25 Foods That Can Cause Miscarriage in Pregnancy
A pregnant woman takes special care of her diet. Read this to know about foods that may cause miscarriage so that you can avoid them and stay healthy.

‌Pregnancy is the most emotional stage for every expecting mother, and no woman will take any chance with her child's health. A mother's body goes through many changes, and she must ensure to eat healthy foods for pregnancy
So, while preparing your diet chart, ensure that you avoid a few foods that can cause miscarriage. Pay more attention to your lifestyle, food intake, and quantity of consumption to stay healthy and active.
Let's check out these 25 foods that can cause miscarriage in the first or second trimester.

Foods That Cause Miscarriage
Here is the list of some foods that cause miscarriage:
1. Animal Liver
Although considered highly nutritious, the animal liver is not safe for pregnant ladies. Eating it daily in pregnancy causes retinol build-up, causing harm to the unborn baby. However, eating it once or twice isn't harmful.
2. Papaya
It is one of the common foods that can cause miscarriage. Unripe or green papaya contains many enzymes and pus that lead to uterine contraction, causing miscarriage. Due to the presence of enzymes, the uterus prompts to develop spasms, ending in miscarriage. Hence, one should avoid it in early pregnancy.

3. Aloe Vera
Can aloe vera destroy pregnancy? Yes, pregnant ladies should avoid aloe vera juice as it causes pelvic haemorrhage. It results in uterine bleeding, leading to miscarriage. It contains a laxative called anthraquinones that causes uterine contractions.
4. Pineapple
Consuming pineapple or pineapple juice in the first trimester of pregnancy causes stillbirth. Bromelain in pineapple leads to a contraction in pregnant ladies, causing miscarriage.
5. Sprouted Potatoes
Studies show that Eating sprouted potatoes harm a pregnant woman. It contains solanine which proves harmful for foetal growth.
6. Caffeine
Consuming caffeine in moderate quantities during pregnancy isn't harmful. Studies show that increased levels of caffeine in pregnant ladies might increase the miscarriage risk or may end up in an underweight baby.

7. Mercury-rich Fish
Women should be extra careful during their first trimester while consuming fish. Some varieties of fish like tuna, marlin, king mackerel, swordfish contain high mercury levels. It affects the developing baby's brain and the entire nervous system, increasing the risk of the immature or mentally unstable baby.
8. Raw or Undercooked Fish
Are you a big fan of sushi? However, shellfish causes several infections, like bacterial, parasitic, or viral infections. Studies show that pregnant woman is likely to get listeria infections, which can pass through the placenta to the baby, causing miscarriage.
9. Processed or Raw Meat
Raw or processed meat contains bacteria like Salmonella, E.coli, and listeria. All these are life-threatening bacteria for the baby. It may even lead to a serious neurological disorder, epilepsy, blindness, and even stillbirth.
10. Raw Eggs
Raw eggs contain Salmonella, causing harmful infections. Its symptoms include stomach cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, and nausea. Hence, avoid raw egg-content foods that can cause miscarriage. It includes homemade mayonnaise, homemade cake icings, poached eggs, lightly scrambled eggs, etc.
11. Raw Sprouts
Raw sprouts like mung bean sprouts, alfalfa, radish, and clover often get contaminated with Salmonella. The seeds of these veggies require a humid environment, which is ideal for the growth of Salmonella bacteria, causing harm to the foetus.
12. Unpasteurized Dairy Products
It contains harmful bacteria, like Salmonella, listeria, etc. In many situations, these dairy products cause life-threatening issues to the unborn child, like neurological disorders, or even miscarriage.
13. Alcohol
It is one of the vital things to avoid in early pregnancy. Consuming alcohol during pregnancy causes foetal alcohol syndrome, causing facial deformities, intellectual disability, and heart defects. It even causes miscarriage or stillbirth.

