, manage, and maintain than straight hair.
With hair rebonding, you can achieve smooth-as-silk and poker-straight tresses without spending hours on them every day. The product also gives your hair a beautiful shine and makes it soft like never before.
Rebonding Hair Side Effects
There are always side effects associated with anything beautiful. You can chemically straighten your curly hair if you want it to look sleek. But it cannot always be guaranteed that it will be safe for your hair.
- Sensitive and weak hair: For the first month after rebonding, you will not be able to pull and comb your hair as you like. You will be unable to bun your hair. Even tucking or clipping your hair behind your ears is impossible, so you must live with open flat hair for months. No styling is allowed.
- Damage to the scalp: Your scalp can be severely damaged when your hair is straightened with heat. In some cases, the scalp may even be burned. Too much exposure to chemicals may also be detrimental to your hair.
- Touch-ups need to be done regularly: In order to rebond the hair, or after rebonding your hair, you will be required to return at least once every six months.
- Loss of Hair: Even a mild pull can pull the hair strand out of its roots as the toxic chemicals used to set the hair straight make the hair shaft weak.
- Resultant frizz: The incorrect way of hair rebonding can result in a disaster. After rebonding, your hair can become frizzy if the process is not performed correctly. Thus, you should follow the set of instructions provided by your salon expert.
Hair Care Tips - How to Maintain Hair After Rebonding
To prevent hair loss and breakage, your hair needs proper care and attention while it settles into its new structure after rebonding.
Keep these things in mind:
- Before you wash your hair, avoid tying it or wrapping it.
- For a month after treatment, refrain from tucking your straight hair behind your ears to prevent creases.
- Don't let your hair lose its shape. Comb your loose hair and spread it evenly over your bed. Make sure that your head stays upright as you sleep.
- Do not wash your hair or rinse with water during the first three days of hair rebonding treatment.
- If you wash your hair after rebonding, you should only brush it with a wide-toothed brush.
- Hot air should not be used to dry your hair.
- At least six months should pass before you colour your hair.
- You can also undergo hair rebonding in pregnancy as the process does not affect you and your baby.
Hair Rebonding Price
Depending on your choice of the salon, the cost of your rebonding will be determined by how long your hair is, whether you choose nontoxic treatments (which tend to cost more), and how well maintained it is. However, a hair rebonding treatment can cost anywhere between 2000 and 4000 INR.
Difference Between Rebonding and Smoothening
Using chemicals to straighten and maintain hair's straightness for months is the goal of rebonding and smoothening processes— both of these work by straightening hair and keeping it straight for months at a time.
In addition, because both of these processes contain chemical agents, they damage hair somehow. Here are some differences between the two techniques that people often confuse:
- Smoothing is cheaper than other procedures since it takes less time, uses fewer chemicals, costs less afterwards, and lasts up to six months.
- On the other hand, rebonding may seem to be a slightly costly option, but it is a time-consuming procedure. It can affect your hair roots due to the lengthy process. It can be a permanent method for straightening your hair.
Difference Between Rebonding and Straightening
Hair may be rebonded, although it can also be straightened. Chemically rebonding is permanent and straightening is temporary. Rebonding is a permanent treatment, and straightening is a quick treatment.
- Strong chemicals are applied to rebond hair, while equipment and solutions are used with straightening to have a more negligible effect on hair. Rebonding is a maintenance-free procedure, but straightening requires proper maintenance.
- Compared to straightening, hair rebonding looks more natural. Instead of altering the hair structure in the straightening method, rebonding changes your hair's original design and gives them a new look.
- Rebonding does not have any environmental factors as rain and humidity affect straightening, and hair becomes frizzy.
- Rebonding is one of the best treatments for problematic hair apart from straightening.
Summing Up on Hair Rebonding
People with curly and wavy hair use straighteners to make their hair more manageable, but regular use can cause damage to the hair. If that is the case, hair rebonding would be a better option because you will spend less time styling your hair each day.
In addition to straightening, smoothing, and softening your hair, hair rebonding also prevents frizziness and helps your hair look shiny. But make sure you consult your hairstylist about the procedure and understand the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment based on the type and texture of your hair.
How Long Does Rebonding Last?
Hair Rebonding can last from 6 to 7 months if done by a reputable salon. Once you straighten your hair, you will have to touch up the new growth every three to six months or a year, depending on your hair growth.
Is Rebonding Suitable for Every Hair Type?
A hairstylist can recommend a chemical treatment suitable for your hair type. Consult your hairstylist to prevent any harm and breakage from occurring in the future.
Is Rebonding Better Than Keratin?
The hair rebonding treatment is a milder version of keratin that does the same thing and lets you achieve silky and smooth hair.
Do I Need to Use a Special Shampoo After the Treatment?
If you have opted for hair rebonding treatment, make sure not to use shampoo for at least three days after the treatment. You should allow the rebonding cream to penetrate deep into the roots and nourish the hair follicles deeply. Washing your hair soon after hair rebonding can damage your hair, not giving you the best results.
- Abdul Basit, Faiza asghar, December 2018; Health improvement of human hair and their reshaping using recombinant keratin K31 -
- A. L. Miranda-Vilela, September 2013; An overview of chemical straightening of human hair: technical aspects, potential risks to hair fibre and health and legal issues -