Kaunch Beej Benefits For Women

Statistics prove that every 1 in 3 Indian women suffer from Anemia, also known as an iron deficiency. Kaunch Beej is very high in iron content, which is great for women with low hemoglobin levels .

Kaunch Beej Benefits For Women

The Kaunch beej plant (Mucuna Pruriensis) is leguminous and looks very similar to Rajma.

Kaunch Beej is the Kapikacchu herb's seed, known for its high medicinal values. Also known as Poonaikali seeds in India's southern parts, Kaunch beej is an aphrodisiac that raises libido among women and boosts sexual desire, bearing antidepressant properties.

Almost all parts of the Kauch beej herb possess precious medicinal qualities, of which the beej or seeds are the most well known.

Like other ayurvedic medicinal substances, Kaunch beej too is known by numerous other names like that of Atmagupta or Kapikacchu in Sanskrit, Kivacc, Kevanch, or Kaunch in Hindi, as well as cow hedge, cow itch, cowage, velvet beans.

Kunch Beej is commonly used as Kaunch beej powder, kauchapak- A jam made purely of Kaunch Beej, Kaunch Beej Tablets.

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What is Kaunch Beej Powder?

Kaunch beej powder or Kaunch Beej churna is the most commonly used form of this ayurvedic herb.

Kaunch bij powder, Kapikachhu powder or Kaunch powder is an extremely rich protein source that can help women maintain a balanced diet if they lack this essential source of energy.

Women who prefer to go to the gym and those who take their exercise very seriously can gain muscle mass through this Ayurvedic herb. This also helps to maintain their body mass index or BMI.

Kaunch Beej powder uses range from reducing female psychological stress and anxiety, and improving a women's libido, sex drive, or energy.

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Kaunch seed powder is the easiest way to get your dose of Kaunj Beej.

How to Consume Kaunch Beej Powder?

Take 1/4-1/2 teaspoons of Kaunch beej powder, mix with honey or 1 cup lukewarm milk, and consume it once or twice a day, daily, after a meal.

Having said that, however, make sure to consult your physician before taking any dose. Especially if you are pregnant.

What are Kaunch Beej uses and Kaunch Beej Benefits?

Here are all the Mucuna Pruriens or Konch beej benefits for women:

1) Kaunch Beej and Digestion

Kaunch ke Beej is jam-packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin E, B-complex vitamins, iron, calcium, antioxidants, proteins, fibers, and beneficial unsaturated fats.

How will this help you? Having a Kaunch Beej dish in the morning can get your digestive juices flowing. If the uses of Kaunch Beej continued over a longer duration of time, your stomach and intestines will display peak metabolism levels in, early morning.  

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Kauch Beej benefits also ensure essential nutrients are assimilated into your bloodstream, and you reap all their benefits.

2) Kaunch Beej and Periods

One thing we girls have in common during our period? Bloating, flatulence, and an uncomfortable feeling of acidity. The benefits of Kaunch Beej rectify your digestive system and makes sure all of this do not plague you. You can also try having dark chocolate can ease the pain during periods.

Also Read: How does Cinnamon help during periods?

3) Kaunch Beej and Skin

Kaunch Beej powder benefits also contain essential amino acids that improve hair and skin health. Its isoleucine content can repair injured muscles and tissues. This also helps you keep the enamel on your teeth intact. Who wouldn't want all that?

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4) Kaunch Beej and Energy levels

Statistics prove that every 1 in 3 Indian women suffer from Anemia, also known as an iron deficiency. Kaunch Beej is very high in iron content, which is excellent for women with low hemoglobin levels that eventually face quick exhaustion and fatigue, making them unable to go through their day.

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5) Kaunch Beej and Pregnancy

Soaking Kaunch Beej seeds in water overnight can greatly benefit pregnant and lactation women. Its high calcium and iron content boosts milk production among new and old mothers, both. Its healthy fat content helps your children to come up to full weight, as well. This factor is necessary for their timely development.

More often than not, mothers who have just delivered their baby face postpartum depression. With its neurotransmitter-regulating properties, Kaunch Beej works to rehabilitate the symptoms of depression.

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6) Kaunch Beej and Female Libido

Kaunch Beej is also responsible for augmenting and enhancing female fertility. It helps women increase libido by ensuring healthy blood circulation to their reproductive organs.

