Ghee Benefits on Skin | Side Effects of Applying Ghee on Skin

What is ghee?

Ghee is defined by research as milk fat or clarified butter. Ghee can be obtained from cow milk or buffalo milk.

Is Ghee Good For Skin?

When your skin looks amazing, you feel amazing. To keep it that way, we have a special secret for glorious skin, just for you. The secret is ghee. Some of you might be wondering that ghee’s lusciousness, tempting, and appetizing aroma, and benefits are only limited to your tummy. But, the benefits of ghee goes beyond just food. And yes! Ghee is good for your skin!

Excessively using Ghee has its share of side effects. Instead go for our 20% Vitamin C Face Serum which helps reduce wrinkles and dullness, giving your skin a youthful glow in just 2 months.

How is Ghee Used in  Ayurveda?

The Ayurvedic text known as the Sushruta Samhita says that ghee comes along with a world of benefits. Right from building tissues, calming your doshas to keeping your gut healthy, ghee can work wonders.

Ghee also has potential antioxidant properties. But can we apply ghee on the face? The answer is, yes. There are several benefits of applying ghee to the face.

The advantages of applying ghee on the face are because of its constituents. Studies have found that ghee contains complex lipids, glycerides, essential and healthy fatty acids, phospholipids, sterols, and fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A, D, and E. Cow ghee is bright yellow because it contains carotene.

Ayurveda recommends using ghee for skincare because it has nourishing as well as hydrating properties. Being a natural remedy, it gives a natural look. A natural look is always associated with authenticity.

Ghee Benefits On Skin

Applying ghee on the face is always recommended by Ayurveda because of the ghee benefits for skin conditions. Discover all the ghee uses for skin below:

Ghee for Pimples

Pimples can be caused due to several factors, including clogged pores, oily skin, etc. Applying ghee on the face for pimples reduces inflammation, swelling, and bacterial infection.  Additionally, ghee provides a youthful glow. Take a generous amount of ghee and apply it to your face and neck. Massage it in a circular motion and sleep with it.

If you have oily skin,  avoid ghee as it could clog your pores and increase acne. Switch to our 10% Niacinamide Serum that helps fades acne marks and dark spots and improve your skin texture.

Ghee for Pigmentation

Studies suggests that applying desi ghee for skin pigmentation is a good treatment. Dermatologists have proven that carotene from desi ghee acts as an antioxidant, reduces oxidative stress damage, and keeps your skin healthy. Research suggests that the carotene from ghee protects your skin from photodamage caused by UV radiations of sunlight and prevents aging. That’s what we want! Here is how you can use desi ghee to remove face pigmentation.

Take ghee, as much as you need and add gram flour, turmeric, and a few drops of lemon juice to it. Apply it as a mask on your face and wash it off with cold water after 10 to 15 minutes.

Ghee for Aging

Owing to its hydrating and nourishing properties, ghee is also known as one of the most effective anti-aging remedies. By keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized, you are keeping fine lines and wrinkles at bay.

Take a generous amount of ghee and apply it to your face and neck. Massage it in a circular motion and sleep with it. For added benefits, you can also add saffron, sandalwood, and turmeric.

Ghee for Eczema

Red, inflamed, and itchy skin is a very commonly observed disease in all age groups. It is called Eczema or Dermatitis. It is chronic and requires prolonged treatment. People often ask, can we use desi ghee for eczema? Yes, studies have found that ghee for eczema as a treatment is well tested and a proven Ayurvedic remedy. It is the best traditional medicine without any side effects.

Used Ghee on face but can't see desired results? Switch to our 2% Salicylic Acid Gel helps clear acne from the face, clears pores, fights blemishes, and brightens the skin tone.

Ghee for Dark circles

A common beauty problem and difficult to get rid of is dark circles. It's time to forget under-eye cosmetics and use ghee for your face instead. Use desi ghee every night to brighten up under-eye skin.

Take a small amount of ghee with your little finger and apply it to your under-eye area. Let it stay there overnight and wash it with water the next morning.

How to Use Ghee for Skin Whitening? Does it Work?

Follow these simple steps:

  • Mix equal parts of ghee and turmeric into a bowl
  • Make sure you work this mixture till it forms into a paste
  • Apply this mixture evenly all over your face and be careful of sensitive areas
  • Once this mixture dries completely, wash it off gently with cold water
  • Pat your face dry with a towel

Both turmeric and ghee have antioxidant properties that help with skin whitening.

Cow ghee benefits for skin

Ever heard somebody enlightening you about the desi ghee benefits for skin? What is desi ghee, really? It refers to the ghee made from cow's milk that is usually hung at home by putting heat to white butter. Its benefits are

  • acts as a moisturising agent for skin
  • acts as a hydrating agent for skin
  • treats chapped or cracked lips
  • brightens the eye region of your face
  • slows down ageing of skin
If you have oily skin,  avoid ghee as it could clog your pores and increase acne. Switch to our 10% Niacinamide Serum that helps fades acne marks and dark spots and improve your skin texture.

