15 Amazing Health Benefits of Breast Massage & How To Do It?

Lactating women tend to experience some pain when the milk starts to build up in their breasts. This pain can be reduced with a breast massage. In a 2015 study, 42 participants were given a therapeutic breast massage and reported a reduction in their pain.

15 Amazing Health Benefits of Breast Massage & How To Do It?

If you've had a tense and tiring day, there's nothing like a quick, rejuvenating massage that can fix it. You go in and come out of a massage as if you were two different people.

What Exactly Is A Breast Massage?

A breast massage is not the same as a breast examination women undergo to check for lumps. A breast massage has medical benefits but is not medicine by nature. It is when women undergo a massage, usually with essential oils, on their chest area which is performed by a professional.

Importance of Breast Massage

Whether you wish to do breast massage for growth or perky breasts, there are many breast massage benefits to gain. They are described below:

1.  For Lactating Mothers

This study has proven that breast massage helped women experience less breast pain while feeding compared to those who didn’t do breast massage. Massage may also be beneficial for issues such as engorgement, plugged milk ducts, infection of breast tissue, or mastitis.

2.  Early Identification of Breast Cancer

According to studies, many women detect the early stages of breast cancer through self-examination, whether it is accidental or intentionally.

3.  Improved Breast Appearance

Some believe that breast massage encourages the blood flow to the breast tissue, thereby helping tackle saggy breasts. However, most evidence regarding this benefit is anecdotal.

4. Stimulates Lymphatic System

Massaging your breasts can stimulate your lymphatic system. People who have breast cancer might experience lymphedema, which includes swelling in the arm, breast, or chest. Treatment usually entails ice compressions and bandaging. Some research has indicated that massage improves the chances of healing.

5. Sore Muscles

Massage helps to relieve strained muscles. Hence, you can massage your breasts to loosen the muscle if you feel tightness in your pectorals after working out. This will also ease the pain in your shoulders and upper back.

Also read: Vagina massage or Yoni massage

Breast Massage Benefits

Now that you know what a breast massage is, let's understand breast massage benefits. Read on to know.

Facilitates Breastfeeding

Lactating women tend to experience some pain when the milk starts to build up in their breasts. This pain can be reduced with a breast massage. In a 2015 study, 42 participants were given a therapeutic breast massage and reported a reduction in their pain.

Helps Detect Breast Cancer

Breast massages are a great form of self-detection for breast cancer. As per research conducted by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 71% of breast cancer cases of under 50 women are found via self-detection. As early detection can contribute to better outcomes, breast massages can be exceedingly beneficial.

Relieves Tension

From an Ayurvedic perspective, massaging your breast is correlated with tension relief. By massaging your breast, you manipulate the area, and there is a movement of otherwise stagnant breast tissue. When that happens, a lot of tension gets relieved from your body.

Improves Lactation Experience

Breast Massaging greatly benefits lactation. It provides better blood circulation to the breasts and helps ease their sensitivity. Moreover, it can also increase the milk supply. By enabling the breast tissues to warm up and loosen, breast massage helps the milk flow.

Stimulates Lymphatic System

Some toxins in your lymphatic system tend to accumulate. A breast massage makes such toxins exit the system much faster. When your lymphatic system gets damaged, it can cause fluid and waste to build up. As a result, you can develop a swelling termed lymphedema. Not only does breast massaging stimulate the lymph vessels, but it also reduces the risks of lymphedema.

Antidote for Muscle Tension

The muscles underneath your breasts are known as pectoral muscles. They tend to get tight or sore after heavy exercise or lifting. A breast massage is an effective way to release this tension in your pectoral muscles.

Help with Aesthetics

If you’re looking to perk up your chest the right way, breast massage is what you need. By reducing breast sagging and minimising stretch markers, it helps with breast aesthetics. As per a study conducted in 2012, a 15-minute breast massage with almond oil diminishes the appearance of stretch marks.

Promotes Self-Love

When you become familiar with your own body, understanding your pleasure points becomes easier. An effective way of getting in touch with your body is a breast massage. It’ll allow you to appreciate your body and love it all the more.

Breast Massage For Growth: Myth or Fact?

When asked ‘does massaging breasts help them grow?’, many individuals answer a firm ‘yes’. However, contrary to popular beliefs, there’s no scientific backing to prove breast massages help grow breasts. The growth of the breast is determined by genetics and hormones. That said, a massage may impact hormonal levels.

How to Massage Breast?

Some want to learn how to increase breast size by massage, and some wish to do it for sore muscles, breast cancer detection, etc. This is how to massage breasts for various purposes.

1. Lactation


  • Start with four fingers of one hand on the top of the breast and four fingers of the other hand on the bottom of the breast. Massage in a circular motion
  • You can even use a fist or fingertips for kneading or tapping your breasts gently
  • Hand expression can help you with pumping. Put your index finger behind the base of your nipple, bring your fingers together and apply gentle pressure to the breast. The milk will come out of the nipple while you keep squeezing rhythmically (at the rate of a heartbeat)

2. Cancer Detection


  • Check the whole breast, including your areola, nipple, and armpit area.
  • Visually check your breasts from different angles in front of the mirror. Look for any changes in size, colour, or shape.
  • Place one hand behind your head and three fingers on your breast. Massage it in a circular motion. Continue till your armpit. Then, do the same on the other side.
  • Squeeze the nipple and check if there is pain or discharge. If you experience those symptoms, check in with your doctor.

3.  Breast Appearance

Research suggests that massaging your breasts with almond oil in early pregnancy might help prevent stretch marks later on.