14. Drumstick
Women should take precautions while consuming drumsticks during pregnancy. Drumsticks contain alpha-sitosterol, which is detrimental for pregnant ladies. Hence, eat it in limited quantities or avoid it in early pregnancy.
15. Crabs
Although packed with vital nutrients, one should avoid eating crabs in high amounts during the early pregnancy stages. It causes the uterus to shrink, leading to internal bleeding and even stillbirth. Moreover, its cholesterol level impacts the pregnant woman's overall health.
16. Herbs
Many experts do not recommend taking herbs as they contain steroids that affect the growth of the foetus. For instance, the Dong Quai herb contains enzymes that initiate miscarriage or cause premature delivery.
17. Wild Apples
Wild apples have sour and acidic properties that induce uterus contraction, often leading to a miscarriage or premature delivery.
18. Spices
These are the basic ingredients that add flavour and aroma to any food. However, avoid certain spices during pregnancy like garlic, angelica, asafoetida, and fenugreek. It stimulates the uterus, leading to contraction, also causing blood thinning.

19. Junk Food
It does not provide healthy nutrients and is high in calories, sugars, and fats. Moreover, consuming a high amount of sugar during pregnancy causes gestational diabetes, heart ailments, and weight gain.
20. Smoked Seafood
One should avoid refrigerated or smoked seafood, specially labelled as lox or nova. It contains listeria that causes infections, leading to miscarriage.

21. Sesame Seeds
Consuming sesame seeds with honey is dangerous for pregnant women. It provides heat to the body that causes uterine contraction. However, consuming black sesame in the last stages of pregnancy helps natural delivery.
22. Unwashed Fruits and Vegetables
It contains harmful bacteria, causing bacterial infections.
23. Herbal Tea
Some herbal tea contains steroids that can be harmful during pregnancy. Seek a doctor's recommendation if you want to have one.
24. Pre-packaged Salads
It contains listeria contamination, posing a serious impact on the baby's health.
25. Energy Drinks
Energy drinks contain a high level of caffeine. Hence, it is one of the vital foods that cause abortion if consumed in high amounts.
Foods That Cause Miscarriage In The Second Trimester
In the second trimester, a pregnant woman should continue a balanced diet rich in iron, folate, protein, calcium, and Vitamin D. However, here are the foods that can cause miscarriage in the second trimester:
- Soft cheese like blue cheese, feta
- Ready-to-eat seafood and meat
- Raw eggs, fish, and meat
- Unpasteurized dairy products

Other Things To Avoid During Pregnancy That Cause Miscarriage
Here are a few things to avoid during pregnancy:
- Massage and acupuncture: Avoid massaging or pressing points that connect to the abdomen to impact the baby. One should typically avoid massaging in the first three months.
- Painting: Modern paint products have a high risk of fumes and lead. Keep a distance from the renovating house as one may get exposed to the lead, which hampers the fetus's brain development.
- X-rays: The radiation from the X-rays causes physical and mental defects in the baby. Hence, consider other scanning techniques like ultrasound so that harmful radiations do not reach the baby.
Can Cashew Cause Miscarriage?
No, it is entirely safe to consume cashew if you take the necessary precautions. It is rich in essential vitamins and fibre that help fight infections and provide instant energy.
However, if you consume it in high quantities, pregnant women might face gall bladder and kidney issues. It contains oxalates which get concentrated in the body fluids, triggering pregnancy complications.
Can Cucumber Cause Miscarriage?
Generally, it is not advisable to consume cucumber during pregnancy as it may cause certain reactions in women. Doctors suggest avoiding cucumber if a woman has:
- Hepatitis
- Gastritis and gastric reflux disease
- Colitis
- Pyelonephritis
- Chronic Nephritis
Moreover, eating cucumber provides a feeling of bladder fullness, causing frequent urination. It can be discomforting in different trimesters of pregnancy. However, if you want to eat cucumbers, wash them properly, eat them raw, or blend them into smoothies.

