PCOS Tablets, Pills & Other Medications: Do They Really Work?
PCOS birth control tablets focus on decreasing your male hormone production and regulating your menstrual cycles. But can PCOS be cured?

PCOS Pills and How They Can Help
Pills For Ovulation
- Anti-estrogen medicine like Clomiphene
- Gonadotropins by injection
- Metformin performs the dual function of slowing the development of type II diabetes and helps ovulate.
Pills For Reducing Hair Growth
- OCP for PCOS, where OCP stands for Oral Contraceptive Pills. Example: Diane 35
- Medicated cream like Eflornithine
Pills For Regulating the Menstrual Cycle
- Estrogen-Progestin birth control pills
- Progestin therapies
One can also use vaginal rings or skin patches containing a combination of estrogen and progestin to:
- Regulate menstrual cycles
- Minimize abnormal bleeding patterns, and
- Prevent themselves from the risk of endometrial cancer.
Also read: PCOS acne and pimples treatment
What Makes Diane 35 The Best Choice?
Oral contraceptives act like an anti-male hormone that prevents testosterone accumulation (male sex hormone) in a female’s body. This male hormone makes the skin thick and prone to excessive hair growth and acne. Diane 35 battles these symptoms of PCOS.
Diane 35 for PCOS are no different from any other oral contraceptive’s side effects. Contacting your doctor is a must if you experience any of these effects after taking prescribed medicines:
- Breast: pain and swelling, lumps
- Skin: patches, brown spots, rashes, and lumps
- Mental state: frequent dizziness, mental sluggishness, headaches, irritability, mood swings, nervousness
- Hair: excessive hair growth than before, or hair loss
- Pain while menstruating
- Nausea and vomiting
- Shaking of legs and arms
- These are signs of extreme depression, like suicidal thoughts, inactivity, loss of concentration, etc.
- Changes in vision
Always consult your doctor, inform them about your known allergies and the medications you take before starting any other medication.
What Do You Mean By PCOS?
Think of a time you brought many eggs and had to store them in a fridge for a very long time until they got used up. It happens like that with our ovaries too.
Our ovaries are a fridge for nearly 1 million eggs at birth, and around three lakhs remain by the time you reach the child-bearing age - puberty.
Puberty is the time when a woman experiences her first periods or menses. It occurs when the egg doesn’t get sperm to fertilize with and sheds out from the body.
PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome occurs when a woman’s hormonal cycle is disturbed. It is when there is more production of male hormones in the body. This causes them not to get periods at all, or they come in the form of highly irregular cycles.
These irregular periods or no periods can lead to infertility, excessive hair growth, increased acne, and weight gain.
Now the question is, can PCOS be cured? Let us dive in to answer this question.
How Can PCOS Be Cured?
One cannot control the fact they got diagnosed with PCOS, but you can control the symptoms and factors aggravating it. Unfortunately, the syndrome has no cure yet, but it is manageable. One can still enjoy everyday reproductive life.
Losing weight and indulging in exercise activities can help one lose weight naturally. One can also opt for natural methods like Yoga for PCOS.
Extensive treatment usually depends upon the range of symptoms you are experiencing. Studies have shown that a combination of metformin and Diane 35 for PCOS can help with:
- Ovulation (release of eggs)
- Weight loss
- Glucose metabolism and combat insulin resistance
Do I Need Contraceptives If I Have PCOS?
Irregular cycles must be causing you to think that you do not necessarily need any contraception. Although your ovaries are a bit disoriented when to ovulate, they do release eggs.
If you are not planning a pregnancy, irregular cycles should be the first sign to use contraception. Take birth control pills for PCOS while engaging in any sexual activity.
More than that, contraceptive pills for PCOS has various benefits like:
- Contraceptive pills for PCOS reduce acne and excessive hair growth
- Contraceptive pills for PCOS benefit Regularity in periods
- Contraceptive pills for PCOS benefits in timely ovulation
- Contraceptive pills for PCOS reduce the risk of ovarian cysts and cancer
Diane 35 for PCOS is a birth control pill that acts as hormone therapy for women struggling with PCOS.
The Bottom Line
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a complex metabolic condition of your ovaries. Your ovaries need to be pampered with medications, lifestyle modification and taken total care of with a proper diet. Your body of jumbled hormones must see a doctor. Approach a gynaecologist or take other holistic treatments like Homeopathy and Ayurveda, which, according to research, have shown remarkable results.
To conclude, YES, PCOS treatment medicine in tablets, pills, creams, and injections do work, but only to manage it and treat the same symptoms. PCOS has no cure currently, but the degree of management seems to increase day by day.
Also read: PCOS hair loss- signs and treatment
Padmalaya Rath (2018) Management of PCOS through Homoeopathy-A case report (Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy) https://www.ijrh.org/article.asp?issn=0974-7168;year=2018;volume=12;issue=2;spage=95;epage=100;aulast=Rath