4.  Lymph Drainage


  • Massage your right breast clockwise and your left breast counter-clockwise. Gradually move towards your armpits.
  • After this, pump the breast inwards with both hands.

5.  Relieving Muscle Tension


  • Focus on the pectorals as it will release your back, shoulders and chest.
  • It is advisable to get this type of massage from a professional.

Oil Breast Massage Benefits

A breast massage with oil improves breast appearance, moisturises skin, and facilitates the release of toxins. Read on to know about some of the oils you can use for a breast massage.

What Are The Best Oils For Breast Massage?

Some of the best oils for breast massage are as follows:

  • Almond Oil

The Vitamin E present in this oil makes almond oil for breast massage a potent moisturiser.

  • Lavender Oil

Another potent oil for moisturisation, lavender oil is anti-inflammatory.

  • Olive Oil

It is antibacterial and packed with essential vitamins.

  • Tea Tree Oil

This oil is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

  • Coconut Oil

The fatty acids and Vitamin E in this oil make it an effective moisturiser.

How To Massage Breast With Olive Oil?

If you wish to undergo an olive oil breast massage, make sure the olive oil you use is of the highest quality. How do you know which one to pick? It usually comes in a darker bottle, protecting the oil from sun exposure. Rub a few drops onto your palms and massage it into your breasts lightly. Feel free to add more oil according to what you need. Wait for the oil to dry before putting your clothes back on so it doesn't leave any stains.

Mostly importantly, check that you are not allergic to olive oil. Conducting a simple patch test will answer that question for you.

Almond Oil For Breast Massage

Almond oil is excellent for the purpose of a breast massage. It is endowed with Vitamin E and D. Moreover, it contains calcium, magnesium and and essential fatty acids that nourish moisturise and improve skin texture considerably.

Did you know? Almond oil for breast enlargement is a popular remedy. It aids cell growth in the chest area, and applying it daily can help your cup size increase 2-3 inches in about 8-10 weeks.

How To Shape The Breasts By Massage?

In order to shape your breasts effectively with a massage, you can start by massaging each breast for 10-15 minutes each day. The oils mentioned above are some of the most effective ones when it comes to a breast massage. They’re bound to give you the desired outcome.

Breast Massage During Pregnancy

A great way to connect with your body during pregnancy is a breast massage. It helps stimulate your hormones and prepares you for breastfeeding. All in all, it facilitates a greater sense of calm and confidence in your body.

Also read: Simple exercises to reduce breast size

Are There Any Risks Of Doing Breast Massage?

Breast massages are usually safe. However, it is best to get massaged by a licensed masseuse. They can perform the breast massage correctly and scientifically. Women who have recently undergone breast surgery or those with breast cancer should be careful while getting massaged near a scar or a lump.

Summing Up On Breast Massage

You can hardly go wrong if you want to get yourself a breast massage. It has numerous benefits such as body rejuvenation, relieving tension, detection of breast cancer, facilitation of breast feeding and promoting self-love. Just make sure you or the professional you choose performs it in the right manner!


Does breast massage to increase breast milk work?

Yes! For some women, using their hands to massage heir breasts during lactation helps a great deal. Massaging your own breast when you feed or pump milk can help release more of it, emptying your breasts and augmenting milk production. Moreover, you may also try lactogenic foods or foods that increase breast milk for this purpose.

What is an Ayurvedic breast massage?

The Ayurvedic philosophy functions on the balance of Tridosha- namely Vata, Kapha and Pita. An Ayurvedic breast massage helps balance the Vata and Kapha doshas. It is usually a breast massage performed with an Ayurvedic oil such as sesame oil, Ashwagandha oil and neem oil. Ayurvedic breast massages address specific energy points in the breast region that could be clogged by stress, fear and anxiety.

Does Massaging Breasts Help Them Grow?

Yes. For some women, breast massages do affect breast size. For example studies have found that successive 15-minute breast massages with almond oil reduce stretch marks during pregnancy. Almond oil is also suspected to cause breast enlargement in many cases.

Breast massages definitely increase skin elasticity and firmness around this region. However, there is little scientific evidence to support the positive relationship between breast growth and breast massages.

How often should you massage breasts?

You can massage your breasts for 5 minutes twice a day.

Can massage lift breasts?

Yes, some forms of breast massage can help lift the breast by increasing blood flow in the area and stimulating the skin.


Sermin Timur TaÅŸhan, AyÅŸe Kafkasli (2012) The effect of bitter almond oil and massaging on striae gravidarum in primiparaous women (The International Voice of Nursing Research, Theory And Practice) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04087.x

(2011) Breast Cancer Risk Assessment and Screening In Average-Risk Women (The American College Of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/practice-bulletin/articles/2017/07/breast-cancer-risk-assessment-and-screening-in-average-risk-women?utm_source=redirect&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=otn

Ann M. Witt, Maya Bolman (2015) Therapeutic Breast Massage in Lactation for the Management of Engorgement, Plugged Ducts, and Mastitis (Journal of Human Lactation) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0890334415619439?rfr_dat=cr_pub%3Dpubmed&url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org&journalCode=jhla&

Sukhee Ahn, Jinhee Kim (2011) Effects of Breast Massage on Breast Pain, Breast-milk Sodium, and Newborn Suckling in Early Postpartum Mothers (Synapse) https://synapse.koreamed.org/articles/1002727

Mark Haykowsky & John Hanson, July 2004; The Addition of Manual Lymph Drainage to Compression Therapy For Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema: a Randomized Controlled Trial - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/B:BREA.0000032978.67677.9f

Mara Y. Roth, Joann G. Elmore, August 2011; Self-Detection Remains a Key Method of Breast Cancer Detection for U.S. Women - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC3153870/