Can Watermelon Cause Miscarriage?
Watermelon is a hydrating fruit that provides six calories in 152 grams or 1 cup. During pregnancy, the daily fluid requirement of the woman increases to ensure optimum blood circulation and support amniotic fluid levels.
Watermelon fulfils the fluid requirement of pregnant ladies. Moreover, enhanced circulation and optimal hydration reduce the chance of developing haemorrhoids, constipation, and specific complications during pregnancy. Hence, it is beneficial to consume watermelon during pregnancy.
Can Raw Garlic Cause Miscarriage In Early Pregnancy?
There isn't any official guideline on the amount of garlic dangerous for pregnant women. However, consuming it as a flavouring is generally safe. Consuming large amounts of garlic supplements increases the bleeding risk.
Garlic contains sulphur compounds called ajoene that inhibit platelet formation. Platelets are small blood cells that ensure the body forms clots, helping prevent bleeding. Increased bleeding increases the risk of miscarriage.
A pregnant lady undergoes several hormonal changes that may trigger heartburn symptoms. Research suggests that It may add physical pressure on the growing foetus.

How Many Raw Eggs Can Cause Miscarriage?
Raw eggs do not cause abortion. Raw or undercooked eggs contain disease-causing bacteria called Salmonella, causing food poisoning. If one gets sick due to Salmonella bacteria, one can have a high fever, diarrhoea, dehydration, and vomiting.
In many conditions, these symptoms get so serious that it causes preterm labour or miscarriage. Generally, doctors do not recommend eating raw or partially cooked eggs. Avoid eating any raw or uncooked eggs poached or soft-boiled eggs during pregnancy.
Can Coconut Water Cause Miscarriage?
No, fresh coconut water cannot cause miscarriage. It is a healthy beverage, providing refreshing and hydrating benefits. Even commercially available coconut water is pasteurised, killing harmful bacteria if any.
The cold-pressed or unpasteurized coconut water uses a microfiltration process. It helps remove bacteria and produce a sterile product. It becomes ideal to consume it before the finished date.
Is Papaya good for pregnancy?
No. Papaya generates heat in the body. Therefore, it acts as a laxative that may result in premature labour.
Is Pineapple good for pregnancy?
No. Pineapple contains bromelain that can soften the cervix and might cause bleeding and contraction.
Should we eat sabja seeds during pregnancy?
According to experts, sabja or chia seeds are nutritious and suitable for breastfeeding.
Can I eat guava in pregnancy?
Yes. Guava relieves constipation during pregnancy as it is a powerhouse of soluble fibres.
Are dates good for pregnancy?
Yes. Dates are fully loaded with fibres, vitamins, and proteins. So if you eat dates during the ninth month of pregnancy, it can ease labour pain.
Are grapes good for pregnancy?
Yes. Grapes prevent infections and help with biological changes during pregnancy.
Is banana good for pregnancy?
Yes. During the early pregnancy stage, bananas give relief from vomiting and nausea.
Can pregnant women eat sesame seeds?
No. Sesame seeds are a heat-generating food and can trouble pregnant women, especially if consumed with honey.
Is pomegranate good for pregnancy?
Yes. According to Medical News Today, Pomegranate decreases the placenta's risk of injury.
Ekhator C. N., Osifo U. C.. Abortifacient Efficacy of Moringa oleifera Leave: An Experimental Study on Adult Female Wistar Rats. (American Journal of Biology and Life Sciences) file:///C:/Users/win10/Downloads/1.pdf
Joseph R Hibbeln, John M Davis (2007) Maternal seafood consumption in pregnancy and neurodevelopmental outcomes in childhood (ALSPAC study): an observational cohort study (PubMed) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17307104/
Wenli Ni, November 2018; Maternal periconceptional consumption of sprouted potato and risks of neural tube defects and orofacial clefts - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC6262956/
CDC, People at Risk - Pregnant Women and Newborns - https://www.cdc.gov/listeria/risk-groups/pregnant-women.html
Juan C Vazquez, 2015; Heartburn in pregnancy - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC4562453/
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