Jatamansi for Hair
Jatamansi is a perennial Himalayan herb best grown at the peak of 3000-4000 meters. Jatamansi roots are used to reduce hair fall, while Jatamansi oil is used for hair growth.

What is Jatamansi?
Ayurveda is an important and traditional part of Indian history. Jatamansi is one such Ayurveda perennial herb grown in the region of Alpine Himalayas. It belongs to the Valerian family of kingdom Plantae. The plant grows best at the peak of 3000-4000 meters. Jatamansi plant is also known by the name âtapaswiniâ in the Ayurveda or âIndian Spikenardâ in the English language.
Edible parts of the plant are roots and rhizomes. Special oils extracted from the plant's rhizomes are nardal, jatamansic acid, and nardin.
Jatamansi plant is classified as a critically endangered species in the IUCN list of medicinal plants.
Benefits of Jatamansi
The Jatamansi plant is small, pink, and bell-shaped. The plant produces amber-coloured oil which is used as perfume and during religious ceremonies. Due to its unique properties, the jatamansi plant has many benefits -
- Jatamansi is available in the form of essential oil that can be mixed with homemade hair tonic or hair oil to promote hair growth.
- The jatamansi rhizomes are used in the treatment of epilepsy, convulsions, and hysteria.
- The methanolic extracts of the plants possess antifungal and antibacterial properties.
- Jatamansi root treats insomnia and improves cardiac health.
- The plant helps in treating hyperglycemia or diabetes.
- Brain functions and memory improves when jatamansi powder is taken in the form of capsules or tablets.
- The dried jatamansi roots are used as an efficient skin cleanser to keep skin safe from pollution and dust.
Hair Concerns and Properties of Jatamansi in Treatment of Hair Problems
Today, maintaining healthy and thick hair is a tough task. Women go through hair and scalp damage like dandruff, frizzy hair, hair loss, vitamin deficiency, hormonal imbalance, greying and others. Itâs tough to maintain a busy schedule and make sure your hair looks perfect all the time.
Instead of lengthy hair regimens and routines, consider a gift from nature to nurture your hair in a short span of time. Â Perfect length, cut, style makes an important part of your overall look. Weâre sure you are in agreement.
Another concept you would agree with? That a good hair routine is a must. Hair damage can be treated by use of herbal hair care products. And itâs sustainable too! As discussed above, Jatamansi's use for hair treatment is well-known because it has diverse properties that help in hair improvement and increases hair volume.
- Jatamansi roots are converted into a paste and applied on the scalp to promote hair growth.
- Extracted jatamansi hair oil reduces hair fall and increases hair growth also reduces bald patches.
- The jatamansi hair oils also impart blackness to the hair and are also used as a natural dye.
- Jatamansi powder is mixed with coconut oil; this oil moisturizes the hair and does not make it greasy in texture.
Jatamansi - Application and Consumption
Jatamansi is an edible plant and has therapeutic action on the human body. It is also applied externally for hair related problems.
Benefits of consuming jatamansi
- The jatamansi rhizome is consumed as a bitter tonic fors a small shrub whose rhizomes may speed hair growth. It's been shown to increase hair growth in Male pattern baldness and even in the case of cancer, post chemotherapy.
- Applying Jatamansi oil on the scalp helps manage scalp infections and prevents greying due to its antifungal and antioxidant properties.
- The oil extracted from Jatamansi called Jatamansi oil contains antioxidants and promotes hair growth on its own and in synergy with other herbs.
- Jatamansi is good for hair growth as it helps to increase the follicular size and elongate the growth phase of hair.
Application of Jatamansi
- Applying a mixture of jatamansi oil with coconut or sesame oil on the scalp promotes shine and hair growth.
- Castor oil makes hair strong, and when mixed with jatamansi oil, it helps in deep nourishment and encourages hair growth on bald patches.
Available Forms of Jatamansi
There are a plethora of options available to buy Jatamansi for women- in the form bottled oils, jatamansi powder ( jatamansi churna) or even the jatamansi root by itself which can be boiled and consumed.
Jatamansi tablets are extracts of the plantâs roots sold in the market as an ayurvedic product.
Dosages to be Taken
1-3 grams of jatamansi powder can be consumed by adults twice in a day.
The jatamansi oil and root powder can be taken in 2-5 drops and 1-3 g of concentration respectively with honey, ghee or water as per choice and taste preference.
How to use Jatamansi for Hair?
To cure dandruff and skin infection, mix 25 grams of jatamansi powder and 200ml of neem oil. Leave the mix covered for 24- 36 hours under sunlight for the powder to soak in the oil.
The prepared oil is then massaged on the scalp and left for 10-15 hours to get better results. Washing with a mild natural shampoo is preferable.
Hair treatment with synthetic products gives good results, but they are not long-lasting. To overcome and treat hair after chemical torture, dermatologists recommend using mild hair care products. Natural ingredients are safer and provide long term effects.
Many clinical studies have supported Jatamansi benefits for hair. Jatamansi for hair is beneficial in strengthening, curing split ends, and reducing hair fall. It is a phenomenal decoction for all women who wish to have strong and healthy hair with least maintenance.