7) Kaunch Beej and Ageing

The outer portion of the Konch ke Beej seed contains phenolic acids and flavonoids - two essential antioxidants that promote new skin cell formation. Not just that- they aid in concealing fine lines and wrinkles, boost collagen levels and promote smooth, supple, and firm skin.

8) Kauch Beej and Hyperpigmentation

Kaunch Beej ke benefits also range from curing conditions like Hyperpigmentation and pigmentation of skin that numerous women struggle with every day. Just mix some Kaunch Beej powder with milk and honey, apply it on your face for about 15-20 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water!

9) Kaunch Beej and Acne

Kaunch Beej is also rich in tannins, whose main characteristic is anti-inflammatory properties, making it a great way to solve acne, pimple, and redness problems on your skin and face.

Some Additional Benefits of Kaunch Beej are:

  • That it supports anti-aging through its phenolic acids
  • It actively prevents hair fall
  • Its carotenoids help foster anti-microbial characteristics that keep dandruff, scalp infections, and an itchy scalp at bay
  • Kaunch Beej benefits in bodybuilding as well. A rich source of protein, it can help females build muscle and gain strength

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How to consume Kaunch Beej Powder?

Feel free to use it to make a churna with herbs like Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, and Shilajit.

This combination could give you all the benefits mentioned above, and herbs like Ashwagandha also work to reduce stress. Just remember that a Kaunch Beej churna will be more effective in the night and consumed with honey, as per your tastes.

Have this churna every day for three months to see results.

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How to take Kaunch Beej Churna?

You can make this churna at home by buying all these herbs in powder form and mixing them. Make sure these are shuddh konch beej churna benefits, as this is the authentic Kaunch beej churna that is free from adulteration and artificial elements.

Benefits of this tablet:

  • A simple and convenient way to get Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, and many such ayurvedic herbs- All in one.
  • The only effort required is for you to take the pills – you do not need to prepare a churna, nor is it an elaborate task.

When an ancient science with one of the longest histories of utilization provides an answer, why look elsewhere?

Can I take Ashwagandha and Kaunch Beej Together?

Yes, of course you can. A mixture of Ashwagandha and Kaunch Beej is a great way to improve overall strength and stamina.

What are Some Side Effects of Kaunch Beej?

Some Kaunch Beej side effects are nausea, vomiting, and cases of insomnia and abnormal body movements. Others include headaches, confusion, agitation, and hallucinations.
Although, these are the extremely uncommon because Kaunch Beej is a natural, Ayurvedic herb, of course.

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What is Kaunch Beej?

Kaunch Beej is the Kapikacchu herb's seed, known for its high medicinal values. Also known as Poonaikali seeds in India's southern parts, Kaunch beej is an aphrodisiac that raises libido among women and boosts sexual desire, bearing antidepressant properties.

What are Some Kaunch Beej Uses?

Kaunch Beej powder uses range from reducing female psychological stress and anxiety, and improving a women's libido, sex drive, or energy. Kaunch seed powder is the easiest way to get your dose of Kaunj Beej.

What are Some Kaunch Beej Benefits?

Kaunch beej helps slow down the process of ageing among women, gets rid of  bloating during periods, keeps your digestive tract clean, improves the quality of your skin, does away with Hyperpigmentation, and acne, and enhances female sex drive or libido.

How to Take Kaunch Beej Churna?

Take 1/4-1/2 teaspoons of Kaunch beej powder, mix with honey or 1 cup lukewarm milk, and consume it once or twice a day, daily, after a meal.

Having said that, however, make sure to consult your physician before taking any dose. Especially if you are pregnant.

What are Some Safed Musli, Ashwagandha, Kaunch Beej Benefits?

A mixture of Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, and Kaunch Beej
Shilajit, Ashwagandha, Safed Musli.

Is Kaunch Beej Good for Pregnancy?

Soaking Kaunch Beej seeds in water overnight can greatly benefit pregnant and lactation women. Its high calcium and iron content boosts milk production among new and old mothers, both. Its healthy fat content helps your children to come up to full weight, as well. This factor is necessary for their timely development.

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What are Some Side Effects of Kaunch Beej?

Some Kaunch Beej side effects are nausea, vomiting, and cases of insomnia and abnormal body movements. Others include headaches, confusion, agitation, and hallucinations. Although, these are the extremely uncommon because Kaunch Beej is a natural, Ayurvedic herb, of course.