Benefits of applying ghee on the face

Generally for skin- You must know these four benefits of applying ghee on the face, especially for dry skin, please read the following:

Ghee moisturises skin

As you age, your skin starts losing moisture naturally. Phospholipids from desi ghee create a transparent barrier for the skin. They hydrate, moisturize, and help the skin repair.

Ghee makes skin soft

Ghee retains the moisture in the skin and makes skin look hydrated, plump, and fuller.  

Ghee treats chapped lips

The phospholipids from desi ghee are the perfect step in the right direction for holding as much moisture to the skin as possible. This helps greatly for cracked or dry lips.

Ghee keeps skin youthful and glowing

Vitamins and lipids from ghee penetrate deeper into the skin. Phospholipids and sterols are the key ingredients of desi ghee to give you a healthy glow and youthful, hydrated complexion.

Excessively using Ghee has its share of side effects. Instead go for our 20% Vitamin C Face Serum which helps reduce wrinkles and dullness, giving your skin a youthful glow in just 2 months.

Benefits of applying ghee on your face overnight

Doing this as often as you can reduces dark and dull spots on your skin, minimises the appearance of dark circles, and and revives the skin.

Steps to apply ghee on your face to benefit you overnight:

  • Take 1 table spoon of ghee and 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Mix and apply this mixture on your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes
  • Once the time is up, wash it off carefully with lukewarm water

This remedy is especially beneficial for wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes and signs of ageing on your skin

If you have oily skin,  avoid ghee as it could clog your pores and increase acne. Switch to our 10% Niacinamide Serum that helps fades acne marks and dark spots and improve your skin texture.

Benefits of eating ghee for skin

Eating ghee daily hydrates your skin, locks in moisture and keeps it glowing and healthy. Of course, ghee can be consumed every day. How much ghee can you eat daily? It is best not to exceed the limit of 2-3 teaspoons of ghee a day. This is because too much ghee can transform into unwanted fats in your body, eventually harming your health.

Ghee vs Coconut oil

Buffalo ghee and coconut oil look very similar because coconut oil freezes in cold weather and becomes semi-solid. However, if you compare ghee vs coconut oil for skin benefits, ghee is always superior, because it contains many vitamins and phospholipids, which are not present in coconut oil. Antioxidant carotene, the most precious ingredient of ghee, is absent in coconut oil.

If you have more doubts regarding usage of ghee for skin, then schedule a FREE appointment with our dermatologist and get a personalized skincare regime depending on your skin.

Side Effects of Applying Ghee on the face

There could be side effects of using ghee on the face when used excessively, incorrectly, and if you are allergic to it.

Ghee is known to facilitate the growth of a bacteria named Malassezia furfur, on your skin. What does this bacteria do? If you face a skin condition, any pre-existing allergy or skin condition like eczema, psoriasis, or seborrheic dermatitis- this bacteria worsens it. Hence, it is best to lay off the ghee and try other methods like eating cherries for your skin instead.

Moreover, women with oily skin should also avoid ghee as it could clog your pores and increase acne instead of reducing it.

Other possible side-effects include:

  • Redness
  • Itchiness
  • Inflammation
  • Swelling
  • Allergic reactions

Also read: Home remedies for excellent skin


Does applying Ghee cause pimples?

The answer is NO. Pimples grow when pores of the skin get blocked due to dead cells, dirt, and sebum. It leads to bacterial infection by Propionibacterium acnes. The infection causes inflammation and swelling. Desi ghee has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Best time to apply Ghee?

Best effects are achieved by applying ghee to the face overnight. Follow these 3 simple steps every alternative night or at least twice-a-week:

Step 1. Wash your face with lukewarm water and pat dry.

Step 2. Gently massage 2-3 drops of desi ghee on your face with gentle upward strokes using your fingertips for at least 60 seconds. Let your skin absorb the ghee.

Step 3. Leave it overnight, preferably, and wash your face the next day morning with lukewarm water. If you do not want to keep it overnight, then wash your face after 20 minutes of massage.

For best results, it is recommended to leave it overnight as a night moisturizing mask. Desi ghee would nourish, hydrate, and form a protective layer. It will infuse the skin overnight with anti-aging vitamins and help to recover from daily damage caused by pollution and sunlight. Phospholipids will lock in moisture while vitamins penetrate the deeper layers in the skin to give a radiant effect.

Collectively, pure and home-made desi ghee is the concentrated, nutritious, and potent cosmetic to restore, repair, and renew your complexion. Research suggests that all the active ingredients of ghee brighten your complexion, reduce pigmentation, and fight signs of aging.


H K Kar (2002) Efficacy of beta-carotene topical application in melasma: an open clinical trial (National Library of Medicine)

Alexandra Perry, Peter Lambert (2011) Propionibacterium acnes: infection beyond the skin (National Library of Medicine)

Pallavi Hegde, D T Hemanth (2010) A case discussion on eczema (International Journal of Ayurveda Research)

H K Biesalski, U C Obermueller-Jevic (2001) UV light, beta-carotene and human skin--beneficial and potentially harmful effects (National Library of Medicine)